Please report the member via the report function as no form of financial solicitation is permitted here at FET as per the terms of use.
The Kink Academy forum is a moderated forum, so your posts were waiting in a queue to be reviewed by a moderator. At times posts can be delayed due to limited staff but we endeavor to approve them as soon as we can once a forum mod is online.
Please feel free to make recommendations but as always no external links thanks.
The Kink Academy forum is a moderated forum, so your posts were waiting in a queue to be reviewed by a moderator. At times posts can be delayed due to limited staff but we endeavor to approve them as soon as we can once a forum mod is online.
Your comments are here and not deleted. The Kink Academy is a moderated forum, so they were just waiting to be reviewed by a moderator.
Thank you for everyone's contribution but as the OP has stated no further assistance required, we have locked this thread.
Please feel free to make recommendations but no external links, thanks.
I have done some house keeping on this thread and have removed two external links that were posted. As such, a gentle reminder moving forward, you can post Youtube and Vimeo videos, links to Wikipedia articles and Instagram posts. However, no other external links are allowed in the forum as per Read more… forum guidelines. Thank you
Please feel free to make recommendations but no external links thanks.
Please feel free to make suggestions but no external links thanks.
Agreed and as such I have done some house keeping on this thread and removed inappropriate and off topic comments. To all, please stay on topic otherwise comments will be removed and further warnings forthcoming. Thank you
Feel free to make recommendations, but no external links thank you