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Femdom Scenario


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Just made it myself in discord few months back and copied over to text it's not perfect but good enough I guess tell me what you think about it.


Here it is hope it's ok to put here.

Part 1 since the last one took 3 parts btw all characters are

over 18 Ahem anyway- I just finished graduation at my

school so after graduation imma walking down the street.

I'm going to this party feeling kinda depressed you know

since l probably won't be seeing my few friends anymore

the street lights and the few lights from the buildings light

the sidewalk like beacons in the night drawing me closer

and closer to the party.

I hear the music in the distance echoing in my ears as I

walk along the dark gloomy street step by step along the

cold concrete. I eventually get to the party house after

what feels like an eternity of walking in silence my anxiety

and awkwardness runs like a rapid dog in my head sincel

don't like being around people but I'm going to see my

friends so there's a semi bright side anyway. The house is a

brick two story house with black shudders, doors and some

bushes lining the first floor windows. The roof is just black

shingles and the disco lights from the inside of the house

cast light on the outside lawn and sidewalk in colors of

blue and pink mixed with yellow. I sigh and gulp my

nervousness bubbling to new heights inside me as I step

towards the door my footsteps echoing like rocks falling

off a valley cliff into the abyss. When I reach the black door

I gently grab the doorknob. Its cold texture reminds me of

how out of place I am as I turn the doorknob and step



When I get inside l close the door behind me and I glance

around the room there are hardwood stairs in the center of

the room going up to the second floor to the left of the

stairs is the kitchen it's sleek marble countertops and

clean white cabinets reminded me of how my parents

worked overtime just to provide for my college. There were

a couple girls chatting to some tall muscular meathead

dude by the fridge so they wouldn't even give me a chance.

To the right of the stairs was the living room with ten

and girls all dancing around the disco lights and boon


Part 2 So I walk through the living room of the house and

notice my friends are dancing in the corner of the room.

Tristan is dancing in his black suit with his blonde hair

looking trimmed in the corner with Amy in her red dress

with her long black hair. I don't really want to disturb them

since they seem to be having a good time so I just sit down

at a nearby table in view of them so they know that I'm

here. I lean back in the chair and close my eyes trying to

distract myself from all the noise and the bright lights

bouncing off the walls. After I would say ten maybe twenty

minutes l don't know, I hear a sound. A scraping sound like

someone moving a chair so thinking it's my friends I open

my eyes.

But much to my surprise staring back into my eyes is this

goth chick her black hair goes to about her shoulders, her

eye shadow is black wrapping around her eyes like a pencil

tracing her eyes and..oh her eyes were blue like a touch of

color on a black and white ***ting. Her blush was enough

to be noticeable on her pale skin but not enough to go

overboard. She wore a black Victorian style dress that was

low cut en ough to see her boobs.. Um anyway she spoke to

me with a soft voice as smooth as butter, "Um hello, I need

help reaching for some chips on the top of the fridge, the

other one in the garage.. I'm just not tall enough to reach

them and I'm really hungry could you help me honey-,"

Being the gentleman that l attempt to be and mainly

because she's cute l agree to help figuring this wouldn't

take long as I follow her across the room to the other fridge

in the garage her footsteps echo off the floor like smooth

stones on concrete. I focus my gaze on her hair swaying

side to side like a watch in hypnosis as she walks across the


She finally gets to the door to the garage and opens it with

a soft click and beckons me inside I step inside the garage

gazing around the room. There's a Porsche 911 on the far

side of the garage with the fridge behind it.

End part2

Begin part 3 I walk around the Porsche and over to the

fridge and reach up to feel for the bag of chips. l grab the

bag of chips and hand it to her, her hands are pale and soft

as velvet with black nail polish. "Thanks honey-, " She says

softly as she takes the bag from me. She starts eating the

chips while looking me over it's kinda scary because she

has this strange look in her eyes like...a predator maybe?

So at this point I'm walking back to the garage door to get

back in the house when out of nowhere I feel someone grab

my shoulders and push me against the wall. I hit the wall

face first and wince in ***. "You're too cute to let you get

away honey I'm gonna have some fun with you."She

whispers in my ear sending chills through me and making

my *** cold. She then ***s my arms and legs together

and ties them together with rope. I try to untie the rope but

she stomps on my foot sending *** through me. "No you

shouldn't go and try to escape you'll not like the outcome."

She says with a smirk as she pulls me back against her.

can feel her boobs pressing against my back and i squirm

trying to escape but she just holds me tighter. Then she

slams me down on the concrete floor the *** making me

wince from the impact as she..sits on my face. She then

pulls her dress up to where I can see her panties it's black

lace. "Now lick me until I'm satisfied you aren't getting out

of this so just do it." She demands as she pulls her panties

to the side exposing her vagina. i try to throw her off of me

but she just grabs my hair and puts my face closer to her


At this point l figured well she's kinda cute despite the

situation so ah whatever Il just do it. I slip my tongue into

her vagina and swirl it round and round in a spiral going in

and out making her shiver. Then I suck on her clit making

her squirm and whimper "M-more." She demands as she

slips her hands in my pants and starts to stroke my cock

which makes me flinch. End of part 3

Begin part 4- She keeps stroking my cock it gets harder

and harder "Mm you look very tasty-,"

She says then she leans down and puts my cock in her

mouth sucking slowly which makes me tremble. I suck

harder on her clit and slip my tongue back into her pussy

her walls clench down on my tongue as she starts to leak

onto my tongue. She sucked harder and harder on my cock

making me squirt a little. I look away from embarrassment.

"Awe is some one shy- well you don't worry Il take good

care of you just keep eating me out." She whispers. So I

keep licking around her clit her walls clenching down

harder and harder on my tongue as I rub her swollen clit

with my fingers she moans louder and louder her moans

echoing off the walls of the garage.

With each moan she sucks harder on my cock until she

moans louder than ever. "Ngh ngh I..I'm cumming!" She

exclaimed as she came on my tongue her liquid flowing into

my mouth coating it in her juices.

She then went and pushed my cock deeper into her mouth

her saliva dripping all over my cock as she sucked harder

and harder I moaned and groaned. She began stroking my

throbbing cock with her soft hands while she sucked on it

over and over and...just couldn't hold it in anymore. I came

in her mouth repeatedly and sighed as I finally could catch

a breath. She released my cock from her mouth some of my

cum dripping on the floor as she swallowed it. "Mm that

was fun.. I might have to keep you. " She teased me with a


But I wasn't really listening I was just looking up at the

ceiling of the garage savoring the warmth spreading

through me growing weaker by the second. I could still hear

the music from the party in the other room echoing off the

walls but at this point I could care less about all that or my

friends dancing happily in the other room. I was just lost in

the feeling of bliss in the current moment as I looked into

her eyes. Then she leaned in to kiss me with a smile

radiating off her pale smooth face. End of part 4

Thanks for reading. :)

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