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Mistress TORA The dollhouse

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Mistress TORA The dollhouse


The dollhouse


"I finally found it" Neb thought whilst looking down at the card in my hand. The card had arrived through his door a few days earlier. It was Just a black business card with red writing on it. All it said was MISTRESS TORA The dollhouse specialist in your rubber fetish needs, and an address on the back. As Neb was checking the address the door in front of him clicked and opened…


Mistress TORA


"Are you here to be my new gift?" He looked up, "Y Yes" Neb stuttered nervously. "Mistress TORA you shall address me as, and I have no need for your name yet! Come in" she instructed, "let's get started" ,as she shut the door behind him.

Mistress TORA was a goddess like latex clad fantasy, almost too good to be true. She was wearing a black with metallic blue trim latex catsuit,knee high boots with matching corset and ponytail hood with a shock of metallic blue hair. All you could see of her was her large blue heavily made up eyes and candy red lips. "so you are here to be a rubber toy for me today?" she said, as they entered into the room she had set up. "yes mistress tora I have" Neb quietly replied…"Well as you are so quiet, I think I'm going to make a rubber dolly out of you" she said whilst looking him up and down "if you were a little louder I might have made you something more manly"..."As mistress TORA desires" Neb submittingly responded. She then walked over to some doors on the wall and opened them. Inside was an enormous collection of BDSM toys and fetish wear. "yes perfect" she said as she turned around holding a rubber dollsuit. It was a one piece suit with just a zipper up the back. "Put this on, then I will name you" she handed Neb the suit "now go in there and put it on" she was pointing at another door on the wall, that looked the same as the other ones but just off to the left. Neb went over to the door and entered.


The transformation


 It was Just a changing room so Neb started to undress. He stopped and looked at the suit he had been given, to take in what he was just about to do…. It was very realistic looking, made of a silicone like material with all the parts in the right places. "oh well here we go" Neb thought as he started to put his feet in and work the suit up his legs. Struggling his way in, Neb finally had got to the point where it was Just the head left to pull on. He took one last look at his face in the mirror before he pulled the head on. "that's it just got to zip this up. Wow this fits really nice" he thought whilst checking himself out.

 "ZZZZIIIP"  "that was easy" Neb thought as he pulled the zip up his back and up to the top of his head. Looking again in the mirror Neb thought"wow this looks amazing" and corrected a few creases he noticed…


The reveal


"Are you ready yet doll, come hear you need naming" mistress TORA instructed. Neb opened the door and came back in the room. She was now standing there with some sort of remote control device in her hand. Looking Neb up and down again she smiled "you make an extremely cute little doll, better than the others I have made, I think I will keep you"....Neb muttered "what do you mean mistress TORA" not knowing whether to feel excited or scared. "well I'm not finished yet, I will call you Chiana I think"...with that she smiled again and pressed the button on the remote control..


Take over


"Argh" Neb cried, suddenly as the suit started to tighten up around his waist "whats happening" he screamed. Mistress TORA stood there smirking "TORA is an acronym not my name. It stands for total organic rubber absorption you fool" and laughed maniacly."it's an experimental rubber being developed, and I needed test subjects"Neb squirmed and reached for the zip, but it had disappeared "Ha Ha it's gone,the suit is organic! You are my peminent doll now! Neb squirmed more trying to find a way out, as the suit started to fill out the breasts and hips and butt, whilst tightening up else where to finally finish at an over exaggerated feminine figure "you are mine now" she said "your lucky I'm keeping you, I sell the others after I immobilise them" all Neb could do was wonder his fate "I have been watching your internet activities "she then said "how else do you think you got my card it wasn't accidental" …...


maybe to be continued


Brilliant written I would love to be in nebs boots 


I’m ready for chapter 2 now. However I recognise Mistress TORA??

21 hours ago, Chiana said:

Mistress TORA The dollhouse


The dollhouse


"I finally found it" Neb thought whilst looking down at the card in my hand. The card had arrived through his door a few days earlier. It was Just a black business card with red writing on it. All it said was MISTRESS TORA The dollhouse specialist in your rubber fetish needs, and an address on the back. As Neb was checking the address the door in front of him clicked and opened…


Mistress TORA


"Are you here to be my new gift?" He looked up, "Y Yes" Neb stuttered nervously. "Mistress TORA you shall address me as, and I have no need for your name yet! Come in" she instructed, "let's get started" ,as she shut the door behind him.

Mistress TORA was a goddess like latex clad fantasy, almost too good to be true. She was wearing a black with metallic blue trim latex catsuit,knee high boots with matching corset and ponytail hood with a shock of metallic blue hair. All you could see of her was her large blue heavily made up eyes and candy red lips. "so you are here to be a rubber toy for me today?" she said, as they entered into the room she had set up. "yes mistress tora I have" Neb quietly replied…"Well as you are so quiet, I think I'm going to make a rubber dolly out of you" she said whilst looking him up and down "if you were a little louder I might have made you something more manly"..."As mistress TORA desires" Neb submittingly responded. She then walked over to some doors on the wall and opened them. Inside was an enormous collection of BDSM toys and fetish wear. "yes perfect" she said as she turned around holding a rubber dollsuit. It was a one piece suit with just a zipper up the back. "Put this on, then I will name you" she handed Neb the suit "now go in there and put it on" she was pointing at another door on the wall, that looked the same as the other ones but just off to the left. Neb went over to the door and entered.


