
Personal details

Gender Trans
Age 23
Status Single
Height 166cm
Weight 70kg
Hair length
Origin UK
Zodiac sign Aries

About me

I’m looking for:


Submissive trans male looking to be examined and restrained. Into medfet, doctor/patient, being dominated, getting tied up, and spread open.


No body fluids, physical ***, misgendering

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  • Trans (23)
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  • Trans (23)
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No body fluids, physical ***, misgendering
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  • 2 years ago
  • Trans (23)
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Submissive trans male looking to be examined and restrained. Into medfet, doctor/patient, being dominated, getting tied up, and spread open.
icon-wio XTRC_6277 bookmarked the event Bristol Munch
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icon-wio XTRC_6277 wrote something about themself
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trans male / nonbinary, into gynecology fetish
icon-wio XTRC_6277 commented on an article
  • 3 years ago
  • Trans (23)
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Medical Fetish | How To Perform A Kinky Gyno Exam

Many dungeons will have a gyno chair, some will even have a whole room dedicated to medical and gyno play. How do you identify the equipment you need and when you’ve found it what can you do? Victoria Blisse shares some hints and tips so you don’t have to speculate about a speculum, you’ll have all Read more… you need to enjoy some fun BDSM role play.
Where can you perform a kinky gyno exam?
It won’t be too difficult to spot a medical chair in your local dungeon. It will look something like you’ve experienced in a dentist’s or a doctor’s office. Legs and/or arm rests are usually adjustable and very often they’re leather covered seats, making them easy to wipe down. Quite often on the chairs used for fetish purposes, you’ll find straps that can be buckled up to hold your patient down so you can enjoy a bit of gyno bondage.
Before you start play...
Before you start your gyno exam scene check out any levers and straps on the gyno chair you’re using. It’s best to do this before anyone is sat in it to prevent subs being over stretched or folded in half when alterations are made. Do all you can before anyone sits in the gyno chair to be sure the only *** administered is the kind you’ll both enjoy.
Also, think about uniforms, costumes or props that could enhance your gyno exam role play experience. A white coat and stethoscope, maybe or even just latex gloves. It’s your scene so you decide what level of role playing you’re going to indulge in. Of course, you can just get down and do it if you prefer, it’s totally up to you.
Time for another gyno exam visit with Dr Lovesyourkinkymind.
Different options for your gyno exam...
Once the patient is securely secured into the gyno chair there are many different options for your play. You can go along the classical role playing route, with gynaecological exams with speculums or just with your latex glove encased finger. There’s scope for thorough breast inspections and even just taking a temperature can be sexy. Not to mention getting the patient to say ahh, stick out their tongue and hold whatever it is you decide to rest on there! However, some of this may depend on how much privacy you have and your dungeon’s policy on sex.
Please be sure to check the rules BEFORE indulging.
Impact play can be administered, with close up toys like paddles and short floggers and of course your own hands to inner thighs and breasts for example. Thighs and breasts are less hardy than the buttocks and back so take that into consideration or flip your patient over if needs be. Be aware that if your play partner is secured with straps they can’t move and jump in response to slaps and spanks in a natural way. Be sure they won’t hurt themselves by being restrained, the sadist wants to be administering all the ***, right?
Needle play is also fun and can incorporate a little role play too. Decorating your sub with some pretty stitches suspended between inserted needles can look and feel spectacular. Be sure you are aware of all safety measures before indulging in this form of play and that you have all the essential equipment needed.
Wax play could be indulged, with the aid of some appropriate plastic sheeting. Just be sure not to get wax on any of the equipment. Blindfolding your patient and dripping wax so they’re not quite sure where it’ll hit is always fun but imagine the extra sizzle that can come with an added medical role play element. Oooh, sexy.
Electric stimulation could also be fun in a medical setting, using a violet wand or a tens machine to administer your own version of sexy electro shock therapy would definitely perk up both doctor and patient in this scenario. In fact with certain implements on certain settings electricity can be made to feel like a scalpel or a laser cutting into flesh. A bit of surgery without the gore, anyone?
Take care of your patient, doctor and equipment!
After you’ve enjoyed your gyno exam scene be sure to clean up after yourself with antiseptic spray and/or wipes. This is especially important if you have used *** in your play at all. Be extra specially careful to wipe your gyno chair and all surfaces, toys and implements you have been using. As well as covering any bleeding wounds on the sub.
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After care is always important but when you have been indulging in role play I think it is essential to take some time to swap away from those roles and get back to being yourself again. You want all the happy, floaty fun to linger and unlike a real medical appointment, it’s not all over once you leave the doctor’s office!
There’s lots of fun to be had with a gyno chair, so next time you see one check it out for a doctor’s visit you’ll remember fondly for a change. Got some stories or tips you want to share? Questions about safe play? Then head over to the forums and let everyone know about it!
Images from Victoria Blisse & Flickr Creative Commons user gazeronly

XTRC_6277 anyone know of anywhere you can go for this in uk ideally south england anyone know of anywhere you can go for this in uk ideally south england
Like · 3 years ago
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  • Trans (23)
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