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Hypnosis and slavery


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I agree, no hypnosis is fake. I used to think it was until I learned more about it. I used to think that I couldn't be hypnotized, what I learned was that all hypnosis is essentially self hypnosis, the hypnotist is just a guide.

When they say "You're getting very sleepy" you can think to yourself "no I'm not", or "yeah sure, I'll play a long".

As long as you are willing to participate and follow instructions in good faith, you WILL be hypnotized. But only if you chose to cooperate.
Wow you have opened my eyes to a new level in servitude.
I was taught self hypnosis as a kid for *** control. It absolutely does work
Hypnosis only "works" if you want it to work. But at that point, if you're willingly following someone's suggestions, there's no difference between being hypnotized and someone just telling you what to do. Which is more than enough for fetish purposes, but hypnosis cannot break barriers. You lower the barriers yourself.
In the same sense that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. The proverb implies that the horse cannot find the water unless you lead them to it, hypnosis as the same way.
I love those online freedom hypnosis files that train submissiveness. I'd love to experience that from a real person.
"freedom".... Femdom (autocorrect lol)
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