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7 hours ago, chobers said:

The best insurance against disappontment or bad feelings is honesty and communication. It's VERY HARD to do, but it's worth it in the end.

It builds trust, which makes everythign so much better, more satisfying, and more fun.

That's why I'm monogamous; jumping from person to person doesn't leave enough room for trust to build. Not for me, anyway.

Nonmonogamy doesn't automatically mean "jumping from person to person," all it means is they don't have one single partner or relationship at a time. People can, and do, have more than one meaningful and ongoing relationship at once and are able to build trust and know each other. There are also loads of people who are nonmonogamous who don't engage in hookup culture or ONS at all. 

7 hours ago, chobers said:

That's why I'm monogamous; jumping from person to person doesn't leave enough room for trust to build. Not for me, anyway.

it's funny in the sense that I've known monogamous folk who've had strings of partners and non-monogamous folk who might have, say, three partners - but have had the same three partners for multiple years.

7 hours ago, SensationDom34 said:
- Top drop is normal. The way to reassure your doubts is to have your sub tend to YOU as well during aftercare. Words of affirmation that she loved it, loving touches to calm your brain and not overthink, etc.

- Personally, my drop hits the day after. That's when I wake up the next day and start questioning if she really liked it or if she just let it happen because she wanted to please me. That's why I have my subs text me a spam of emojis the next day. No words, just emojis that vibe with her on how she felt about the night before. That way, even after the endorphins wore off and the spark of last night has faded, I know they genuinely enjoyed it. This works wonders for improving my mental state about who I am and what I like. If they love what I do, what reason do I have to hate myself for it?

- Hope that helped


I dont feel any guilt for my kinks. Im very open with the people i share them with. Thats because ive built the trust in them that they would respect them. Ive got some dark kinks which i love to let out in role play and scenes. Again this is only with someone i know is open to them and also enjoy the same. It really does come down to firstly knowing what it is you desire, and then being honest and open with the other person about them. Even if you are risking them running for the hills. never try to fool someone else about your kinks, you just end up fooling yourself. just be clear about what you want and the right person will come along who wants the same.
  • 2 weeks later...
No guilt at all. I am what i am . And not everyone needs to know :)
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