
Personal details

Gender Man
Age 43
Status Single
Height 167cm
Weight 91kg
Body shape Plus-size
Sexual position More bottom
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Blond
Hair length Bald
Beard Goatie
Orientation Bisexual
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin USA
Body hair Some hair
Zodiac sign Aries

About me

I’m looking for:


Accept me for me or don't waist either of our time. Im not perfect but who is. I know I'm not to many people's cup of tea but I am what I am and that's all I am. I'm very open minded and nonjudgmental. I'm bi, crossdress (not a sissy). I don't have a big dick and since it doesn't bother me it shouldn't bother you either and if it does then don't waist either of our time. I'm more than willing to try new things as long as it doesn't involve a lot of *** or shit. age, race, looks, stoner/tweaker is totally fine by me. I don't care what you might be into whether it's something mild or totally wild, taboo and very socially unacceptable. your secret is totally safe with me. I would love to find some like minded people for friendship and/or more if it comes to that. I have a weird sense of humor that some people find very off putting. I have that problem where a thought will enter my head and 9× out of 10 it comes out my mouth before I can stop it. I'm definitely not made for weak minded people. I also enjoy writing poetry from time to time. it usually consists of dark depressing demon related topics and then you have the weird ones like a couple ones I've posted the last couple days that are weird and makes you wonder if I'm a few beers short of a six pack 😂😆. if I can find more of them that I have written I'll post them. I just have to remember where I put them.


I'm not big on anything that will cause ***. I live with enough of that crap daily as it is. I also don't want to do anything that has to do with poo.

My roles & archetype gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Moran with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio lonleyksboy67 has uploaded new photos
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icon-wio lonleyksboy67 posted a status update
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Asking for a friend

Have you ever had a fart hurt so bad that it feels like a shrapnel bomb went off in your ass and it wakes you up from a dead sleep? Then you jump out of bed stub your toe, trip over the dog, step on the cat then finally get to the bathroom and have to sit there for a while to Read more… catch your breath and let out a sigh of relief because the whole time you're almost positive that you're going to find a puddle of *** where your ass hole used to be. Asking for a friend 😫🤔😖😂😜
icon-wio lonleyksboy67 wrote something in the forum
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For Daddy’s Pleasure

Oh really? 😲 I might have to take you up on that offer sometime.

icon-wio lonleyksboy67 posted a status update
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So here's another one I wrote a few months ago it's called:

Thoughts Of Loneliness

I see love everywhere I go
But I am alone I stare at my phone
Im waisting my time cause it never does ring
Wishing I could find my future king or queen
I want to give up and crawl in a hole
But I'm stubborn as Read more… hell and probably won't
Happiness is ment for everyone but me
I can not give up there's so many fish in this deep blue sea
Give me a chance and maybe you'll see
There's room in this world for you and for me
icon-wio lonleyksboy67 posted a status update
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So I did a thing out of sheer boredom and wrote this poem. It took about 5 minutes to create it so tell me what you think.

Ode to Boobies

Boobies oh boobies how I love the so. Boobies oh boobies I will even love them when they refuse to grow. Boobies oh boobies let me count the way from your Read more… chest to my heart may they never ever have to part. Boobies oh boobies I love you all I love you big and I love you small. This is a poem for all of the boobies near and far. So as I sit in this sad crowded bar I beg of you please buy me another beer. But as for these boobies right here they are going absolutely nowhere
GayDadBoy69Enjoyed, to say the least. I'm a breast and thigh man myself. Bi, too. A lot to be said about boobies.
+0 reply
icon-wio lonleyksboy67 finished the BDSM Test
  • 3 months ago
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icon-wio lonleyksboy67 shared the limits
  • 3 months ago
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I'm not big on anything that will cause ***. I live with enough of that crap daily as it is. I also don't want to do anything that has to do with poo.
icon-wio lonleyksboy67 wrote something in the forum
  • 3 months ago
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For Daddy’s Pleasure

That was absolutely perfection 🥰. Not only did your words draw me in they got me excited and my brain was able to turn your words into a short film in my head. I'm not a big reader unless it has to do with the automotive world but I would not hesitate to spend food *** if you were to publish an Read more… actual book filled with nothing but these amazingly erotic short stories. You got serious talent girl. Much much props and I'm hoping there's a part 2.

