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Body dysmorphia


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Having a Daddy give you both positive and negative rein***ment to change the way you see yourself.
I usually look at myself naked in the mirror and *** myself to like what I am
I know things like wearing clothes you like how they look on yourself.
Somethingā€™s thatve helped in the past as well is like finding other ppl who just get it and being around even on like fb pages and things those like minded folx
Tattoos (jk) and talking to random peoples who like you
A LGBTI+ therapist could help you a lot, really.
It depends on why you don't like your body, but... Fine at least one thing you do like about your body. Tell yourself how great that one thing is. Then find a new section. It could be the way your hair falls, a specific toe that you think is cute šŸ˜…. But, keep finding these things. Always search for the beauty within and on the outside. And dress in ways that make YOU happy.
Only allowing yourself so much mirror time. Positive self talk. Listening to the people that love you and say positive things about you. Finding other things to think about and keep yourself engaged with. Don't allow negative narcissistic people into your life.
Well I found an entire article about it and I got in trouble because I tried to post the link to it šŸ˜ž
Webb says that there are self-felt materials like the body dysmorphic disorder foundation the OCD Action and OCD-uk again I'd love to give you the links but I already got yelled at for that. It says there are several self-help programs available free via computer or via prescription from your general practitioner And they give a link
I found this at mind . Uk / information on - Support / types- of-mental - health- problems / body ā€“ dysmorphic- disorder- bdd / self-Care /

There maybe I won't get in trouble for it you can just take all of that starting with the word mind and copy and paste it and then take out all the spaces. Lol
In case that doesn't work it does say do things specifically to improve your self-esteem
Celebrate your successes no matter how small they may seem take time to praise yourself and notice what you did well it could also help to remember past successes.
Work on accepting compliments make note of them to look over when you're feeling low or doubting yourself.
Ask people what they like about you it's likely they see you differently than you see yourself
Write a list of things you like about yourself for example you could include character traits skills experiences beliefs or causes that matter to you or things you enjoy doing you could ask other people for suggestions too.
They say if you Google it you should be able to find online support groups.

They say try and get a lot of sleep try and eat regularly and keep your *** sugar stable don't fast and don't only eat twice and overeat or once and really overeat a day do some physical activity exercise can help. It creates natural *** in your brain basically. Spend time outside being out in Green space and getting sunlight is good for your physical and mental health. And then they give a whole bunch of other websites that I can't give you links to.lol

Above and beyond that if you're feeling bad message me and I'll try and help. I don't want to see anybody suffer.
Dont worry about your body. Go be you. Enjoy life. Don worry about anyone else's perspective. If they have an issue, that's them. Not you. Love life. Live life. Hell with all else
I focus on doing the things I enjoy. Hobbies, and how I feel health wise rather than how I look. I try to get plenty of sleep, get fresh air, take my vitamins, and drink plenty of water. No matter how busy I am I try to make time for my hobbies and set goals to improve.
Recognize that appearance makes up very little of what you actually are. Focus on what makes you who you are mentally, not just visually.
This is coming from someone who used to do bodybuilding as a hobby and then got really sick, had to stop, and lost the bodybuilding aesthetic.
Thank each and every one of you! šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗšŸ’–šŸ’–
It really is so sweet to know that there are so many caring individuals out there with a lot of good sound advice and wisdom! Ily! šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶
You need to find someone who worships your body and makes you feel comfortable in your own skin. I would start by slowly tasting you from head to toeā€¦ā€¦! šŸ˜ˆ
I take time to remind myself and understand that there are some things I can change, like weight and overall general health. And some things I canā€™t change, like height or my hair line. At least, not without surgery of some sort.

And of itā€™s a major issue, I try to understand WHY it is. Is it merely a dislike? Is it societal norms messing with my head? Am I trying to meet certain ā€œstandardsā€ set by the opposite sex regarding dating and gender roles?

You donā€™t just one day wake up hating your body. Something or someone planted the idea in your head and youā€™re now seeing things through that lens. And sometimes, that lens is warped and not objective. Meaning itā€™s someoneā€™s twisted idea of what YOU should accept and thatā€™s dangerous.

Ultimately, you have to find a way to accept what you can and cannot change without taking extreme measures and find a way through the self-hatred.
100 % can relate! At times I find myself in total disgust and other times completely satisfied. My advice is to accept yourself the way your are now because itā€™s not guaranteed to be that way tomorrow. Our bodies are going to change constantly and as we age it wonā€™t ever stay the same. So I say embrace every moment and adopt to the changes as they come along. The you today wonā€™t look or feel the same as the you tomorrow so savor every moment, continue to learn and grow with yourself!
Somewhere, I once heard the phrase "I'm not my type." I can't say why, but when I am starting to really get down on myself.phslysically, rememberingnand stating that phrase has helped.
You have tk dig into your subconscious mind through self introspection and meditation ti figure out why you feel this way which is usually trauma of the past. When you identify that trauma you then begin to work by forgiving by accepting and then you'll understand what you need to do to change it it takes a long time but it's worth it. I don't care what anyone says it's not one thing one quick fix that is going to help you. It's going to take hard work, commitment to the process and forgiveness, among other difficult things. It's opening traumatic wounds and it is difficult to do but it can be done
Ultimately life is easier if you like or even love yourself.

Youā€™re ā€œyouā€ 24/7 like it or not .. so liking yourself has to be the best option and learning to love yourself (ā€¦ or at least accept yourself) is the ultimate goal.

Some people just love themselves anyway and never doubt how great they are - eg Donald Trump.

Others - itā€™s harder to either accept youā€™re ā€œaceā€ or to accept you are a decent person.

If youā€™re unhappy about something physical - 2 options - live with it (.. and learn to love it..) or do something about it (exercise / gym, weight control or surgery etc).

Personality wise .. thatā€™s harder - but there are on line freebies (eg Paul McKenna) that can self hypnotise you so you feel better about yourself over time. If you have an open mind / heart this really works.

Good luck.
2 hours ago, ***Slut666 said:

Congrats šŸ¤

Go to a gym. Doesn't have to be a fancy gym. But it's the atmosphere where it will motivate you to exercise. Don't have to get crazy but some cardio and some weights a few times a week. You'll be shocked at how fast you can have improvements. It will give you a lot of confidence.
No one deserves to feel like that, sending positive vibes āœØļø šŸ™
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