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A moderator let me know that a comment I made offended someone.  They have put me on their ignore list, so I cannot apologize privately.  I thought it best to say this in a new thread rather than the original thread and possibly draw more attention to the incident and possibly make matters worse.  If they read this, the other person will know what it is about and that is all that matters.

I had intended for my comment to be a joke based on one post that you made, but considering the general topic being discussed I should have thought it through more.  At the very least it should have been rephrased to indicate the intent better, at the most it should have gone unsaid.

We live in a world where people get offended if you just disagree with them and it is easy to dismiss their complaints.  Under the circumstances, your offense is completely understandable.  I was wrong; despite the intent I should have thought about the bigger picture more.  I am sorry.


Moderators, thank you for making my previous comment hidden.  If there is a way to delete it then please do so.


I want to apologize to you Cautiousswitch for calling you and the other 5 sexy experts..I was just having a bit of fun..
Thought you were brilliant as Chewbacca ...
Would you be interested in playing him again ..


You're big enough to make an apology, so well done.:star: There's a few in here who are offensive quite regularly but manage to stay on just the right side of the line by disguising it as 'friendly advice', 'calling it as they see it' or blaming cultural/lingual misunderstandings when called on their rudeness. Not to mention the odd descent into sarcasm. They think they're being clever.  They aren't. They think no-one notices - and they're wrong. It's a bit too easy to click 'send' too soon...One way to solve this problem is to copy and paste the post you want to answer into a Word document, then answer it there.  See how it reads. If more people apologised and behaved in a mature fashion, as you've done here, instead of keeping the row going or trying to make feeble excuses for their rudeness, this forum and the wider world would be a far more pleasant place to be.   Hopefully a few more will learn from your good example.

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