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We have a lot of haunted locations where I live it's pretty crazy the amount of places that are haunted but one strikes with me is the ghost of the orphans who drowned during the 1900 storm, their spirits haunt the Walmart on boulevard, when they used to be 24hr, one night me and friend would walk around after going to the beach, we would hear kids laughing and running which didn't feel off until you realized it's a school night and theres barely anyone here besides the occasional crackhead or employee around the store, but *** would tell me that the spirits of those kids are still there.
There is a tale that I tell often. One of the perfect submissive girl, naturally submissive, and so excited to serve. Her whimsical nature and playful demeanor instantly turned off by a word or a meaty paw wrapped around her neck, and her desire burned so strong it threatened to set her alight. That girl so beautiful, has only the slightest concept of that beauty and often considered it a curse. Her body that of a girl half her age, still never met her expectations. That girl’s fatal flaw was her *** of the unknown and her inability to take the next step. In the end she nearly destroyed me. It’s said, mainly by me, that the girl carries a man’s heart with her wherever she goes, and to this very day should she show up on his doorstep that he would welcome her back with open arms.

Muhahaha. (Evil laughter)
The one I heard of is in South Carolina I forget where but anytime there is a Hurricane or a really bad storm coming coming a Grey Man appears as a Ghost to warn the living it's pretty cool
Edit it's in Pawleys Island
My great grandmother owns a quite a collection of dolls. One particular doll gives the family quite an uneasy feeling, one that have its hands sewn into its face. On one particular day during a family dinner that I was unable attend. A noise was heard downstairs. The door to outside being open and closed. Everyone investigated, but their was no signs of any *** entry and everybody was at dinner. Only one at the room was the doll. To this day, the doll have become a object that nobody doesn't want to be alone with.
My apartment was oppressive by a demonic being back in 2012

I live near a bar/restaurant that constantly has objects thrown, people tapped, and lights flicker.

I have never experienced it myself. When I go someplace supposedly haunted, nothing happens. I supposedly have a cleansing or calming influence. I am not sure I believe that though.


The area I grew up in has an urban legend about albinos living in the forest. The area is rural and heavily forested. No one lives up there, and there have been stories for years. My own personal experience is being tracked/followed by people while hiking in the area. Other friends have been chased.
One night while I was sleeping I woke to ladies head floating over my bed telling me to check in the well for a young child. That freaked me the eff out.
Lol I work at Zak Bagans Haunted Museum here in Las Vegas..

Ok so I'm pretty sure we are aware of shadow people right or worse a witch. I sh*t u not, I'm on my mountain bike going through a known urban bike trail going home


And as I see something that keeps coming out of the corner of my eyes of a woman in a white gown but with long black hair come now I know that this might sound ridiculous but I always keep one earbud in my ear so that way I can hear my surroundings with my other and many people have said they've seen the same thing. And as I have my headlight on I see this woman in the white gown black hair covering your face and I slow down asking if she's okay and I kept hearing whispers around me and then it has heard a growl demonic sound (no I don't believe in heaven or hell or god or the devil) and I am a registered carrier and as I put my hand on my piece (without taking eyes off her and not looking away from her,) she disappeared.. like nowhere to be found so I put my hand back on that my mountain bike handlebar and as they take one pedal away she whispers "if you're wondering where I'm at, I'm right behind you" now and I felt this touch this cold touch on my shoulder that I know that if I did not start hauling ass out of there that I would have ended up disappearing. And there's plenty of other stories that are legit . Like I've seen a shapeshifter same area where I'm looking at the sunrise and this blob that just look like an orb or a bean you can see through turns into a old man on a bicycle and people have told me that he or this entity is very protective of his land and doesn't like people littering or throwing cigarette butts and I said howdy how's the morning treating you and he just nodded without a smile and then I let my cigarette as a start to walk away and I turn around and he's no where to be found. But I did see a dark shadow just chilling there seeing if I was going to drop any litter and luckily I was with a friend and he said that he's been aware of this entity and that it's a shape shifter or a skinwalker of some kind but he does not like trash on his trail which is the same trail but further up like a lot further up. And I'm in Redmond Washington lol

The disappearance of the the SS Minnow, scary.
La Llorona. She is the crying woman who searches for the spirits of her children in order for her to rest. She takes children who hear her cry.
23 hours ago, DJSUBTAPEMEUP528 said:

The one I heard of is in South Carolina I forget where but anytime there is a Hurricane or a really bad storm coming coming a Grey Man appears as a Ghost to warn the living it's pretty cool
Edit it's in Pawleys Island

Yes. I'm familiar with the "Grey Man" legend. The spirit is seen walking on the beach, prior to a hurricane, to warn the living. I believe that, if you see the "Grey Man", take heed of his warning and evacuate from the hurricane, that your house will be untouched. 

