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**CW** - Solitary Confinement / House Arrest.


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So here in the uk we are coming close to 3 weeks lockdown and isolation,  which for some means Solitary Confinement...

With hourly doses of *** being pumped through our TVs,  phones, and news papers. People are quite rightly getting cabin fever,  I've gotta say my olds are petrified and very paranoid! (I keep telling them not to read the mail..... )

We / I live in a sleepy backwater,   which I've got to say I've very very surreal at the moment without 1000s of holiday makers.....

yes I am going to get to my point......😬

2 weeks ago bush telegraph reported the local hospital was prepped,  last week COVID 19 hit town,  this week 5 people are reported to have died from the virus ( facts from front line friends)..... 5 deaths to me this doesn't mean much as we are  generally an unhealthy (fish and chip eating), impoverished and generally waiting for God community,  so high risk!  ( I don't  say that in a nasty way) 

Getting their....😉

We on this site are a very diverse in every way and socially,  physically, geographically and therefore represent a broad segment of the world.

OK here goes,  

Hands up if you have 1st hand experience of the🦠,  are you front line dealing with the sick? have you been tested positive?  how did you feel? how long did it last? did you spread it? has one of your circle contracted it,? how are they? sadly and regretfully had anyone we know died?

I know 1 person in London who was in the 1st wave of sickness,  5/6 weeks ago who is fortunately ok now and wasn't affected to badly .  This person didn't seem to contaminate all their friends which is a blessing. They can tell their story if they want too...

So everybody hands up, what's your 1st hand story?


I've one good friend who currently is suspected to have it (she can't get tested without being admitted to hospital and hospital won't admit her just yet), another who was also suspected but got through it (again, couldn't get tested as not deemed serious enough) and I know two people who were tested.

One of which was my wife's grandma - she'd had a fall and taken in to hospital and whilst there found she had a chest infection. they had to run tests but they came back negative.

Another, was someone who took seriously ill and did test positive - and I had to panic count backwards as she got symptoms 9/10 days after the two of us had filmed together, including her spitting in my mouth.....  but, I was fine.

So, yep, I am seeing signs of it spread around.  


My uncle is currently in ICU with this, he seemed to be doing well then yesterday they said his condition has worsened and is now critical , he'll probably lose his fight today


I live in a seaside town and it really is like the apocalypse!

I recently started with a nursing agency, did a shift where a client was self isolating with a cough, had a high temp and sore throat after, self isolated, go back to work Mon.

My friends mum passed away last week, unsure if it was the virus. My mum, *** and daughter are all at higher risk so I worry about them.



3 minutes ago, Nerdycat said:

My uncle is currently in ICU with this, he seemed to be doing well then yesterday they said his condition has worsened and is now critical , he'll probably lose his fight today

Sending you hugs xx


You don't really think of it actually killing someone you know, then all of a sudden it starts getting personal, stay safe people xxx


Just found out last night that my brother-in-law is sick and it looks like he has the virus. He's a paramedic in Greater London/Essex. He's been feeling a bit rough for a week, then 2 days ago he lost his sense of taste then the dry cough started. 

My *** was in a bit of a state last night. They have a friend and his son staying with them, too, so her house is full. The friend was temporarily living there when the lockdown started, so what should have been a short-term arrangement has become something more enduring. 3 adults and 3 kids in an ordinary 3-bed house, and now her husband has to be quarantined in one of the bedrooms. 

She spent the day washing all the bed linen, cleaning everything and was generally knackered, worried and distressed. 

I feel for her. 

I wonder what we'll do if she gets sick, too. After all, she's been sleeping next to him while he's been incubating the virus. If they're both sick, we'll have to drive 140 miles to bring the kids down here to us, which is kinda against the Govt guidelines... but I don't see what else we could do. 


1 hour ago, Nerdycat said:

My uncle is currently in ICU with this, he seemed to be doing well then yesterday they said his condition has worsened and is now critical , he'll probably lose his fight today

So sorry to hear that. Positive healing thoughts for your uncle, I hope he pulls through x


It's horrible, I don't think you'll have much choice , Ms White rose the kids can't really be looked after if all the adults are sick . I'm sorry I don't know how to tag people and stuff lol

19 minutes ago, MsWhiteRose said:

Just found out last night that my brother-in-law is sick and it looks like he has the virus. He's a paramedic in Greater London/Essex. He's been feeling a bit rough for a week, then 2 days ago he lost his sense of taste then the dry cough started. 

My *** was in a bit of a state last night. They have a friend and his son staying with them, too, so her house is full. The friend was temporarily living there when the lockdown started, so what should have been a short-term arrangement has become something more enduring. 3 adults and 3 kids in an ordinary 3-bed house, and now her husband has to be quarantined in one of the bedrooms. 

She spent the day washing all the bed linen, cleaning everything and was generally knackered, worried and distressed. 

I feel for her. 

I wonder what we'll do if she gets sick, too. After all, she's been sleeping next to him while he's been incubating the virus. If they're both sick, we'll have to drive 140 miles to bring the kids down here to us, which is kinda against the Govt guidelines... but I don't see what else we could do. 


Oh wow that's a really shitty situation. Family is more important than government guidelines. Hang in there x

9 minutes ago, Nerdycat said:

It's horrible, I don't think you'll have much choice , Ms White rose the kids can't really be looked after if all the adults are sick . I'm sorry I don't know how to tag people and stuff lol

Thank you, @Nerdycat

If you want to tag someone, use the @ symbol and then type their name. 


I had all the symptoms a couple weeks before everyone started to panic about it.  Thought it was the flu.  Treated it like the flu.  Got better.  I've been afraid to be tested because the tests aren't looking for the virus itself but for how your body responds to the virus; I don't know how long any thing my body has released will stay in my system or if it will be misinterpreted as my having the virus and being quarantined - if I ever had it in the first place.  The only difference between what I had and any flu I've ever had before was that I was also heavily congested, but that doesn't necessarily rule out that it was the flu and another illness.

Our office provides support services for a local hospital which has been testing their staff.  Most people testing positive are showing no symptoms at the time of testing.  They are told to stay home and we get no followup on how their health progresses from there.  They started testing around two weeks ago, so information on people returning to work won't be in until next week if it is ever released.



Thank you all for your responses.

It really brings this closer to home.

I truly hope everybody is still well along with friends and family.

Huge Huge Hugs to Nerdycat,  I hope your uncle is hanging in their.

House arrest is a small price to pay for staying alive.


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