Last month, had the #kinktastic pleasure of attending Eroticon, a unique event especially for erotica writers, BDSM bloggers and purveyors all things sexy. For this #womencrushwednesday, we’ve rounded up the top attendees whose blogs make our jaws (and pants!) drop.


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#WCW | Sarah Brynn Holliday - Sex Education, Erotic Reviews and Queer Essays!

Sarah is a queer, femme, feminist sex blogger and sex toy consultant. Her blog is an inclusive platform and home to an infinite amount of essays on sexuality. She also publishes sex toy reviews and some quite personal sex stories! If you’re looking for erotic stories with an educational twist - Sarah’s your girl. At Eroticon, she treated us to a crash course on monetising sex blogs and setting fair rates.

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#WCW | Victoria Blisse - the Queen of Sex Stories and Smut!

Self-proclaimed Reverend to the kinky, Victoria Blisse is a mother, wife, Christian and award-winning erotic stories writer and editor. You may not think it, but she’s incredibly shy, however, this didn't stop her from wowing everyone at Eroticon with her talk on how to overcome and embrace your fears! Apart from writing her blog that's packed full of sex confessions and erotic reviews, Victoria also writes for and runs a website dedicated to smut in the UK! Here she lets in on all the kinky events around the country.

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#WCW | Zak Jane Keir - Bringing Sex Confessions to an Event Near You….

How do you like your erotic stories? We like ours dirty, and sexy. Hold on. Zak, the #kinktastic lady that brought us Dirty Sexy Words, just made another blog - Dirty, Sexy Words. Bingo. Not only are there tons of erotic reviews online, they also organise live slams around the UK, where authors read their best sex stories live.  If you're begging for more, check out some of Zak's writing in the magazine.

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#WCW | Victoria R - Sex Stories, Spirituality and Slut Mythology!

Want a safe space to read real, unapologetic sex confessions? Victoria has created a very personal blog to talk about her experiences and opinions with a sex-positive and open-minded approach. She often touches on sensuality, motherhood, erotic stories, erotic reviews, slut-shaming and even touching - herself! 

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#WCW | May More - Erotic stories and Secret Photo Galleries!

Do you want to see the face behind some of the most outrageous sex confessions on the net? Subscribing to May More’s blog, If Sex Matters, will get you uncensored access to photographs of the lady behind the sex stories such as “such a dirty bitch deserves to be whipped and scratched”. Don’t miss her erotic reviews too. She goes into a lot of detail about how much she enjoys her kinky literature, how she really, really likes it.

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#WCW | Kayla Lords - Sex Confessions from a Masochistic Babygirl!

Want to read the sex stories of a submissive kinkster? Look no further. Kayla Lords is a BDSM sex blogger and writer with enough erotic stories to make you want to spend all night touching yourself. Wait! She’s got that covered too! Check out the Masturbation Monday area of her website - it's brimming with hot tales from Kayla and her loyal readers. Kayla gave an amazing talk at Eroticon, discussing money-making tips for aspiring sex bloggers.

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#WCW | Amy Norton - Coffee, Kink and Erotic Stories!

Another kinky lady that attended the event was Amy Norton. She runs a blog where she coughs up her naughtiest sex confessions and BDSM-related advice. You can find links to lots of essential information on the fetish scene and erotic reviews of recommended reading. She also has a discount section where her readers can get exclusive offers on sex toys and products. She’s serving up coffee and kink on a daily basis - and it’s hot.

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#WCW | Violet Fenn - Sex Stories and Skulls!

Violet has been sex blogging for over a decade. She writes #kinktastic erotic reviews on sex toys and her love for a good, dry gin. There’s also an incredible section she calls The Skull Illusion with an extensive collection of vintage 'Memento Mori' photography. When she’s not bashing societal norms online, she’s writing erotic stories under the pseudonym Indigo Moore, some of which have won first place on the UK Amazon Erotica charts.

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#WCW | Livvy - “Doctor, doctor… tell me your sex stories.”

There’s Dr. Livvy, and there’s ‘The Other Livvy’ - a kinky alter ego with a fondness for fuckery. Her erotic stories are known to be creative, insightful and downright filthy. Haven’t you ever wondered what really goes on inside a sexy lady-in-uniform’s brain? Read her online sex confessions and finally get underneath the white overcoat. 

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#WCW | Hannah Witton - Vlogger with a Taste for BDSM and Erotic Stories!

Although Hannah is not primarily known for being kinky, at this year’s Eroticon we found her deep inside a vacuum bed. While up to her ears in latex, she had an enormous grin on her face and said: “I shall emerge a beautiful butterfly!”. In her Youtube videos, she talks sex confessions, sex stories and general relationship advice. Thanks to her online success, her session on vlogging at Eroticon was a #kinktastic hit! 

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#WCW | Paisley Gilmour - Sex Confessions Writer and Love Advice Giver!

If there’s an awesome online magazine about sex stories and relationship issues out there, Paisley probably writes for them. The London-based babe was sharing her wisdom at this year’s edition of the exclusive event for sex bloggers and writers of erotic stories and erotic reviews. She loves inclusive pronouns and hates wearing a bra. 

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#WCW | Annabelle Knight - Sex Stories from UK Sexpert Sweetheart!

Appearing on This Morning (advising Bondage for Beginners to Phillip Schofield - hilarious!) and Loose Women, Annabelle is a face known to many in the UK. She talks sex confessions, dating and relationships and has her own line of sex toys! At Eroticon she discussed her #kinktastic debut novel. It’s a sinister and sultry tale of BDSM and sexual liberation, winning 5-star erotic reviews.

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#WCW | Nina Saini - Turning Erotic Stories into a Reality - Abroad!

Nina is a media whizz, or as she would say, ‘Media Bitch’. There’s no point being a great sex stories blogger if you don’t get seen by anybody, or receive any erotic reviews. That’s where she comes in! And there’s more… one of Nina’s clients is putting together a new ‘sexual lifestyles’ holiday project, to be launched in May. Keep your eyes peeled for the juicy details.

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#WCW | Heather Saul - Journalist Giving Erotic Reviews One Word at a Time…

As you can imagine, at Eroticon, there were lots of sex-related conferences, personal sex stories and unbelievable sex confessions for the attendees to bite their teeth into. The writers of erotic stories know only too well that the right words are essential to making a story hot. Heather carried out an interesting survey on ‘the sexiest word in the English language’. said “moist”. What would you say?

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#WCW | Bracken Jelier - Brazen Behaviour and Erotic Stories...

A new space is launching! And there’s sex stories, erotic reviews, travel tales and sex-related history! Do you know about the history of masturbation? How naughty were your ancestors? Bracken wants to create a “bold and unashamed guide to sexual discovery” where you can feel free to ask away and reveal your darkest sex confessions online. It’s 'Brazen' - literally! 

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