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From hubby to slave part 1


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The clock on the wall ticked loudly, each second dragging out like an eternity. Rizi sat at his desk, fingers drumming impatiently on the polished wood surface. His eyes flicked to the clock again, then to the door, willing it to open. The day had been interminable, filled with meetings and paperwork that seemed to stretch on forever. But now, finally, it was five o'clock. He could go home.

He stood up, grabbing his laptop bag and shrugging into his suit jacket. As he walked out of his office, he nodded to a few employees who were still working late. "See you tomorrow," he called out as he made his way to the elevator. The doors slid shut behind him, and he let out a sigh of relief.

The drive home should have taken twenty minutes, but today, the streets were clogged with traffic. Cars inched forward, horns blaring in frustration. Rizi gripped the steering wheel tightly, his mind wandering to Athee. She hadn't come into the office today, citing a headache. He hoped she was feeling better.

Finally, after what felt like hours, he pulled into their apartment complex. He parked the car and took the lift to the sixth floor. The hallway was quiet, the only sound the soft hum of the air conditioning. He reached their apartment door and rang the bell.

"Come in honey, the door is not locked," Athee's voice called from inside.

Rizi pushed the door open and stepped inside, closing it softly behind him. The apartment was dimly lit, the curtains drawn to keep out the evening sun. He placed his laptop bag on the sofa and glanced around, searching for Athee.

"Honey, can I have a tea?" he asked, his voice echoing slightly in the silence.

There was a rustle of movement from the kitchen, and then Athee appeared. She was wearing black leggings and a white t-shirt, her hair tied back in a loose ponytail. She looked... different. More confident, more assertive. Rizi couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something had changed.

She walked over to him, her steps measured and deliberate. When she reached him, she leaned down and kissed his forehead gently. Rizi closed his eyes, savoring the warmth of her lips against his skin. He opened his eyes to find her standing close, too close, her gaze piercing into his.

"Can you stand up?" she whispered, her voice low and sultry.

Rizi blinked, confused. "What?"

"Stand up," she repeated, this time with more authority.

Without question, Rizi obeyed. He straightened up, his eyes never leaving hers. There was something in her gaze that sent a shiver down his spine. It was a look he had never seen before, a look that both excited and terrified him.

"I like you to be on your knees," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

For a moment, Rizi just stared at her, his mind racing. This wasn't how things usually went. Normally, he would sit on the sofa, and she would bring him tea, sitting beside him to chat about their day. But now... now everything was different.

"Hello," she said, raising her voice slightly. "I said, I like you to be on your knees."

Rizi swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. Without another thought, he dropped to his knees, his eyes fixed on Athee's. She watched him with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction, her lips curling into a small smile.

"Good boy," she murmured, crossing her legs and settling herself comfortably on the sofa.

Rizi knelt there, unsure of what to do next. The room was silent except for the faint hum of the air conditioner. He waited, his breath coming faster now, his mind a whirlwind of confusion and anticipation.

"Okay, honey," Athee began, her voice calm and steady. "I think I have learned about the femdom lifestyle for some extent, and I have understood it good for some level. So, I have decided that...its the time to start living femdom life.....i decided to be your goddess, and i decided to turn you as my 24/7 unconditional slave. What do you think honey?"

Rizi's mouth went dry. This was what he had always wanted, what he had dreamed of for so long. But now that it was happening, he found himself speechless. He simply tilted his head in agreement, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Athee smiled again, a slow, knowing smile. "Then good," she said, reaching for the TV remote and switching off the television. The apartment fell into complete silence, the only sound their breathing.


Who would like to read the part 2


part 2 please! I want to hear where this is going to lead!



Athee's voice cut through the silence like a razor, sharp and unyielding. "Your life will completely change from now on," she declared, her eyes boring into Rizi's soul. "You will have rules to how your life is going to move on from now, so you always follow your goddess's law of living. I will teach and train you from today, how you have to be in your life. This long weekend is going to be a busy weekend for you."

Rizi swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. He had fantasized about this moment for so long, but now that it was here, reality felt heavier than he had imagined. The weight of her words pressed down on him, making it difficult to breathe.

"And I will make this very clear to you," Athee continued, her tone leaving no room for debate. "If you cannot accept this, we can break up our marriage life, and I will go back to my parents. You can arrange the divorce for us, cause I have decided that I never gonna change again to be in a vanilla husband and wife life, and I don't think I'll ever reverse my decision, so decision is yours now. Do you understand?"

Rizi's mind raced. *** and excitement battled within him, each vying for dominance. He had wanted this, craved it even, but the reality of the situation was far more intense than he had anticipated. Yet, he knew deep down that this was what he wanted. He needed to submit, to be controlled, to live as her slave.

With a trembling voice, he replied, "Okay honey, I accept anything you say me."

Athee's hand flashed out, slapping him across the face with a resounding crack. The *** of the slap sent a shockwave through his body, his head snapping to the side. It was a hard slap, one that left his cheek stinging and his mind reeling. He had never been struck by her before, and the unexpected *** of it left him momentarily speechless.

"What the fuck, honey?!" she shouted, her eyes blazing with anger. "Here is rule number one addressing me. From now, I'm your god, so always you have to respect your god. No more calling me by name or such things. Always you should address me as 'My Majesty,' and here and after I don't call you by your name or any stupid romantic names. You don't deserve such things anymore. You will be just a piece of shit to me, so I may call you bitch, pig, asshole, or whatever comes to my mouth. Understand??"

