Here to learn, make friends and (possibly) make a romantic connection.
Interested in movies, philosophy, art, writing, reading.
If you think we could be a match, or could have interesting conversations, feel free to send a message.
And, yes, I know that my screen-name is arguably misleading. It is a call back to another (fairly anodyne) point in my life.
and deliberate mess. and intentional harm. others as we clarify.
I simply do not have a dominant personality, or a real interest in leadership.
Being in proximity to the leader, advising them, yes. Being the leader? No so much.
I half-jokingly attribute this to the cartoons I watched as a kid (where leaders typically met bad endings).
The app censored my answer for some reason. But, I was saying she is not interested in causing harm.
I have always assumed that it describes a domme that is not focused on ***/***. Not quite a caregiver, but not into *** and such.
I think that the contest is quarterly.
It can be played on the app or the site (but some puzzle pieces might be easier to find depending on what you use).
People post hints after finding the piece.
Just found it.
I would like to tell you all. But, I am afraid that it is sort of a secret. Not for the public.
I thought I that I had clue 21 (section 12).
With this sort of thing, it is how you *approach* it. Think angles and perspective.
Never mind. Got it.
I get the clue for day 18, but the puzzle piece is not visible.
I admit, today's clue threw me.
But, I am caught up (as of October 30).
No sign of a swerve on the image so far.
The underlying logic for the clues is that the game is meant to encourage us to check parts of the app, including our own profiles, that we might have ignored when signing up, or forgotten about.
So far, I think I have everything. (Feel free to send me messages for hints.)
Anyone else expecting a grotesque swerve for the full image?
Day 14 [grid 10]: if Charlie Brown would describe somebody as this, you would do this...