
Personal details

Gender Woman
Age 46
Status Single
Height 155cm
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Other
Hair length Long
Orientation Bisexual
Origin UK
Pubic Hair Shaved
Body hair None
Breast size H
Zodiac sign Pisces
Languages English

About me

I’m looking for:


As a warning!!! No one is to take my pictures without my consent, if found in any site affiliated outside this site. I will take action against those who took my picture without consent as well as the site that has my pictures.

Also if you want to talk to me you can come over to the chat group, I'm harmless I just prefer to be in chat group as I get to know peoples actual personalities there. Don't be shy join in for the laughs we have. It's good fun...


*** and certain bodily fluids

My roles & archetype

My places gives you…

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icon-wio Shenna made a comment

♀️ Channel your femme power and celebrate the strength of femininity with an image that embodies your unique energy. 💥✨

Likemonjo0701, CandiAnabelle, NaughtyBoyDand 178 more… · Join now!
Shenna@medisastoned69 it takes up to 24 hours for your pictures to be approbed.
+0 reply
icon-wio Shenna has picked up their birthday gift
icon-wio Shenna picked up the birthday gift
icon-wio Shenna found their first icon!
icon-wio Shenna found their first icon!
icon-wio Shenna wrote something in the forum

I found it helped my mental health because it gave me the power to say stop. When said, everything stops. It's helped me come to terms from past physical *** that when someone says stop it stops. Where as when I was a victim the ***r wouldn't stop. As much as I screamed stop please stop.

LikeHypnotistPhil · Jump to discussion
icon-wio Shenna found their first icon!
icon-wio Shenna found their first icon!
icon-wio Shenna wrote something in the forum

Thank you for your lovely response. Words will always touch us in some way emotionally. I will be fine doing a bit better now. I have a wonderful kink family here whom I've known for years and they have been a great help.
It will take time. But I will eventually get there once the sun clears the Read more… clouds. X

LikeSalendine54, IfYouLikeOlder · Jump to discussion
icon-wio Shenna wrote something in the forum

Thank you for the virtual hug. Big huge booby hugs back to you too xxx

Likedominantankinky, HypnotistPhiland 1 more… · Jump to discussion
icon-wio Shenna wrote something in the forum

You are 100% right there thank you x

icon-wio Shenna wrote something in the forum

Thank you for the virtual hugs. We are never alone. Always here if needed also

icon-wio Shenna wrote something in the forum

Thank you hun xxx 😭

icon-wio Shenna created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
I gave you the trust, I gave you a promise. That I would never hurt you.
You gave me that trust and you gave me that promise, that you would never hurt me.
You read to me that the words, that I didnt utter to say that I love you.
You told me you cared for me deeply, but deep down, you betrayed Read more…me.
I treated you like royality and with uttermost honesty with being respectful and being truthful.
But I didnt know what I did wrong to deserve the lies and disrespect that you reflected back towards me.
You broke my heart in two and it shattered me into a million pieces.
To discover you betrayed me in so many places.
I gave you my worth and now I feel usless. To know I meant nothing to you and that I am worthless.
Why you treat women this way I will never know. But you fed your ego and with not a care for me in the world.
People come with feelings and deep emotions.
Some people are like steel where as some are weak like brittle glass.
But you need to come to terms with your terrible past.
To treat me this way was a terrible way
I came and opened up to you in a fragile way.
We both listened and talked about ourselves.
Helped each other when we were not our selves.
I offered my body for your blank canvas to draw
But you hurt my feelings when you became withdrawn.
It's such a terrible price to pay
That I gave up my precious time to play.
But one thing that I will always be
That I will be stronger and soon be free.
My fond memories are when you made me smile and laugh
The song you shared that we both enjoyed by looking deep in each others eyes, then kissing and holding hands.
I thought we had a deep connection you and I
It turns out I was blind in one eye.
I assume that the women you had lined up, I was caller number nuisance 2.
Thanks for making me sad but glad I am no longer mad.
I may forgive you in time to come.
But right now my time is done.
I will forever love you deeply, it's shame you never wanted me really.
That the only person you thought about was not me, but yourself.
Likedaniel02664, goosaineboltand 35 more… · 11 Replies
This topic has been closed.
Shenna ➦Shenna quote Oralrobert169:❝I don’t know you. But I felt your *** in the words. I would like you to know, and ALWAYS remember. You have the value of the Sun, and never let anyone take your shine away. This will pass, and you will be SO MUCH better because of it.
Wishing you the best…❞
Thank you Read more… for your lovely response. Words will always touch us in some way emotionally. I will be fine doing a bit better now. I have a wonderful kink family here whom I've known for years and they have been a great help.
It will take time. But I will eventually get there once the sun clears the clouds. X
LikeSalendine54, IfYouLikeOlder · 11 months ago
Oralrobert169 I don’t know you. But I felt your *** in the words. I would like you to know, and ALWAYS remember. You have the value of the Sun, and never let anyone take your shine away. This will pass, and you will be SO MUCH better because of it.
Wishing you the best… I don’t know you. But I felt your *** in the words. I would like you to know, and ALWAYS remember. You have the value of the Sun, and never let anyone take your shine away. This will pass, and you will be SO MUCH better because of it.
Wishing you the best…
LikeKiaOra, Shenna · 11 months ago
Shenna ➦Shenna quote Deleted profile:❝I'm going through exactly the same, your words touched me deeply, sending you a virtual hug❞
Thank you for the virtual hug. Big huge booby hugs back to you too xxx ➦Shenna quote Deleted profile:❝I'm going through exactly the same, your words touched me deeply, sending you a virtual hug❞
Thank you for the virtual hug. Big huge booby hugs back to you too xxx
LikeKiaOra, dominantankinky, HypnotistPhil · 11 months ago
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