just sneaking a peak for now
have some cause to go slow, with anxiety around attention and guys, so please don’t text me unless I dm you first.
thank you
Haha not to mention I learned how to get a better orgasm than I had ever expected before
That the idea that neither romantic love nor sex is the same as the story that we’ve been fed. There’s far more to be discovered, and there’s different strokes for different folks.
For me, it was reassuring finding people like myself. People that are sex-positive. That I’m not crazy or alone, I’m good as I am.
I like the idea behind your question and that your asking it 😉
Ps: I’ve also found a type of cowgirl where the girl is leaning forward and the guy is fucking her from underneath while pushing her hips back and down to be intensely pleasurable, as well as the crab sex and corkscrew positions (they were with fairly intense thrusting and had stimulation before Read more… hand).
Hahaha I had to look up what these positions were called)
To answer your question (and this is indeed after or with other sexual stimulation) the anvil position
I agree with serendipitousKeeper.
Well done OP for being sexily venerable enough to state a truth: many women do not come from PIV sex alone, it’s rare. Most of the time if someone with a vagina cums from PIV sex, there was also other forms of foreplay/sex before hand.
What collins-street888660 said