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Cum storing

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I’m storing my cum in a air tight container in the freezer. Fresh from the tap, closed up and put into the freezer. It freezes pretty quickly and keeps its form. however there is condensation buildup in the container. I’m guessing because it was warm coming out then froze.

does anyone else do this? Any tips or things you do differently? Also how long will it stay fresh for in the freezer. I’ll only pull it out every 3 days to add more to it. I just wanna make sure it doesn’t start to stink and that it keeps its consistency and chlorine like smell until my girl gets back in a month or so.


I really don't recommend keeping and using this especially not in a home freezer. 


Are you...what are doing with it? You spreading it around or something?...I'm actually quite curious what it's used for.


If you wanna freeze cum, use an ice cube tray and a little water to make cum cubes


Im going to imagine his partner eats it? Hes not the most specific with its usage and im curious now.

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