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Staying active during quarantine?...

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There has been a lot of changes since the Covid19 pandemic wrecked havoc on this world of ours; Stores and events shut down, stay at home orders are in place and we're supposed to avoid close contact with other people.

For some of us out here I feel that these changes become more like challenges.

So I was wondering how people were engaging in their kinky activities or BDSM relationships with all the changes due to Covid19?
Or perhaps did anyone encounter challenges/obstacles that made Harder to live a BDSM lifestyle(due to the changes put in place during the pandemic)?


I’ve just started a new relationship and it’s hard trying to get to know someone when you can’t be together properly.
We have met after chatting for ages, but sitting 2m away from each other having a cuppa and a chat, is no substitute for a cuddle.
Eventually that will happen, and on the plus side, we’ve spent so long chatting on the phone, we know so much about each other, more so than if we could have met properly.


I really don't know what you are talking about. @Hillian 
Getting to "know" someone does not mean to fuck someone silly. It's the other way around. It means getting to know what people like, why they think how they are thinking, in the context of BDSM this could mean what makes them like they are, why they are devot or why they like to get into a more passive place of submission or want to become a slave or little. There are so many things to "know" about an individual human being that this can take years! You guess wrong if you think you get to know someone better because you are near and in person with this person. It's more likely that you focus from this moment on on other things, that can even prevent for a long period of time that you really see and know the person in front of you. This happens so often and sometimes people still wonder why they feel they are not with the right person after a longer amount of time. The thing is, they just move on and don't really think about it. So i think this situation can change a lot for a lot of people that now maybe take more time of the day to think about a relationship. :confused:

If everything is nice i even think such longer periods of time without physical interactions can make it more likely possible to create a stronger bound and a better long term relationship. I also think that there will be no boredom because you get creative and will be inspired if you like another person and this person likes you the same. 

@GothiccMistress i wonder if you try to make a point relating to the financial sector. If so, i would more care about what it does to people if they know they pay for it or even what it does to the person that sells her body. I mean in reality they would most of the time never meet or even touch each other. That cannot be good for the mental state. But then again another question comes to my mind. Is it a BDSM lifestyle when there is *** in the game? I guess not... 
And if it's not about the financial sector, then i would ask you what difference it makes for you to have a little timeout? I mean look at the positive side. When you meet up again it gets even crazier than before, because the hunger for something that someone desires is on a new level. For a more active person this is entirely something else, if you ask me! xD :P
But i guess that counts for both sites... :smiley:


@GothiccMistress plenty of challenges if like me you were reliant on events, professionals or don't live with your partner.  I just have to keep practicing, got a few films of strippers so I can keep active and practice my moves to make my bum sexier for my man when we do meet up, other than that occasionally put the cuffs, collar and gag on just for fun but its not the same since I like my hands cuffed behind my back, same for spanking and flogging.  We need to find ways to keep in shape.  Oh and of course there's this here outlet.



@handlungsbedarf it can still be a lifestyle if *** is involved, if the seller enjoys it then its lifestyle-it was for me when I did that, and if someone pays for something regularly it can still be part of a lifestyle (after all you can be a sportsfan only watching your team once a week, you don't have to be there 24/7) not everyone is in a position to adopt the lifestyle permanently, unless of course its a man paying a pro-Domme to be his keyholder lol


@handlungsbedarf why such an aggressive response to other posters? Hillian mentioned positives as well. Kink is about the physical too, any relationship is.

On 4/24/2020 at 11:13 AM, Curvykate said:

@handlungsbedarf why such an aggressive response to other posters? Hillian mentioned positives as well. Kink is about the physical too, any relationship is.

@Curvykate don't be too offended by him... I think some diplomacy is lost in translation. I'll dare to say it's a German thing. I kinda love the Germans I've known - so direct, even if what they're going to say is what we'd consider rude. 


Yeah, it was not my intention to offend someone. It was more like - think about it - do you really think getting to know someone means having sex or a session with them? I mean I'm just straight forward here. Information have no bad or good stamp on them. We ourselves make it feel like that, because maybe we don't like an attitude (i would get it if someone don't like mine!). 
I'm verry sorry if it sometimes looks like that. Even friends of mine think sometimes i'm cold or to distanced or even too rational sometimes. It feels for them like i would have no feelings or emotions. But in some situations i think it is better to be more objective than "nice". Anyways, have a nice time and stay save... ;) 


Getting to know someone is easier without sex. 

The opportunities we have with cyber connections are incredible. This time in lockdown is a gift we should embrace. 

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