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One of my biggest problems with not being in a relationship or having regular sex is weight gain.
I’m about 20 pounds lighter when I’m having regular sex.
Anyone else experience this?
Absolutely. And it’s super frustrating!!!!! Gaaah Also, regular “beatings” do my entire being good so… the suffering in every area of life is very real.
Well i can see since sex sometimes feels like a really good work out hhh
🙋🏻‍♀️ it’s our hormones.

It is a physical 'exercise' by its very nature.....  so kinda self explanatory to some degree........

Maybe they run sex sessions at the local leisure centres...  (or should do)   ;)

No. You're just eating more calories than you burn. So eat less.
3 hours ago, RippedFox said:
No. You're just eating more calories than you burn. So eat less.

Check out Ben Carpenter and learn why that statement isn’t quite correct 😉 It’s entirely possible to be eating the same amount and be gaining OR losing as it depends on other factors and isn’t that cut and dried. ‘Replace the physical activity’ might be a better advice following [your] logic there but we don’t know OP’s other factors either and this perhaps isn’t about weight loss/gain as it is the observance of physical change due to lack of sexual activity in one’s life. 👍🏽

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