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Religion and Kink

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I was raised in a religious household and have always believed,but not as you may understand it.Yes I feel there is a power for good,some would call it "God"and vice versa for the darker side,however I do not believe the earth is 5000 years old and the bible Is factual,It's a book written by men to control other men end of.The dinasours were very real so that sort of messes with everything I was told about Adam and Eve.The point is I have developed my very own religion but at the end of the day I still "believe"its just something I feel in my core.


Anyway how do I reconcile those beliefs with the man I am today?The things I enjoy when every religious text and practitioner would tell me I'm wrong and will be cast into the pits of hell for the way I choose to live??


Funilly my conscience is completely clear and this is something I have thought through deeply over time.I think "him upstairs"probably gets it.I do nothing that is not wanted(consent)I do nothing that has not been pre discussed(limits)I always care for those I'm with even as I inflict ***(trust)they know they are completely safe with me .For me a belief in a higher power and kink can co exist comfortably with no real conflict but if you disagree please debate and comment.


My question is this,there must be others out there who have faced this,is this something you may have wrestled with,struggled with?





I posted about it on here somewhere i think.

I have faith too, my argument is that life is a gift, we are given this life to experience things, to feel....

I give myself, completely and honestly to "God" and to those i meet with. I love hard. 


Through bdsm and kink i have grown so much, met some amazing people that have genuinely changed my life, found a community that offers friendship, love, support, advice, fun...


No one knows the will of God.

God knows what is in my heart.

I actually posted this on a christian forum..


Typing out loud here...

I absolutely believe God exists but what if I'm wrong?
I believe Fooz may be the man for me.
I believe my friends are good for me, and I for them, yet they're not Christians.
One of my friends is poly, he believes that he can't get everything he wants from one person but by being open and honest he can love more than one person. He gives 100 pc of himself to whoever he is spending time with, it's not always sexual either, more sharing his time.

I believe everything is a lesson, I'm convinced there's something behind everything. There has to be.

I've always had faith but it's never been, Idk, biblical. It's instinctual.

If I were to stand before God now..
I know I'm a sinner, Christ died for me.
He knows what's in my heart.
I don't doubt Him. I doubt myself.
Am I good enough? Not without His grace, no.

I can only follow my heart. I gave my heart to God because it's His.
I may be a sinner but I'm a child of God.



I was born and raised in the Bible Belt, in a fundamentalist Christian household. I have struggled with so many aspects of the conflicts between the things I was taught Vs. my natural desires and needs.

I often refer to the Pentecostal "church" I attended in high school as a cult because of the toxic brainwashing I experienced there. My actual spiritual beliefs are not dissimilar to what you describe.

But here's my argument: why would a "god" based on love give us the capacity to feel and enjoy these urges but then demand that we deny ourselves? The God described in the Bible (as written by men) was a narcissistic sadist. Ironically, man was allegedly created in his image. But he mustn't behave in the way that comes naturally. x


Yep we can believe and still feel.peace with what we are.What interests me is those who may struggle accepting both sides.


I was never raised religious but after a turbulent *** to twenties period I became religious. I studied theology, preached and ran a Christian youth group for 4 years. 

I have my struggles for sure. 

I am adverse to views on God expressed here  however I do not feel the need to discuss my core beliefs either. 

I do feel you can be a devout believer (I am not there any longer) and practice some Kink. There is a multitude of things that the Bible is silent on and as such does not prohibit. 

Within a marriage there really is quite a lot of scope. There is likely an equal measure of activities that are incompatible too. Again it comes down to limits. 

All our limits are shaped by some external influences, be it ***, lack of knowledge, belief, medical condition etc. It's probably not right to judge the reasons for limits but to respect and understand why they are there. 

Trouble is if I said "homosexuality is a hard limit for me" and left it at that, 9 times out of 10 the kink community would be OK with that but if I said "homosexuality is a hard limit for me because I believe the bible forbids it" I would likely be ostracised. I think these are difficult issues to navigate, especially in such a Liberal and secular society which draws most of its worldview from Helenism. 

For myself this is a constant struggle, sometimes on the other hand, that's what makes pushing boundaries so damned exciting. 



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