You’re not alone, watersport kinks are very common. My husband told me early on, with much hesitation that he had this fetish. He was very specific about which aspects turned him on. I was indifferent to the thought of it sexually, I just didn’t mind either way, so we started practicing different Read more… things so that I could get more comfortable. At first it was in the shower, then out in our secluded backyard, which kinda felt like squatting in the woods, and that made it easier. It took me a while, but eventually I was able to do it in the house through my panties and then through my pants. Be patient with her, we’re conditioned from a young age so it can take a while to break that conditioning and let yourself release in a time and place that’s “inappropriate”. Once I got myself comfortable doing it in the ways he wanted, and I could see in his face how much I had done for him, it immediately turned me on, and now I love it! We usually either do it on a tile floor for easy cleanup, or we also have a medical grade mattress cover that soaks everything up. I recommend trying it in a shower with her and just being open and clear about how it excites you.
I do like wetting myself, but not in public places. You’re not alone, watersport kinks are very common. My husband and I like to wet our pants or underpants. We usually either do it on a tile floor for easy cleanup, or we also have a medical grade mattress cover that soaks everything up.