Here in Texas we a Headless horseman called El Muerto. The story goes a Mexican bandit named Vidal went and stole a horse from a man named Creed Taylor, a texas ranger. Creed got all the other Rangers up and hunted Vidal down and shot him dead. Afterwards they cut off his head, put it inside his sombrero and left it hanging on the side of his horse while the rest of the body was on top of it. Some have said to have seen El Muerto in Texas. Yelling “it is mine! All mine!”.

I have my own experience to share. I was 18 and camping with a buddy. We went to an abandoned dam to fish and camp. It was about 3km from a small town nearby. Walkerton ON.
We fished the day away and got skunked, (we didn't catch a thing). Come evening, we settled in for some hotdogs and a wee nip of scotch. Less than a half hour later we heard some rustling grass and small branches breaking. We were near a river and so ignored it, figuring deer or raccoons were coming down to drink. Less than ten minutes later we heard a tremendous Crack of wood. Much too loud to be a twig or branch breaking. We froze. Turned off our music, and stood staring off into the dark where the sound originated from. We were silent. Listening intently. I had just turned my head to speak to my friend, when we heard a rushing of steps. Bipedal steps moving fast towards us. We freaked out and jumped back in a panic. I grabbed a ******* and Rick went fumbling around for a ******. Then I heard a ***d cry of ***. Very short and cut-off. Rick was looking off into the high river grass, almost like pampas grass but roughly 7 feet tall. And there, turning away as I looked, was a wide set of hairy shoulders and a pointy head with no neck. Not 15 feet away. Standing about 2.5 feet ABOVE the river grass.
It crouched down in that grass. We stood there staring at the spot it disappeared in, listening to it breathe.
We stood there shaking, and terrified for about 20 minutes. Listening to it move around but unable to see it. Eventually, it moved from the grass, out onto a trail that was obscured from the fire by the hanging, blowing limbs of a hawthorn tree.
It watched us and we watched his shadow crouched on the trail. Crouched it almost came up to my shoulder. I'm 6'3".
I eventually got the nerve to pull my tent up fast and stowe it in my hatchback while Rick watched my back. We left while it was still crouched watching.
We went back the next day. But didn't know at the time what we had seen. We found the broken li.b that had made the loud crack the night before. It was a 6" thick limb that had been snapped off and peeled back till it was off. Still damp. Still smelling green.
Last year was the first time I've been back in any woods to camp. I was 18 then. I'm 49 now. It has been the one and ONLY time in my life I knew with certainty that I was lower on the food chain than whatever er was in that grass.

There were always rumblings , whispers of a strange almost unexplainable passing of time. Where a once young and healthy person would awake one day and not be able to recognise themselves in the mirror or remember the many years that the reflection staring back at them seemed to have lived .

Their body once healthy and maybe even toned now weak and aching , their face once youthful and vibrant was suddenly filled with lines and was dry as the desert .

Surly this must be a dream that person can not be the same as the one they once where. Yet there it was staring back at them in the mirror.

This same occurrence seemed to happen many times over many times zones and yet not one person could recall the years that had passed .

Some tried to recapture the forget years but those attempts left them feeling more aged than they already were.

No one has ever been successful in explaining the missing time but some say it was simply a side effect of ..................
Say "SleepyWolf" 3 times in the mirror, a red handprint appears on your asscheek. 😉 Spooky.
Being from the seaside there was a myth about in 3 days of a local celebration, some very mean entities are agitating the sea drowning everyone who goes for a swim in them 3 days. That celebration is during the end of the summer. Apparently there was reported few people who actually died drowning in those 3 days. Them spirits could be calmed by offerings.
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