Rizi nodded quickly, his cheek still burning from the slap. "Yes, My Majesty," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Athee stepped back and extended her leg, her foot inches from his face. She started to speak again, this time a bit louder than her normal voice volume, so Rizi could clearly listen to what she said. "Your place is always at my feet. You are born to kneel in front of me and lick my feet, follow my orders and make me happy. There will be nothing beyond that in your life. Understand??"

"Yes, My Majesty," he said, his voice steadier now. He brought his tongue near her feet and started to lick them, feeling the rough texture of her skin against his tongue.

"That's good, my bitch," she said, her voice dripping with satisfaction. He kept licking her feet, his mind focused on the task at hand, trying to block out the conflicting emotions swirling within him.

Suddenly, she pulled one of her legs up and kicked him in the face. The *** of the kick sent him sprawling, the sound of the impact breaking the silence of the room. He struggled to regain his balance, his vision swimming for a moment before he managed to get back to his kneeling position.

"Get up and lay yourself on the floor facing me," she commanded. Rizi obeyed, getting up and laying down on the floor as she had instructed. She walked over to him and stood above him, her legs spread wide. She pulled her leggings down, revealing her blue lace panty, which she then tugged down, exposing her pussy. She sat down on his face, centering her pussy directly over his mouth.

Rizi thought for a moment that she wanted him to lick her pussy, but before he could act, she shouted, "Stop, bitch! Just open your mouth. I'm gonna pee in your mouth, and you have to drink it all."

He hesitated for a split second before obeying, opening his mouth wide. He could feel the first few drops falling into his mouth, the salty taste hitting his tongue. Then the flow increased, pouring out of her pussy and into his mouth. He struggled to swallow it all, most of it spilling out and running down his chin, soaking into the floor beneath him.

When the flow finally stopped, she ordered, "Lick and clean it good." He did as she said, bringing his tongue to her pussy and her clit, licking them thoroughly until she said, "Okay, enough."

She stood up and looked down at him, her expression cold and detached. She spat on his face, the saliva landing right in his mouth. "This is rule number two," she said. "From now on, you have to be my human toilet. I'm your god, so I use you as my toilet, and you have to take all my pee and shit as your holy food. Understand?"

"Yes, My Majesty," Rizi replied, his voice muffled by the floor.

"Don't forget that My Majesty might make others also use her human toilet," she added with a devilish laugh. "Yes, My Majesty," he repeated, feeling a strange mix of *** and acceptance.

"Now clean the mess you made on the floor," she commanded. "First, clean it with your mouth, and then put some water on the floor and mop it good."

"Yes, My Majesty," he replied, getting up and starting to clean the floor as she had instructed. As he worked, she went back to the sofa and switched on the TV, seemingly indifferent to his efforts. He finished cleaning and returned to kneel in front of her, resuming his task of licking her feet. She watched the TV, not paying much attention to him, allowing him to continue his ministrations in silence.

After a while, she muted the television and kicked him in the face again, the sudden *** jolting him back to reality. "Here is rule number three," she announced. "You are not allowed to speak with me for any reason unless I permit you to do so. So no more questioning, discussions, in your life. If you have any important thing to request permission for, you have to kiss my both feet three times each, then I will permit you to talk to me. If I allow what you want, you can have it; if not, you have to wait till you receive my permission. For any single thing, you have to ask permission from me. Only two things you can do without my permission: breathe and lick my feet."

She laughed loudly, the sound echoing in the room. "Yes, My Majesty," Rizi replied, feeling a strange sense of resignation settle over him.

She took her leg away from his mouth and brought her mouth close to his ear, whispering, "Okay then, now go to the washroom and freshen up. There are much more things to do today."

Rizi stepped into the bathroom, his hands trembling as he turned on the faucet. The water rushed out, cold and refreshing, and he cupped his hands under the stream, splashing it over his face. The chill helped to clear his mind, but it did nothing to dispel the confusion and excitement that swirled within him. He looked at himself in the mirror, his reflection a mixture of *** and determination. Could he really do this? Could he submit to Athee completely, without reservation?

Athee's voice came loud and clear from the living room. "Rizi, hurry up. We don't have all night."

He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. He dried his face with a towel and walked back into the living room, where Athee was sitting on the sofa, her legs propped up on the table, watching TV. When she saw him coming, she said, "Come here," while using her fingers to point at her legs.

Rizi walked over to her and knelt in front of her, starting to lick her feet again. A Tamil song played on the TV, and she watched it intently, seemingly oblivious to his actions. Suddenly, he felt another kick to his face, the *** sharp and immediate. He looked up at her, wincing.

"Stand in front of me," she commanded. Rizi got up and stood in front of her, his body tense. "Move this table away," she ordered. The table was in the middle between Rizi and Athee, and he quickly moved it aside, positioning himself right in front of her.

"Remove your dresses and put them aside," she said next. Rizi began undressing, first removing his shirt and pants, leaving him in just his boxer and an arm-cut vest. As he was about to remove his vest, he heard her say, "This may be the last time I see you with men's underwear." She laughed, a cruel, mocking sound that sent shivers down his spine.

Rizi removed the vest and stood in front of her, now only wearing his boxer. She looked him up and down, a smirk playing on her lips. "Not enough, bitch. Remove that underwear too," she barked at him. Rizi felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him as he slowly pulled down his boxer and placed it aside, standing completely naked in front of her.


Wow! Other than being told he would have to eat her shit as well, that was super hot and would love to find out what happens next!

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