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Is dating dead?


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I think the keyword is dating. People date to date. Not date to marry. Seems like many are always expecting perfect, or focused on numbers over quality. Attention, more, more, more. They lower standards, and take what's available and easy. Not wanting put in the work, cultivating patience, learning to resolve conflict, communicate. Like fast food dating.

I prefer to learn from all my happily married couples on how to truly be in a good healthy relationship. They're beautiful to see.
It is pretty much dead. Most ppl are too afraid of vulnerability, accountability and teamwork. So in order to avoid that, they stick to casual things. It is pretty much dead, but I want to believe it doesnt mean impossible. Just needs.. way, way more patience.
Dating has not been seen as a fun activity for couples that don't match or a partner refuses to do I had an ex that hated the movies and during my time being in a wheel chair I couldn't do hikes so dates weren't allowed keep your head up friend you'll find the one that enjoys the same dates you do
The world’s kind of weird right now but I don’t think it’s dead. Poly has become a huge thing in the past 2 years on here. Covid really changed a lot around the world. People are barely starting to go out now and socialize but I think it’ll rebound. Past 2 weeks I’ve been on 2 dates. First one was horrible and second sparks flew. Just a weird time bro but have faith. 👍🏽
The world changed with Covid. People are barely starting to get out to mingle. Everyone was stuck on sites like this to connect. I don’t think it’s dead. Just needs time to reset. It’s just a weird time right now. You can do everything just by looking on your phone. Have faith my friend. ☝️She had a good comment. Lowering standards.
19 minutes ago, Lady_King said:
It is pretty much dead. Most ppl are too afraid of vulnerability, accountability and teamwork. So in order to avoid that, they stick to casual things. It is pretty much dead, but I want to believe it doesnt mean impossible. Just needs.. way, way more patience.

Vulnerability, accountability, and teamwork. More good ones.

No. Dating is not dead.


There have been a few articles in recent years about how much debt people (especially folk in the 25-40 range, but also those 18-25) are getting into going on dates.  And this is kinda regardless on who pays etc - it's not exclusive to one specific demographic

So I think this is one of many factors to why some people are a little hesitant "let's go for a coffee and see how it goes" - ok, but... bus fares, a couple of coffees and maybe a sandwich - is easily getting to £20-£30 that's a LOT of *** to "see how things go" - and I think this is one of a few reasons why, of course, people still want to date - but they're not always able/willing to rush straight out to meet the first person who asks

25 minutes ago, HeadMistresValencia said:
It's almost non-existent, in my opinion. Most people just want to jump straight to sex and skip all the other stuff.

Totally agree, absolutely fine if people want to do that but it seems like the dating, relationship, see how it goes has all gone. Same with when guys say communication is key but yet ghost you, I get it’s the ‘easy’ option but a little message won’t hurt to say I’m not interested anymore.

traditional dating? maybe idk. almost all my friends have evolved into situationships, which i’m not a fan of. so i tired doing dating apps and trying to find some to be a partner, and even that wasn’t going well. So im only on here now. I wish i could like go to a bar and meet someone but i can barely get myself out of the house most days so doing online is easier. Idk im hoping to find “the one(s)” but its not going well so far.
I dont think it's dead, no. However, you will find that the saturation of people on dating sites are often those looking to find something quick or people looking for sex. (Not always but a huge saturation) Someone who's more shy and less open to intimacy is more unlikely to use dating apps and look elsewhere. Apps like this is good because it means those who may be looking for comunity over sex will also feel comfortable joining the app so you might find more people like that here but in general its likely the saturation of people who gravitate towards these places squewing the view.
Im finding that when I arrange a date or meet up, I will then get ghosted or find out they are married, etc. I'm finding that all blokes care about is seeing pictures, and that's it! 😟😳

Idk man if I had to say honestly ya because I’ve been trying for years at this point and all I ever seem to find are “ escorts” and I’m just getting sick of it I sit there and actually want to try a relationship and all I find are “ you want some that will be this much for an hour “ I’m left there pi*sed off and just that little more done with dating like I actually want to put in the effort and try to want to be there for somebody in both the good and bad times but I guess I was just born in the wrong era

Sadly, I think so. Most people here are either after one thing or emotionally immature, and when faced with a real relationship, they ghost.
I don’t think it’s dead, but now the women started to know their value and the chivalry is indeed half dead and for me its a very important point. Personally me from my past relationships/ marriage know the high standards and I will never jump for less. The men my age are immature, never ready for any commitment, want whatever but not a monogamous healthy relationship. No thanks. I want to fall in love and not persuade myself to be with someone I don’t really like. I’d rather be alone, than with whomever. And for sex there are plenty 20 years old guys.
I left a 13 year long relationship last year, and yeah, the dating world has changed a lot. I didn't go on many dates back before my marriage, but I have met a couple of people since. Tough to find like-minded people online in your late 30s but at least when I have they've wanted the same as me - a date of sorts over coffee or lunch to get to know each other. But the 'dating' stage is short lived before it moves quickly on to the next level. I feel sites/apps like this one are encouraging sexual intent to be a focus of the 'getting to know you' stage and therefore encourage it to happen sooner as a result. Often these apps are populated by the sexually deprived, desperate or simply the sexually open minded, so perhaps that's also a factor accelerating the dating stage making it short lived.
Personally, I don't really want a relationship anymore. Been in some unfortunately I don't see any point in it. I've had a hard past, I don't wanna open myself to people anymore and realise they don't care about me just by seeing their reaction. Dating is hard, getting to know people is hard. Finding mature people is hard. I don't know where to take the energy from...

Everything I could have in a relationship is available without having one and I think thats why people don't wanna date anymore. I think people enjoy being loved or the feeling of getting love but they don't love each other.

But I've always seen a monogamous/closed relationship as a loss of freedom FOR ME. I'm not going to downgrade Monogamous relationships, I know its fulfilling for some.
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