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The awakening, Part 11

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             9 months later.


A grey day and a mood to Match, her heart in tatters, broken but not beyond repair. He tried so hard to hide the truth from her but she could smell it on him, he was cruel, spiteful the last few weeks as  the cancer ravaged, destroyed his body but never his spirit, destroyed his strength but not his mind. She knew his intention, to push her away, to try and save her some measure of ***, to save her from the sight of s proud strong man being brought to his knees by something neither could see but how can you push away half of what you are? The simple answer is you can't. She absorbed his spite, his anger and refused his wishes, She stayed and held him close all the way, lending him her strength until the very end. She stayed and held him with no tears or sadness as he fought, showing no weakness. This man, her soul mate till his last breath worried only about her, never complained, a smile on his face and laughter in his belly no matter the *** this cruel disease inflicted upon him. This man prepared and taught, advised and introduced her to others, people he trusted, he only thought of her all the way till the moment he drew his last breath and yes she was there, him wrapped deep in her arms where he belonged.


A grey day indeed, but not alone again as she was before he filled her life with hope. Beside her was another, a new friend and one he met when he first moved into this dark world she now moves freely in with confidence, An advisor he valued and over time a friend. No she was not alone, beside her stood Mistress Black Lilly, a domme of some reputation. She was thankful for her presence and wisdom, her Journey was only just beginning and the woman stood next to her would become a *** in time. They linked arms and wept together as he was lowered into the ground 


omg I hate you how dare you omg... my heart... that's was a brilliant story xxx


Thank you @Little_Pup. An emotional reaction is the one I seek, I'm pleased you enjoyed it 😊


An awakening indeed.

Beautifully written, well paced. You have a knack for bringing out emotion within the written word. That is a gift.
Emotional yes, it brings one to that lovely place of true sadness,  that is reserved for those moments and memories, born from our most meaningful connections.

I look forward to your next adventure.


Thank you for your kind words 😊

  • 2 weeks later...

I was drawn into the plot and wanted to learn about their adventures . Beautifully written and so said 😔 . Xx

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