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Body dysmorphia


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I can only help with a virtual hug because I’m dealing with the same! Sending all the love your way! 🖤
You will need to identify the belief that is creating this thought, i know that sounds simple but the fact that you believe it on one hand but want to not believe it on the other shows that there is a deeper belief that’s been built on into your current patterns such to protect its existence. A coach who can target this pattern and open into the core belief can help you disarm it such that you can create that you love your body as it is!
A coach vs a therapist can target the specific belief!
I once tied my sub and blindfolded her comfortably in bed for a few hours of play. Knowing she was feeling very poorly about her body. I told her to say the things out loud about what she feels about her body 1 at a time. Then I would write it on her body with a marker, I think I used edible chocolate pen. Once I used pink highlighter but it didn't come off as well as I wanted after. So if she said she hated her belly, it was jiggly and gross. I would go to her belly and write. But instead of writing jiggly and gross, I wrote something like "beautiful" instead. And I'd give her a few fairly mild smacks in the area with a riding crop. We went on for over an hour. Talking, not rushed. There were some tears under her blindfold and I got to comfort her and take care of her... which I loved doing as much as she loved serving me. So with about an hour left in our time available, I said ok. It's time to get you washed off and cleaned up. She was a bit unsettled as I had not made her cum nor had i. There had been no sex, as per our usual routine would have been. She said she had to pee anyway so ok, I kept her close to me and removed her blindfold last. And just held her. It took a minute for her to realize what I had done. You want to talk about sobbing crying in my arms... then we had the most vanilla loving emotional sex for the rest of the hour. It really let her see how much those things I didn't even see, that I see her as a beautiful soul that has a body with flaws that are very meaningless.
It depends on the person and what you may be "into". For instance if you're looking for kinkster mindsets, perhaps your partner may be able to use positive rein***ment to help. If you're looking for spiritual ideas, looking to your higher power may be a great method of comfort. For me, I struggle with body dismorphia frequently. I was at one point incredibly large. I lost a significant portion of that weight and am the healthiest I've been my whole life, but I still see myself as an overweight tub of lard. I have to sit back and remind myself how far I've come, where I am now, and that all that work and determination to get to this point is nothing to sneeze at. Ultimately only you can find the method that works best. But give yourself a ton of grace, and know you're not alone. Find a method that is positive and empowers you to be the best version of yourself, and that'll be your answer. Best of luck to you.
I wish I did. I'm barely coping with it myself and being asked humiliatingly insulting questions about my body by strangers really hasn't been helping.
Having someone who absolutely ADORES and LOVES your body
I haven’t let a woman see or touch me since 2005. I wish I knew!!
Just now, TokabowlDaily said:
I haven’t let a woman see or touch me since 2005. I wish I knew!!

See me naked that is

I personally use clothes/makeup/hair as a way to feel like myself while distracting from my physical appearance. I'm not sure how a personal journey would even work for someone like me, but face masks and "weird" eyeliner and tattoos (some fake, some real) make me feel more secure in the moment. therapy can help a bit, but that's expensive and complicated. genuinely hoping you find solace.
As someone once married to someone with an eating disorder, therapy is an absolute. Do not ignore it or just try to cover it up without attending to the base mental illness. Do not let unhealthy habits like not eating or self harm become a thing. Also get an app or book to learn cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT).
You don't really hate your body. You hate yourself. The body hating is just a symptom. Work on tackling the things in life you hate about yourself and your ***s. Then kdy image stuff will slowly melt away.
Go to the mirror and tell your self over and over you love your self and your a beautiful sexy bitch , do it till you cry .
Lie to your self if you don't believe it .
Do it everyday until you believe it , you will relies , you had to lie to your self to believe you loathed your body ! We can't have what we want , but we can be who we want . And I assume that would be happy ! Nobody will ever love you harder then you love your self .
So buck up butter cup ! You have bunch more times to spin on this wrong around our sun !
As a trans woman, I can tell you there isn't really anything that prevents dismorphia or disphoria. Unfortunately, it's a very prevalent problem that has no definite cure or prevention. The only thing you really can do is be ok with who you are. There are things everyone wants to change, and no matter how much time, effort, and *** we throw at our bodies, there will always be something we are dissatisfied with.
Going to the gym helps I hated my height (5-6 or so) and I was getting fat which led me down a spiral of depression and alcoholism till I hit the gym and started feeling better about myself I haven't hit the gym since while but I continue to exercise to lose weight and build confidence within myself 🙂
I usually try to put on either something very comfortable or something that always makes me feel a little better about myself, I like tights a lot, so I'll wear those, or wrap up in my fuzzy blanket and try to zone out to a comfort show or movie.

Get some achievements, get out of your musky a** room, and go do something you can be proud of. Its not a problem about your body, its a problem with your mind.

Post pictures on reddit. Find what you think is wrong as a subreddit and post away you will see how many people don't think so....
Damn your beautiful your good babe just get out ya head and get away from the people who let you or encourage you to think like that
I think the best thing to do is get professional help. Bc loathing your body likely has a deeper root and therapy will help you work through that. It’s between you and your mind, and therapy can help you navigate the long process to healing. I used to struggle with it so keep going you can do it 😊. Remember it’s a marathon and not a sprint and give yourself grace!
Therapy. With someone who is well educated and experienced with body image issues, complex trauma, and is deeply engaged with trans topics. Not an easy find but worth it. There are communities out there also that function as large support groups you can dip your toes into. Also, a good Dom that has high empathy and likewise education and experience in helping someone alongside their therapy work.
(This is coming as a trans person who has primarily dated and played with other trans people in the last 15 years, and a lot of friends and communities; and is also by far the eldest child of 4 siblings all with body image issues of widely varying severity, as well as parents also with them. Complex trauma is a big part of the emotions around bodies. But your own mindset is the most important.)
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