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Question for Dom's


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Respect is the biggest love if you know Ur safe as a Dom or sub makes the sexual connection the best because I fully trust that person with Ur pleasure and life
I see it as it should only be within the play time . Outside of that you should treat eachother as equals
Respect is lacking in almost all parties, both the D and the s types. The community was once free of judgements, this part of etiquette alone has been completely lost.
Men can be rude regardless of what role women have listed. Everyone deserves to be spoken to with respect. But if you come at me with a start up that is disrespectful, expect the same in return. I know my worth. I've fought hard to become the person I am. Some man comes along who wants to do vile things to me is not going to get away with it. I don't play with strangers. I'll talk to just about anyone if they know how to hold a conversation. But if you cross the line, that's it.
I think there is often a communication issue; a lot of Doms approach with the mentality that "that which is not expressly forbidden is allowed" when it should be "that which is not expressly allowed is forbidden"; also, too many people treat the safeguard as a bargaining point, when it should mean an immediate stop and jump to after care, and then when the sub feels comfortable talking about what happened there can be a discussion. Never forget that a D/s dynamic is like every relationship, trust and communication are key. Also, if a Dom is not respecting boundaries that is ***, plain and simple
As a Dom, the basis for the D/s relationship is trust and an understanding that boundaries both implied and direct will be respected. Some people are into ***, it's not a *Dom thing it's a specific kink itself. Being a Dom is about creating a *safe*(defined by ones boundaries) and inviting space for you both to push your limits, learn and exsualt in non-judgemental primal abandon. If you are not creating a place where they "know they are safe, valued and respected' you will not be getting or giving a good experience. As a Dom, it is your responsibility to set boundaries that work for your sub(s), they offer themselves to you, make them feel safe and valued in the ways they need to be anchored enough to dip into depravity. If your not setting and maintaining boundaries, you are not a Dom, you're just kind of a bully. Take the time to learn about your subs and relationships in general, if you can learn where they need support, you will allow them to unleash their wild side and how to really get them to purr or squeal or whatever lovely sounds they make. Set a safe word and learn about their limits and likes, make them feel seen, heard and valued. A good sub will show and tell you their needs, you need to listen and make adjustments, their job is to say "yes sir", your job is to *make them want* and you can't do that without trust and respect.
It's not really a D/s statement, though, is it? Treating people with respect/how you'd want to be treated is a/should be a fundamental human trait regardless as to how each individual identifies.
I always say (Master Dave speaking here) that BDSM is all about trust and respect, so of course the Dom should care for, respect and protect his Sub. It's the first rule. Anyone breaking the first rule is most definitely not an a true Dom or Master and has no right to describe themself as such. They are simply just evil bullies.
Yes, definitely. Subs should be protected and cared for, their limits and their needs met, and at all times out of a scene be respected. After all a sub is the one that controls the scene with the power of the "safe word".
Unfortunately i heard this before. You need to establish trust between Dom & sub, for this you need mutual respect and open dialogue.
The kink community is built upon consent trust respect and communication. A true Dom(me) knows this and will always protect their sub no matter what. I'm a firm believer that a kink relationship is a level above vanilla because you should both follow these rules, that's not to say that people make mistakes but if you follow those 4 tenets you won't go far wrong
Iys hard to find the sincere between the trolls
A dom is nothing without their sub. Every dom should remember that and behave according.

A non-respecting Dom, is “not” a Dom. It’s simply called “a f**ker”… F**kers can be found on every corner of the streets. Search harder, question before dating and soon you will distinguish a real gentleman from a f**ker. Simply because f**kers only care about themselves…

While someone is subbing to a dom, that dom is responsible for that sub. A dom or sub can also mean a group here. However, there has to be clear agreement and communication that the dom is responsible and if the sub is yielding, and the limits of that responsibility should be clearly established beforehand.
My sub is a person first. I respect their right to autonomy and comfort should they choose that.
If they choose to surrender that autonomy and comfort as part of their chosen role, I'll respect their limits and desires and never lose sight of their humanity underpinning it all.
Being a Dom is not an invitation to play a toxic role, an invitation to harass or a pardon from shitty behavior. Being a Dom is understanding that you're everything into an agreement, a relationship, with your submissive counterpart.

It's cliche but I think people assume Dom equals 'anything goes' and that they may carte Blanche be toxic( this goes mostly for men). This is false and disrespectful.
I think they should be treated with respect even when in sub role no women deserve to be disrespected fun is fun but she is still a human being
Submission is granted, not demanded. You are not entitled to submission. It is a gift given freely or not at all. If you show your sub a lack of respect it should only be because you have negotiated that with them and they have consented to it. Anything else is not acceptable.
Yes it's not fun if both people don't enjoy it
I agree woth your description of a dom but it is a little deeper than that still. Its protection but its also about care, patience, leadership skills, and your over all demeanor. Like above mentioned, men who are “dom” come on here and just completely have no decorum when it comes to introducing themselves. They want what they want and to hell with how they communicate that.
My experience has been that men assert their dominates over me even before they know my name. Telling me what they will expect without any effort on them. They don't realize that most subs offer themselves as such as a gift.
Any real Dom knows that respect and care are essential for a proper D/s relationship...unless degedation is a part of the agreement!
I agree. She will let the one son who has proven and earned that privalidge to treat her as a plaything, she will let that dom know he has that permission. Otherwise. She is to be treated with respect and dignity. Unless otherwise stated, treat her as a person
Very true I think I’m aloud to be in charge to a point but it’s my job you understand if I’m asking to much I should stop. I like to push my sub little by little every time. I think to 100 percent for doms to be in charge. But it’s also his fault if he doesn’t lesson to his sub
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