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Heated Ride


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The rain was pouring heavily upon me as I ran through the streets. Water have already seeped through my clothes, showing the world my curves and lingerie as it became heavy. I can already hear the men footsteps, shouting at me with ferocious anger with a hint of unmistakable glee of catching me. My heart race as I hold the package that is most precious to my bosom. Turning upon a corner, I see the carriage promise to me with a welcoming door open. Hot tears streak down my cheeks as I leapt inside the carriage for safety. Darkness follow suit as the sound of hooves and rain ring upon my ears. Laying there motionless, taking each breath as though it was my last, a voice called out to me. “I see you had the time of your life, my dear Librarian. Did you secure the package?” I look up to my rescuer and my confidant, the Duchess. In exchange for access to her library and safe passage out of the country, I would deliver a much sought book. This particular book contains damning info on a particular family that would ruin them. I nodded and handed the package. “Excellent! This will put those bastards down a peg or two.” She trace her hand over the book and proceeds to scan through the pages, as I take my place on the other side of the carriage. In the following moments, I took my time to actually see my benefactor. I had only knew her by the letters we have exchange, ever since she sent the first one to me. Similar to her handwriting, she as beautiful as the words she weave. Not only that, she wears clothes as though a man would! I can see her curves so easily, unlike my modest dress for work. The top shirt is unbutton enough that the cleavage is easily visible. My cheeks are already red and I'm starting to feel a bit heated, even though it's the turn of fall.


Wait, when did she stop reading? Why is she smiling at me!? “You did wonderful my dear, a job more deserving than the 'original payment' we agree upon.” I nervously chuckle at her words. “I don't seem to follow? What could I possibly want more?” Duchess than moved from her side of the carriage to mine, as I start to find myself inching close to the corner. “You see my dear Librarian, I had fun doing this scheme with you. The planning, researching, dwelling into things we shouldn't have. Not only that, but we also... talk. Our hopes, dreams and what we want in life.” As she speaks these words my heart starts to race as she crawl towards me inch by inch until our faces are almost touching. My cheeks are burning and the condensation from the combine moisture have fog up my glasses, that I can't see her express. “I never met a woman like you, and I don't think I never will.” In a slow and tactful movement, she lifts my glasses off my face and seal my lips with hers. The sensation that follow was something I never felt and in that brief moment of contact, I wanted more. As she starts to move away from my lips, I return the favor to her. War began between us, with our tongues being the main ***s. Although, I had the advantage with the surprise. She clearly was more skilled than me. I submitted to her, as she dominated every part of my mouth. She was merciless and I was loving every moment of it. The sounds of my defeat were ringing throughout the carriage. In the end, air won dominance between us as we let go for air. Duchess than looks down on me and smiled wickedly, “My dear Librarian, I could never imagine how delicious~ you look being this heated up. It just want's me to ravish you even more~!” Breathing heavily and already feeling a new wetness forming between my legs, I look up to her. “Please.” Duchess taking pleasure in my submissive position, decides to tease me. “Please, what?” Taking my hands I undo my blouse and expose my still wet bra to her. “Please, ravish me.”


Smiling, she lean down to my ear. “Thank you for the meal.~” As we sit up to get more comfortable, Duchess gave me a quick peck on the lips as a trail soon follow down my neck. At the same time, her hands work on my bra, unclasping and tossing them in one swift motion. I felt the tension release from wearing it and the sudden sensation of being bitten. “Aaaaaah!” Looking down on Duchess, I see she took the time to bite on my neck, which I found out to be quite sensitive. “My, my.~ Didn't we learn something new? I wonder what other spots make you sing?” Clasping a hand on one of my breasts, she starts to massage the one while at the same time suckle on the other. Sounds coming out my mouth were music to her ears, for she kept me singing. My head was spinning, but at the same time, I wanted more. I wanted her to feel what I was feeling. Guiding her head up to me, I start to kiss her passionately and start to undo her shirt. “Aren't we bold? Well, don't worry about this old thing. I have many others like it. Tear it up like it's your birthday!” At her command I did. A few buttons flew here and there, but it didn't matter at that moment, once the shirt was off it was my turn.


Moving from lips to neck, I look for her weak spots, trying to give back the love bite she gave me. Around I go, massaging her breasts against mine. Our nipples rubbing against each other in electrifying sensations. Duchess moans echo with mine as I reach up to nibble at her ear, it appears I found her weak spot. “Mmmm. If I don't know any better, I say you had done this before?” I blush from her comment shyly looking away. “Not really. Your my first.” Duchess move my head slowly towards her. “Than I'm very lucky to be your first.” Kissing me on the lips, she slowly move me down and trails the kisses towards my skirt; removing them to reveal my soaking panties to her delight. Without a word, she use her teeth to slowly remove them past my legs. The whole experience was both exciting and terrifying at the same time, my heart racing for each second that passed. Grabbing both of my legs, she look at me to see if I'm ready. I nodded. In a instant, I felt the electrifying sensation passed through me as her tongue slowly lick my pussy. She started slow, dragging each lick as antagonizing as she can. It felt like my body is burning up and demanding to be release, but she denied it every time. Than it started. Plunging head on, her entire tongue enter me as I felt it squirm around. She prod and tested each crevice of me to find my weak spots, than proceeds to toy with me again. The agonizing pleasure I was feeling was driving me to brink of either madness or transcendence. What finally drove me to the edge was her use of penmanship. The artistic cursive beauty she used to write to me is now being done within me. I can feel every line being made, every letter, every word. “Duchess...” I called out weakly to her, almost to my limit.


She stop and look at me, almost worried. “Is everything alright? I didn't hurt you, did I?” I smiled at her as I sit up and look and see that she was also enjoying herself. Her pants were already off and her panties were off on one leg. “No, I know you would never hurt me on purpose. You were wonderful, fantastic! I just... want us to finish together.” Blushing once more, as I reach my hand upon her hip. Duchess face returning back into her grinning smile, wrap her legs around me as I follow suit. Our nether regions rubbing against each other, as we move our hands down towards them. Taking each other, we plunge our fingers in. I could feel Duchess, hers was so wet and tight around my fingers. As always, she took her time with me, but this time hitting each and every weak spot. I was sensitive beyond anything, but I knew she was on edge as well. Moving my fingers faster, I reached up and start nibbling on her ear. This set both of us on the edge as our entire body started to shake from the orgasm. Hugging each other for support, we embrace each other as we go through the motions. The bliss of our bodies reaching nirvana together was extraordinary and we enjoy every second of it. Motionless and breathing heavily, we look at each other. “That was amazing, you were amazing.” We both said in union. Our faces blush as we avoid to look at each other. “My Librarian... Would you be interested in joining dinner with me?” I look at her steadfast and my eyes widen. “Are you asking me on a date?” Keeping a blush, she nodded. There was only one response I could give, “Are you on the menu?”

Beautiful writing x

I love it your truly a word smith

Beautiful words, Belle ❤️
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