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Near the Breaking Point (repost)

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This is my own original work. There was a mix up when I tried posting this yesterday, but it has been taken care of.


Master said I could think about it, dream about it, clean and wash it (no lingering)…  Honestly, I thought "piece of cake." 

So. Fucking. Wrong.

Before this, Master had me edging for a few days, culminating in a very poignant scene (insert dreamy sigh here). And to go from nightly edgings to... Well, nothing... It's definitely not a piece of cake.


It's easy to think so little of it during the day, but there are moments where I'm fully aware of my pussy. 

  • A morning shower...
  • Dressing for the day...  
  • Adjusting in my seat... 
  • Washing and cleaning there... 
  • Every time I bend to pick up something... 
  • Any time I have to squat... 

I can't even talk about having a nice long soak. The warm scented water lapping at every inch of flesh. My knees falling open only to feel that water brush against my clit, making me hiss. Snapping my knees closed again. Thighs pressed together tightly; a vain attempt to quell the rising need.

I don't know how much longer I can go on like this, Master.

I hope I don't break... 

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