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Potential Masters- where are you?

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I have not been able to find one single Dom worthy candidate on here! Those that I have chatted with do have same desires of ***, punishment and sex expectation as I do. However not one will even be or have the knowledge how to be a virtual Dom to me online let alone even think of being one in person.

So where or what can I do? Are they angry that I’m trying to have control by seeking them? Are there any clubs or types of parties where I would find one?

ty !


Knowing nothing about you, please don't take offence to anything I say!
But, can I ask how you know none of them will be any good, have you let then try?
I completely understand, some, you just know are wannabes and couldn't control a sub at all, but you do need to give people time.
Once lockdown is over and you're able to meet it might be easier.
I met my Dom on here after talking to several others......you can find good Doms, just takes time, as does finding a good sub, I guess


You look in the wrong places, they are around but as Myrtz says patience.


Generally; I'd always recommend looking both on and off line - though; offline is difficult at the moment due to lockdown (and even if there's any form of lift to lockdown - any type of fetish event or meet that attempts to run must certainly expect reduced attendances.)

there's problems that there's a lot of fantasists and that, also, trying to do things online can be difficult

I don't think any would be angry you were seeking them - but - we know a lot of Dominants in general might still need a stepback in approach.


Some don’t do online like me. Not interested controlling life on a phone or giving task like a monkey trick.
Maybe you are not patient enough and want to be Dominated straight away.

4 hours ago, Myrtz said:

I met my Dom on here after talking to several others......you can find good Doms, just takes time, as does finding a good sub, I guess

Myrtz is absolutely right, it takes time for Doms, subs and switches to find each other. It's not just about finding good ones but finding the right good ones who match up with you. I had to go through a lot of conversations and meetings before I found a really good sub. We had a great relationship and our sex life was pretty spot on.

However some time on we realised we weren't the right match and so parted but remain friends. I still consider her a great sub and friend but alas it wasn't the right match. I've also met people who were good subs but looking for different things than myself so we didn't hook up. It sucks but sadly it really is down to patience and perseverance. Keep searching and you will find what you are looking for :)



just a brief mod note - I've done some housekeeping

a few comments were removed that were personal ads, "please message me" or completely and utterly off topic.   

Please remain on topic in offering the original poster help or discussing on this subject :) Thank you :) 


I’m fairly new to this, but I’ve already found a couple of subs on here and had some cyber play. They aren’t really in a position to really go anywhere else, though (ie. expand to meeting or such). I think the main thing here is definitely patience like everyone is saying. I’m just really taking my time to learn everything I can about the lifestyle, what interests me, and the people I talk to.


Thank you to everyone for the good advice.

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