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A new member posted a question on a thread called 'New and Learning..."  I answered it; and I got a notification that the new member had posted a comment... but when I tried to read it, I got the following:

Sorry, there is a problem

You do not have permission to view this content.

Error code: 2F173/K

Whatever the hell all THAT means???

And while we're all here, why does one moderator i  particular keep closing tech-issue threads practically instantly, with the recommendation tech issues be referred to the help desk?  I referred one to them over a month ago and they still haven't answered.  And I'm not the only one who's had this problem.


the thread should be available again now.

One of the reasons we close some of the threads immediately is that a lot of the issues are issues for support, rather than the forum - and it just ends up with other people adding their issues to the thread, rather than to support.

Please also check junk mail for replies from support.


That happened to me with the error code thing in that thread we both commented on the other day about female bodies, I couldn't see the whole thread after, so can only assume the op blocked me

2 hours ago, FETMOD-KF said:

the thread should be available again now.

One of the reasons we close some of the threads immediately is that a lot of the issues are issues for support, rather than the forum - and it just ends up with other people adding their issues to the thread, rather than to support.

Please also check junk mail for replies from support.

Have checked junk mail - nothing there. People are adding issues because they don't get answers or help from 'Customer Support'.

47 minutes ago, Nerdycat said:

That happened to me with the error code thing in that thread we both commented on the other day about female bodies, I couldn't see the whole thread after, so can only assume the op blocked me

that thread was removed due to the OPs unacceptable comments.

Posted (edited)


Then why not just change that, edit the comment of the person, giving a warning shot or maybe a point and be done with it? So this particular person would know how it should be and how the moderation handles things. The topic was accepted and published. 

And as i understand it, many people want to get a feedback on what they report and in many communities at least a automated message gets out. Wouldn't it be better to actually care about this fact? I mean we talk about people here and they could stop reporting things, if there is no real proper response. So it should be in fetish's best interest to at least handle the user reports a little more sensitive. And I don't mean with kid gloves. ;)

But i would also recommend as a user, to the other users, not to overreact in some situations. I had my fair share with admins and moderators here, and they are reasonable and have changed a lot over the years. Sure, the support is quite reserved, but there is something happening all the time. The dealings with situations got better and better with time. Fetish is still realatively young or new. And the moderators and admins even try to change things by talking to the support people. I guess the reason that somehow sometimes get some topics out in the open with contend about errors or bugs on the app or side is to give it another go. Think about it, someone has to accept it, before you could read it. So i think it is to show that people need more then a link to a text field with a submit button. Just be a little decent and also understanding. Fetish is NOT a commercial oriented label or something like that, even if they have features to pay for. It's more like “to keep the things arround and going”...


Edited by Deleted Member
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