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Tell me if this is weird or unrealistic


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Hello everyone hello ladies.. I Wanna get your opinion about a concept or idea I am having For a very long time and convinced of her validity but it doesn't seem to be that productive.. At all

I always thought that role playing with another person can free you both from lack of familiarity together at first and free you both of it withoit any awkwardness.. It also can give somehow a clear picture of who you are dealing with. If you are both have common  thoughts confortavke to eachother.. Maybe you can get more personal.. Become long term rp partners.. Get even more personal together.. And here you can find your selves infront of well built comfortable possible relation and gets real!! 


It's possible to get along well in roleplays, and develop a long term rp partnership. But not a real relationship. Not all people roleplay as their real selves. In my case, it's never the true me in my plays. Neither is my closest partner.

So, it's not 100% the protrayal of the real person. Roleplaying can also free you from reality, so many people play as the person they want to be, rather than their real self.

  • 6 months later...

I keep my online roleplays as close to what I'd do in rl. Very descriptive and detailed. Usually set a scene, ladies choice of course, location, relationship, toys used and then take it from there. But with anything it depends on how similar play partners are, communication is key to understand if you are both on the same page. Everyone perceives things differently so likewise both players have to be able to communicate what they want from these roleplays.

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