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The Quiet Flame - A Poem About Submission


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In silence, you kneel, not weak but strong,
A place where you’ve felt you truly belong.
Your heart beats steady, slow and sure,
In the quiet of restraint, you find your cure.
Leather wraps tight, but it sets you free,
A paradox of what submission can be.
Each touch, each word, a guiding light,
Leading you deeper into the night.
No chains of f o r c e, but threads of will,
A bond of trust that time can’t kill.
You bend, you yield, but never break,
In every gasp, your soul awake.
For here in the quiet, in the space of release,
You find your power, your perfect peace.
To give, to serve, to wear the mark—
A flame that burns within the dark.
By StrictSir71


"The Quiet Flame" explores the inner strength and empowerment found in submission within a BDSM dynamic. The poem ***ts a picture of a submissive who willingly gives themselves over to another, not out of weakness, but through a deep sense of trust and control. It speaks to the paradox of submission: though bound physically, the submissive finds freedom and emotional release. The imagery of leather, restraint, and marks symbolize the physical aspect of BDSM, while the steady heartbeat and inner peace highlight the emotional fulfilment and power found in this dynamic.

Ultimately, the poem expresses that submission is not about defeat or loss of self, but about embracing vulnerability and trust to unlock a deep, intimate connection. It conveys how submission, when freely given, becomes a source of strength, personal growth, and liberation. The "quiet flame" represents the powerful, but often unseen, inner fire that submission can ignite.

Edited by SirBDSM71
3 hours ago, Angelbaby865 said:
Love this!!

Thank you

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