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The dear departed. Long term members kicked off the site suddenly.

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Have to be very careful how to phrase this. There seems to have been a change to the T&Cs here which some long time, prolific posters have fallen foul of. I accept that it's difficult holding folks to the same standard. Some arrive hell bent on scamming, but do it in a more sophisticated way. Folks who have been here for eons, with huge catalogues of photos and interactions have been thrown off recently....with no right of appeal. 
I do not have open channels to them all but of the ones I was able to interact with, one was stunned, absolutely no idea what she'd done wrong. The other...mentioned FnDmm in her profile and joked about flogging an old pair of socks. However...UTOG (the UT being someone who provides funeral services) ....100s of photos,  a couple of vids, loads of friends, many contributions to the Forums an illustrator for an erotic book publisher...banned. I think because she asked folks to buy her an optional 'coffee' if you get my drift. The other...an adorable London based 'chlorine' bear who's had a bad end to 2024. Again, loads of photos, vids, chat room hours, friends etc. 
I get the T&Cs business..but the T&Cs also say a ban is their 'last resort'. People with many years of outstanding community 'service' are being thrown off for accidental breaches of updated T&Cs with no recourse to appeal or appropriate punishment. This place is much, much poorer as a result. 


Thank you for your perspective @VDK and the description of your impression regarding ‘disappeared’/blocked profiles.
I can understand that such an impression can arise. But I would appreciate if people thought a little ‘outside the box’.

For example, it could be a system error if a lot of long-standing profiles are suddenly blocked. We had a system problem with certain email addresses last year, for example, which resulted in some members (with such an address) being ‘accidentally’ banned. After we received the first reports, this was immediately checked by the technical department, the error was corrected and all affected profiles were released again and refunded for the damage.

What's more, you don't notice all the misbehaviour that is sanctioned in the background.
A long-standing membership, loads of pictures/videos/etc. and a friendly individual exchange does not automatically mean that such a member will behave in accordance with the rules in all areas.
The sanctions triggered by warnings depend on the number of warning points ‘accumulated’ to date. The more warning points someone has, the more drastic the sanction. As soon as someone has ‘accumulated’ 15 warning points, the profile is blocked.

Here is an overview of the penalty levels:


As most warning points expire after some time, it is not so common that members ‘shoot themselves in the foot’ through constant misbehaviour. But it does happen - even (and especially) with long-standing members.
There are also some rule ***s that result in an immediate profile ban (e.g. offering financial services, ‘real’ incest or *** sex activity).

I'm not saying that the profiles you have in mind have misbehaved in this way. I'm just trying to explain the possible reasons for profile bans - which are incomprehensible from a personal point of view.

We cannot and must not talk about such activities in public. For data protection reasons and to protect the privacy of our members. Therefore, I cannot go into details here.
But any affected member can contact support and ask for the reasons and details. Even if the profile is blocked - please simply send an email to [email protected].

Best regards

Carmen, Community Team




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