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Doms and how they dress

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26 minutes ago, mighthurtabit said:
I am certain the Earls of each do speak of their clan. And in Canada we do, we also speak of Scotland Rising, and most other countries where we have become part of a greater. It may or may not be a generational thing, that, I canna dispute. But I wear my tartan whenever I fuckin want to, I don't require it to be a formal occassion. It is to me, another item of clothing. As familiar as the salmon knife I wear, daily. I do know that the ladies born in Scotland and moved here for one reason or another certainly do lay claim to their clan. So please, again I mean no offense, when I stop and listen to Scotland the brave, or toss my caber, not very good at that, or lift a glass to the clansmen fallen for Scotland independence, (you may want to google Scotland Rising)

It is most certainly not a generational thing. Obviously I have parents and used to have grandparents. You keep living your Disneyland Scotland. I’ll continue to live in the real Scotland.

What the fuck is up in your ass. Disney. Fuck that. It is generational. What would your grandfather say to you about clan allegiance. And his before him. Or where you kin of the ***ers at Culloden. In your 'real' Scotland, the pride has been stolen. You have been curled and rolled in flower, stuffed and fed hogswallow until you regurgitate it as truth. Learn your history, do u know why the thistle represents? You may reside on the land, but that land is not Scotland that land is part of the British Empire, long live good king Charles lol
I am going to say I must stop this discussion. I am sorry for any offence you have taken.
I will not comment further. You have an absolute right to your opinions. As I do mine. Adrenalina75, I sincerely do retract any that may have hurt.
We are extremely proud of being Scottish. Actually Scottish. Being Scottish is absolutely nothing to do with your imaginary version of my country. It’s about living and being here. Assimilating. Knowing our present day culture. Regardless of any history. Being Scottish is not in, as in your case, being a quarter ‘Scottish’ on account of having one grandparent from Scotland. It’s not about genetics. South Asian Scottish people are as Scottish as anyone else here. And 1,000,000 times more Scottish than people like you. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Advice if you ever actually set foot in this country, do not say you’re Scottish. At best, you will be laughed at.
And unless your grandmother lived here in the 17th century, then she too, came from the ‘British Empire’. Meaning, under your definitions, you do too. The royal family holds no power in the UK, and is not greatly recognised or respected in present day Scotland. Only by a particular type of Rangers fan. There’s a smidge of Scottish culture for you. You’re welcome.
I should add that I also knew my maternal great-grandparents until my 20s. So I know their thoughts too.
Never once have I ever ever claimed. And that is the last I will say on this. . warrington701 I must again apologize to you. The discussion was quite valid until apparently I tipped a cart. Please accept my deepest apologies. I hope that you will open your discussions again to one such as I.
I wish ‘Be You’ were at the beginning of every post so we don’t forget with all these roles and rules..

I'm a dominant no matter if I'm wearing a leather corset and thigh high boots or comfy pjs and rainbow unicorn slippers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It has been a while since I have posted here.   But, this topic seemed worth a response.   The truth is, I dress for ME.   I love leather.   Playing the Dom. or going to fetish events, gives me an excuse to wear as much leather as I please.   It has been called, "Dressing For Pleasure".   I think that a lot of Doms and Dominas will agree with me on this.   Of course, if it makes me feel good, some of that energy gets added to the session.

Still, it is not necessary.   I could do a session wearing just black sweat pants and a black tank-top, while going barefoot.   In fact, I have done it.   OK, I might also wear my gauntlets, so I still have that little taste of leather (see my profile pic)   Still, the sub/client/slave is typically blindfolded, and chained-up with her back to me.   She "sees" only the bits of fantasy that I whisper into her ear.   As her endorphin high gets ever more intense, the scenarios that I describe during pauses, seem ever-more real.   She has totally forgotten whatever I was wearing.

Of course, there is also the time involved with fetish wear.   It can take me 30 minutes to get into full regalia.   And, almost as long to get back out of it!   Donning full fetish wear can feel like a session of self-bondage.   Perhaps, that is why we like it so much.

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