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Game show (part2)

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Round 3:who can take the most slaps. “As Mary won the last round she gets the honours.” Angela went on “the rules are simple ten slaps and then you switch places. Jane bend over and don’t forget to thank your opponent for the slap, count and ask for the next.” Jane bent over nothing to protect her ass from Mary’s hand! Mary delivered the first blow to the right cheek. “Thank you, one, can I have another” Jane said. Whack Jane’s left cheek stung “ Thank you, two, can I have another” Mary continued to rain the blows down turning Jane’s cheeks red as she slowly spread the slaps around.
It was now Mary’s turn to bend over. Jane wondered if she was going to get her to willing take the twelve inches she had to offer. But now was not the time to think of such things. Jane’s tactic was to concentrate the blows on the right cheek of Mary’s naked ass. Soon it was the ninth blow, whack. “Thank you. Nine, can I have another” Mary said almost in relief. However Jane had been thinking “spread your ass cheeks” Mary bent forward her shoulders took her weight. Slowly she put her hands behind her and parted her cheeks. Whack right on Mary’s rose bud. Boy did it sting.
Mary was sore but a lot wiser. “Assume the position!” Mary said, she meant business and ten slaps on Jane’s rose bud would follow. Jane sighed she knew what Mary wanted and complied. She put her hands round her back and spread her cheeks. The “Thank you. one, can I have another” seemed to be spat out with sarcasm hanging heavy in the air. But Jane wasn’t about to give up on her dream. “Thank you, two, can I have another” boy did her special private place hurt. Whack, whack, whack each one accompanied with the correct phrase. Soon it was time to swap places and Mary was not looking forward to Jane’s revenge. Mary knew what was at stake and didn’t want her sensitive pussy violated with that large thick 12” phallus. Jane stepped up whack it took up a familiar pattern. No lady was about to give in. Angela stepped in “Ladies this isn’t getting us to a conclusion, I propose we up the ante and you use this horse whip” Jane looked dismayed but Mary was up for it after all she would be wielding the whip first and she knew exactly where she would be hitting and it wouldn’t be Jane’s red rose bud. No she had a new target in mind. Jane went to assume the position ass in the air hands pulling her cheeks open. “No no sweet thing” Mary said “turn over pull your legs up and open your flower up these swats are going on your clit!” Jane looked worried but she complied. Angela looked in as Jane spreed her legs leaving nothing to the imagination. Mary observed Angela and an evil thought crossed her mind. She wouldn’t do it herself but she didn’t see why Angela wouldn’t. “Would you like to taste that pussy” Mary extended the invitation to the host. “Can you make her clit hard for me” Angela didn’t need asking twice she buried her face in the cunt licking up to find the bud sucking it into her mouth and swelling the little nub. Perfect, whack the whip came down with full *** making poor Jane clamp her legs together and yelped with ***. “Thank you, one, can I have another” she hissed slowly opening her legs. Mary winked at Angela who like the angel she was slobbered over the open cunt and nub of Jane’s clit before making way for Mary to strike again with the same reaction from poor Jane. “Thank you, two, can I have another” the tag team went at it again and again poor Jane being brought to the brink of cumming by Angela’s skilled tongue only to be hit by the horse whip at Mary’s hand. “Thank you, ten, can I have another” Jane almost shouted in triumph. Mary looked crestfallen she looked at Jane’s sweat ridden body. Mary didn’t want to end up looking like that Jane’s pussy was red and seemed to be throbbing. “Assume the position” Jane said. Mary didn’t move “I give in” she whispered. “Sorry I didn’t hear that” Angela said “I give in” Mary said louder. Jane broke out in a grin she would get her wish!
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