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Personality types


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Hi just curious what personality type people are, I'm often told I have the personality of a cat, which fits I like naps in the sun and cuddles have to be on my terms lol although probably not the best fit for a sub. So out of curiosity, and boredom in this lockdown, I was wondering if anyone else has ever been told there personality was like something or see themselves in a certain way. 


I've been told I have the personality of a brick. They clearly admired my ability to be constructive and to bond. Er...swimming..not so well.


of course we all have some sort of duality in us, I would make melt a granny in vanilla life but would maul down her daughter in the bedroom ;)


once told by a psychologist I was dating that I had the empathy of a starving tiger shark, so maybe I'm right not to look for a primal hunter role, the bite could get too severe especially in water


Myers-Briggs came up with definitions of personality types, based on the work by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. Belbin also came up with a definition of Team roles.

These are frameworks but they do provide some insights into how we act as human beings. According to Belbin, I came out as "Resource Investigator" and that is probably spot on, as I like coming up with the grand schemes and plans but then need someone more patient and dilligent to do the legwork.

Belbin comes out with INFJ or INFP as best matches, so Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving - which is probably why I like the contact of trying up someone as well as submission.

12 hours ago, Kymi said:

once told by a psychologist I was dating that I had the empathy of a starving tiger shark, so maybe I'm right not to look for a primal hunter role, the bite could get too severe especially in water

For someone who's really into bites that could be interesting lol

10 hours ago, wolf_girl32 said:

For someone who's really into bites that could be interesting lol

yes but unfortunately of all the *** suits available to fetishists I can't find a tiger shark one, so I have to stick to my opinion of my personality which is a tigress in heat, still got the tiger as part of it


Approaching on a tangent - bear with me.

So I grew up when the popularity of tattoos was returning.  There are a lot of stupid tattoos out there and I got to wondering why people put some of what they put on their skins permanently (removal techniques were still in their infancy back then).  As a side line i thought a lot about what I would get for a tattoo if I ever got one.

Years later, someone asked me to describe my personality.  I couldn't answer because it wasn't something that I really thought about a lot.  For some reason that night this conversation met up with my thoughts on tattoos, which hadn't been thought about for years, and I decided that the tattoo I was mentally designing was an expression of my personality.  No clue how to describe it in terms of personality, but it's a sleeping wolf.  A month later I got the tattoo.

7 hours ago, cautiousswitch said:

Approaching on a tangent - bear with me.

So I grew up when the popularity of tattoos was returning.  There are a lot of stupid tattoos out there and I got to wondering why people put some of what they put on their skins permanently (removal techniques were still in their infancy back then).  As a side line i thought a lot about what I would get for a tattoo if I ever got one.

Years later, someone asked me to describe my personality.  I couldn't answer because it wasn't something that I really thought about a lot.  For some reason that night this conversation met up with my thoughts on tattoos, which hadn't been thought about for years, and I decided that the tattoo I was mentally designing was an expression of my personality.  No clue how to describe it in terms of personality, but it's a sleeping wolf.  A month later I got the tattoo.

I loves wolves as well their my favourite ***, I have a wolf tattoo already and planing a second, which is a wolf with a dream catcher. I just have to find out what I'm allergic to first so my skin stops breaking out in hives to get it done 

3 minutes ago, wolf_girl32 said:

I loves wolves as well their my favourite ***, I have a wolf tattoo already and planing a second, which is a wolf with a dream catcher. I just have to find out what I'm allergic to first so my skin stops breaking out in hives to get it done 

Wolves are awesome.  Not much more needs to be said on the subject.

They can also run the kink spectrum whether it's being a submissive little pup or a dominant adult.  They can be primal loners or sociable pack members.  Dangerous or loyal.  Mischievous or noble.  Savage or playful.


Ironically I've been told by more than one person that I behaved puppy-like. I always ask why and the responses are similar.

I'm food aggressive, I'm "mouthy," in the sense that if you have a bond with me I have bitten or nipped you at least once, I get excited about going outside, and I chew on everything.

These are quirks I never even noticed until it was pointed out.

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