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polyamorous relationships


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Me and hubby definitely tried it out, we missed (ignored) several red flags and things went South quickly.
I never thought i would have to ask someone to shower.
I mean really.
We are definitely open to it and would love to try again but it’s just not the right time in life.
Removing the aspect of sexual jealousy from my marriage was one of the best things for us.
I think a lot of people mistake polyamory as "adding a third" to their already existing relationship, but that's not what it is at all...
My husband and I opened our relationship over a year ago but we date separately.
Navigating new relationships and learning how to communicate and re learning how to communicate with my spouse had been profoundly eye opening and let me grow a LOT as a person.

I definitely identify as polyamorous, though I was monogamous most of my life. Polyamory feels right. It fulfills me and enriches my life and the lives of those around me.
2 hours ago, Chris_enmpoly said:
Removing the aspect of sexual jealousy from my marriage was one of the best things for us.

I can see that. My wife was relieved because I wasn't asking for sex as much since she couldn't keep up with my libido. I got triple lucky that the new partner has a high sex drive, is bisexual, and they have clicked so easily that they're like best friends. I know that chemistry with others, whether platonic or romantic, is probably one of the biggest challenges to search out and find.

2 hours ago, Chris_enmpoly said:
Removing the aspect of sexual jealousy from my marriage was one of the best things for us.

💯 %

I would like to try Polyamorous with the right woman who wants to explore everything the world has to offer.
but most of the time jealousy and insecurities get in the way (my experience).
I liked what someone else said It's like having multiple kids just cuz you have more then one doesn't mean you love them any less you just have a little less time for the one individual.

Got into the LS with my wife in February of this year and kind of discovered poly by accident. Met a woman in one of our groups z and lined up coffee with her in hopes she would be a third for the wife and I. Didn’t work out like that. We ended up going on a few dates. My wife was completely OK with it and said have fun with her. my wife met a man and had dinner with him, we both realized fairly quickly that we had feeling for these people and we explored it. Being Polly is hard you get feelings and you can get your heart broken. The woman I was dating, found her forever at person and ended things with me and I told her I would step aside gracefully if she found someone I did even though I did hurt my heart my wife found out she was dealing with a player. This guy was so full of sh*t. His eyes were brown. We are still poly. I would say this communication is key to being in this type of relationship or any type of relationship for that matter.

No, but haveing 3 some fun being FMF and MFM to spice things up is cool , if planed and agreed with first from time to time.
I not only agree it’s the dynamic that feels Morse natural to me. I’ve been in poly relationships for the past 4 years with two wonderful women. We enjoy each others company and have some amazing threesums.

But poly is not about threesums. It’s about not restricting one’s self to something that feels unnatural. At least for me. I am polyamarous. Meaning I am poly love. I love both the women.
I didn't at first, I believe me maturing I believe in it now
I've been thinking about this one for quite some time now. New to the scene, the poly world has really been something I've been interested in and calling out to me. Coming from multiple mono LTR's, this is shocking but I have felt like I've always had more love to give and struggled mentally with this one. 🙃

To answer the question, yes but now I ask "okay what does it even look like for ME?" And "what the secret to a successful poly relationship?" 😂.
I would like to be in a poli relationship
Poly is the best! It's great as long as communication is 100% open and honest. Also, try to be fair with everyone. Communicate, not only openly and honestly, but effectively as well. It's an undertaking, but you'll get the hang of it.
It's working for me and I wish I'd considered it earlier in life.
That's really open and to be honest with everyone....a real fantasy
I have been in a poly relationship but it became long distance and that sadly slowly poisoned the relationship. Overall Poly can really work out! I never for once went with out
I've been in one before and it was fun.
I'm Poly and have been for a while....my ex was down with it until oop I got attached to my other partner. He didn't understand I loved them both equally (at the time. Still have a good relationship with my past other partner, ex left me claiming to my family that I'd been unfaithful and hello news flash, he had a little before ever getting involved with me).
I haven't been in a real relationship tbh but I have been looking at poly for a while. Would totally be interested in being in one.
Me and my girl started open which is a little different than poly. But we’ve discussed converting into actual real poly in the future. It’s a really difficult thing to do effectively but the reality is people weren’t designed for lifelong monogamy. If you ever considered really going for it I would recomend doing some extensive research that didn’t included reading some books on the topic, BEFORE consulting anyone in the community about it.

Poly gone bad is real bad. Poly gone good is rare and always includes a level of sacrifice.
I've been in a polyamorous relationship for a year and a half, and another I'm in right now for close to a year, and I think they're great. It just requires patience, and very strong communication, and the ability to respect every partner as equals.
Wife and I have recently been transitioning, with us dating separately. Hardest part so for is She being an extrovert already has a partner, and me the introvert, not so much luck as of yet. Which plays on my insecurities at times of course, but I’m self aware to know that’s a me problem. Overall still excited for her & known I got to be patient. Plus our communication has improved tremendously, and we’ve gotten closer as a result of that.
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