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*** concerns

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Hi everyone! I’m wondering if I could get some advice or something. 

hubby and I are just beginning to explore our Dom/Sub relationship. We’ve been together for almost 7 years and are pretty intuned with each other. Last night we went a little too far when it came to choking. 

my face is covered in like a red rash, im a little more tired than normal, and my throat is really sore. I’m currently military and getting a medical appointment is pretty difficult right now due to COVID. 

should I be worried? Or just baby myself and avoid any further stress to the area? 

please no shaming, I already know that we went too far, crossed some boundaries, and did not practice safely. We are addressing it. 


if you were in the UK I would recommend NHS Direct - which is a freephone non-emergency number.  Do you have anything equivalent? Even if it has a cost?

Otherwise.  Is your breathing OK? Possibly monitor for 2-3 days and if there's improvement or deterioration in that time then seek medical help

1 hour ago, eyemblacksheep said:

if you were in the UK I would recommend NHS Direct - which is a freephone non-emergency number.  Do you have anything equivalent? Even if it has a cost?

Otherwise.  Is your breathing OK? Possibly monitor for 2-3 days and if there's improvement or deterioration in that time then seek medical help

Yeah, breathing is fine. Just sore and I just feel a little off. 

Posted (edited)

There are several possibilities, that can come with it, just by pressing the common carotid artery or carotid bifurcation to long! We could only guess, so i would recommend you to talk to someone that is a trained medical or doctor. I mean we talk about the possibility that the *** flow to the brain maybe could be affected...

Edited by Deleted Member

is it Petechiae? check online, and yes you should have been checked quickly as possible. Its cause by *** vessel breaking under the skin due by the stress of chocking. Breath play is one of the most dangerous play and should be done with care. If you have also headache go to the hospital and get checked asap.


The sore throat makes sense for choking.  The rash and tiredness might make sense as temporary symptoms, but if their lasting for longer than a day then they are worth being concerned about.


You say your a little off.  Well what you have done is cut off the *** flow to the brain, and ended causing a situation more aligned to a mini stroke or a severe concussion.  Monitor your mental awareness, BUT it takes a number of days before true consequences come to light.  Being retired military you may find that you have caused a permanent situation which will come to light through your annual medical assessments.


YOU both need to know, this life has some very real dangers to it, and you have put yourself at risk with failing to research the type of play you participate in.  I KNOW you are going to say, your aware of that NOW, but what I am more concerned about is other newbies learning about these dangers and NOT doing the same as you, and possibly ending up dead.

On 6/5/2020 at 4:22 PM, ANewLittle said:

my face is covered in like a red rash, im a little more tired than normal, and my throat is really sore.

Everyone has already made excellent points on the more pertinent factors at play here. 

I thought that it may be worth while to highlight the fact that those symptoms may be the result of breath play alone but may also be a result of a combination of factors arising in the session.

I will illustrate the alternatives -

If that rash is primarily around the mouth and the areas where choking occurred it could be caused by abrasion from stubble, beard or rough skin.

The feeling of being tired - I do not know if you sub space in your sessions or get into a different mental head space, but this could be caused by the come down from that neuro-chemical high.

Yep that throat soreness probably is the choking.

Take care and  I am sure you will get all the bumps ironed out.


I’ve previously posted replies on this forum regarding choking and breath play. I’m astounded how many people engage in this type of play with absolutely no idea of the very real dangers. Read up on it people. Your lives depend on it.

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