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Size Play


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This is an interesting topic. Looking forward to reading the replies.
I'm curious to hear replies as well. In reading this, it reminded me of my attraction to smaller/petite bodies. I've wondered where this attraction stems from, have a number of theories (including the obvious physical power dynamic), yet haven't found a clear answer in my experience.

Do you have any theories or ideas behind your kink/attraction to larger women? I first wonder about your desires behind power dynamics...just to spark thoughts ;)

I'm going to post about petite body kink now.
My partner is shorter than me and she does like it when I stand over her, I get a sense of dominance as she becomes so submissive for me by just looking up at me hehe
I love the feeling
Of mg ass being stretched and feeling full if that makes since

I've found it to be a curse.  It is difficult to explain to someone unaffiliated and impossible to indulge if any party isn't with some sort of advanced imagination or familiar with video gaming or RPG roleplay of some kind. 


As the interaction is entirely ethereal and dialogue based, it's beyond anyone conventional and is often accompanied by shame and anonymity.  To have anyone participate who isn't actually into it creates a kind of disdain for the subject who is over time because of how necessary it is for any passionate interaction......normal sex is impossible. Someone gets bord. I've never met a female in real life that is into the fetish on the same level. Those that are are seldom into men at all. 


It's ruined every relationship I've ever had. I hate to be so negative about it but I find if hard to believe that without the Internet this kink would never be accepted. I ignore it as often as I can in my own mind.

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