Likebecca_922, Clitty42 · Jump to discussion
icon-wio lonleyksboy67 wrote something in the forum
  • 3 months ago
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Inability to orgasm/ orgasm Shame

I completely understand the whole religion scenario. My family is hardcore southern Baptist. Everything and I mean everything was evil and the only way you could go without being told everything is evil was if you did everything the preacher said and you had to walk, talk, live, dress and basically Read more… if you went against his demands you were worthless sinful scum on a elevator going straight to hell. All that bs never flew with me though. Unfortunately I have had to live a double life and It got so bad that I started hating myself and denying who/what I really was. I'm 43 years old now and I still have to be careful what I choose to put out there. I wish I could just truly be me but unfortunately that won't be able to happen as long as my family is around. I always told my daughter that I will always accept her no matter what she does in life. When she was 18 she sat me down and came out to me and said that she was very interested in the whole Furry scene so I damn near started crying because I had just felt the biggest form of pride and respect for her because she just did something I still struggle with when she introduced me to her truth. That was probably in the top 5 greatest moments of my life. It's just really sad that my dad will never able to feel that way I did that night.

icon-wio lonleyksboy67 wrote something in the forum
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Big difference in male and female subs

I just had that happen to me not even 30 minutes ago. We had been taking for a while and we exchanged numbers. She was understanding and accepted the fact that I'm kinda new to a lot of the stuff that this kink life has to offer. And then just as fast as it began it came to a screeching stop. The Read more… subject, is of *** was never discussed to begin with and if it was I'd hit my brakes quickly. Why can't people just be honest. I don't understand why everyone wants to play these BS mind games nowadays. If I say something I 100% mean every word whether it's something nice or mean you can guarantee that Im speaking the absolute truth. My grandpa taught me when I was a kid that your word is the most important thing that is never to be half-assed. A person that is as dishonest and hypocritical as the girl I was just talking to is a sad sad person. My word is my bond and as far as I'm concerned a handshake is still a fully binding contract.

icon-wio lonleyksboy67 wrote something in the forum
  • 3 months ago
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Big difference in male and female subs

That my dude was very well said. Your unique insight on that topic was informative, educational and worded in a way that was easy to comprehend and also made it a joy to read. Much props and it's nice to see a level headed well spoken person these days if you get what I mean?

icon-wio lonleyksboy67 has uploaded new photos
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  • lonleyksboy67
icon-wio lonleyksboy67 wrote something about themself
  • 3 months ago
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Accept me for me or don't waist either of our time. Im not perfect but who is. I know I'm not to many people's cup of tea but I am what I am and that's all I am. I'm very open minded and nonjudgmental. I'm bi, crossdress (not a sissy). I don't have a big dick and since it doesn't bother me it Read more… shouldn't bother you either and if it does then don't waist either of our time. I'm more than willing to try new things as long as it doesn't involve a lot of *** or shit. age, race, looks, stoner/tweaker is totally fine by me. I don't care what you might be into whether it's something mild or totally wild, taboo and very socially unacceptable. your secret is totally safe with me. I would love to find some like minded people for friendship and/or more if it comes to that. I have a weird sense of humor that some people find very off putting. I have that problem where a thought will enter my head and 9× out of 10 it comes out my mouth before I can stop it. I'm definitely not made for weak minded people. I also enjoy writing poetry from time to time. it usually consists of dark depressing demon related topics and then you have the weird ones like a couple ones I've posted the last couple days that are weird and makes you wonder if I'm a few beers short of a six pack 😂😆. if I can find more of them that I have written I'll post them. I just have to remember where I put them.
icon-wio lonleyksboy67 has logged into after being away for some time. Say hi!
  • 3 months ago
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