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Story time

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An *** but still having her head on her shoulders 5’7 Russian with emerald hate and retweet is all I can see written on her demeanor. The Chip on her shoulder where her top string is popped. She yells I need a TATTOO cover up from my soon to be Ex-husband! (With a hiccup in her voice. ) she seemed too young to have a husband but her friends say it’s on her left boob. Noticing she was on face time and to drunk to make her own decisions I quickly say come another time. I’m closing up shop my new Boy slave about to come pick me up. And I don’t got time to do deal with another indecisive customer I tell her.
“Bitch I just want a cover up!”
“BIIITTCH”?!!! I maybe be 5’2 but that’s no way to get help from a tattoo Qween! As a matter of fact get the fuck out! ) “
Nooo wait !..she yells as she quickly Falls down on her knees grabbing my checkered black and white skirt to apologize. (Revealing my white string underwear). I notice her phone just cracked on the floor when she ran frantically grabs Her phone which is cracked, but I can faintly hear her girlfriends saying what’s happening, Esmeralda can you hear us Essy… answer. And then a powering off device(Siri voice).
Great! You now got a broken and dead phone. What else is going on in your Life. That you want me to witness.
She looks up with sad pouty lip and eyes and says I also don’t have my wallet. -To be continued
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