The transformation


 It was Just a changing room so Neb started to undress. He stopped and looked at the suit he had been given, to take in what he was just about to do…. It was very realistic looking, made of a silicone like material with all the parts in the right places. "oh well here we go" Neb thought as he started to put his feet in and work the suit up his legs. Struggling his way in, Neb finally had got to the point where it was Just the head left to pull on. He took one last look at his face in the mirror before he pulled the head on. "that's it just got to zip this up. Wow this fits really nice" he thought whilst checking himself out.

 "ZZZZIIIP"  "that was easy" Neb thought as he pulled the zip up his back and up to the top of his head. Looking again in the mirror Neb thought"wow this looks amazing" and corrected a few creases he noticed…


The reveal


"Are you ready yet doll, come hear you need naming" mistress TORA instructed. Neb opened the door and came back in the room. She was now standing there with some sort of remote control device in her hand. Looking Neb up and down again she smiled "you make an extremely cute little doll, better than the others I have made, I think I will keep you"....Neb muttered "what do you mean mistress TORA" not knowing whether to feel excited or scared. "well I'm not finished yet, I will call you Chiana I think"...with that she smiled again and pressed the button on the remote control..


Take over


"Argh" Neb cried, suddenly as the suit started to tighten up around his waist "whats happening" he screamed. Mistress TORA stood there smirking "TORA is an acronym not my name. It stands for total organic rubber absorption you fool" and laughed maniacly."it's an experimental rubber being developed, and I needed test subjects"Neb squirmed and reached for the zip, but it had disappeared "Ha Ha it's gone,the suit is organic! You are my peminent doll now! Neb squirmed more trying to find a way out, as the suit started to fill out the breasts and hips and butt, whilst tightening up else where to finally finish at an over exaggerated feminine figure "you are mine now" she said "your lucky I'm keeping you, I sell the others after I immobilise them" all Neb could do was wonder his fate "I have been watching your internet activities "she then said "how else do you think you got my card it wasn't accidental" …...


maybe to be continued

OK you asked for it...😊


Mistress TORA the dollhouse pt2




Neb just stood there in shock, things had gone very very wrong. "I select all my dolls this way" she laughed "I have ways to watch what you search for and desire...anyway Chiana we are not finished with you". Neb's heart was racing as panic started to set in , looking around to find an escape from the nightmare that he had fallen for. Neb suddenly started to feel faint and weak, and could not longer focus on anything….."thud" darkness

Neb collapsed in a heap on the floor, mistress TORA looked on smiling at her new toy.




Some time had passed, Neb gasped as reality flooded back in. He opened his eyes "must focus, why can't I see properly?" he thought , then trying to move he suddenly realised he was restrained to some kind of chair. He could make out a blury shadow stood in front of him, it was mistress TORA. "nagh huh" he grunted. "Hah you have your eyes fitted now, you are only allowed limited vision, because I don't want you trying to escape. And you are fitted with a ball gag until I decided If I want you to speak or not". Neb tried to raise his hand to his face "OK I will allow you to feel your new form" she pressed another button on the remote control, releasing Neb's arms. He reached and touched his face, his rubber clad fingers ran across his new rubber face and plastic eyes. Nebs mind was in turmoil as he was contemplating his future "what am I going to do? I'm trapped" Neb had wanted this but not like this, it was too late now.The suit had fully sealed closed the large doll eyes prevented vision beyond a couple of feet, Neb was weighing up his options. "do I stay and become the toy that mistress TORA wants, or wait play her game and try to escape". Mistress TORA looked on reveling in her work "so how do you like your new body Chiana? You are going to serve me well" she said "perfect little doll". 




A few days had now passed and Neb had played along with mistress TORAs game. She had now released Neb from the chair, and had removed the ball gag. But that had been replaced with a rubber mouth liner, this allowed for drinking and breathing but still Neb couldn't speak just make noises. 

In this time Neb realised that he needed to get the remote that mistress TORA had used on him, if he wanted any chance of escaping his fate. 




"OK Chiana you are proving to be very useful to me, time to get to work" mistress TORA proclaimed "we have a new doll to make for a customer and our subject is on their way over. So you are going to be my rubber maid" up to this point Neb was just a naked doll like a mannequin " here put this on" Neb was handed a latex maids outfit and a long brown wig "go get ready, they will be here soon". Neb headed back to the changing room to put on the outfit. Whilst getting ready Neb could hear the next victim being brought in……


Tbc pt3



Part 3 please.

You are doing well spinning your rubber world.

8 hours ago, Rubbersubont said:

Part 3 please.

You are doing well spinning your rubber world.

Oh wow I want to know what happens next 

On 1/25/2020 at 8:42 PM, Jinx said:

I’m ready for chapter 2 now. However I recognise Mistress TORA??

What a fantastic story l love it

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