politically left leaning would be understating it
non religious
99% submissive with no current interest to change that
small business owner / part time writer (poetry, smut, creative, reviews)
food and drink are my true love
like music a bit too much
enjoy travelling (primarily food tourism, go figure)
I love anything to do with romance of the three kingdoms lore
for kink stuff see the box with all that in it, looking to try anything there but open for experimentation.
under no circumstances am I or will I ever be anyones "daddy".
not looking for long distance stuff unless it's with the goal of eventually meeting. long distance friends are good but I'm not looking to be involved with anyone solely through the means of twitter, thank you.
age play, ddlg, cnc
In all honesty, I'd walk. I've had some relationships go that way, and I've always walked