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Gender Man
Age 53
Status Not single
Hair length
Zodiac sign Pisces

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I’m looking for: gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Fresno with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio skibum4eva created a topic in FemDom & Male Submission
  • 05.03.2020 7:47:37
  • Fresno
Women that like kicking balls
I Think it is really hot, Love it when the woman laughs. Any women that like doing it ? Or, just helping a partner get off?
LikePrincessSassy6969, Sladkayaand 1 more… · 3 Replies
BiSlaveBoySub It works for me....shapely foot in thigh-length stiletto boots It works for me....shapely foot in thigh-length stiletto boots
Like · 13.03.2020 10:43:31
Deleted profile Man City seem to have cornered the market in these Man City seem to have cornered the market in these
Like 05.03.2020 9:01:00
eyemblacksheep I made a comment on another thread where I joked "if it sells" and ball kicking/busting is in there for me - it's not something I like to do, but if someone wants to do it as either part of our relationship or because we've agreed to do a clip (and ballbusting does tend to sell quite well) then ugh, let's do it.
I made a comment on another thread where I joked "if it sells" and ball kicking/busting is in there for me - it's not something I like to do, but if someone wants to do it as either part of our relationship or because we've agreed to do a clip (and ballbusting does tend to sell quite well) then ugh, let's do it.
Like · 05.03.2020 8:03:43
icon-wio skibum4eva signed up on
  • 05.03.2020 3:01:00
  • Male (53)
  • Fresno
  • Not single