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It's funny looking back. I didn't think I was into BDSM, and therefore didn't think I was part of this community. So, how did I get here?

Well, I've always been on the experimental side. I'm very open to new experiences, sexual or not. Combine that with a rather high sex drive, and well, new sexual experiences are almost always a "umm, yes!". So why did I think I wasn't? Well, bad stereotypes. Pretty sure y'all know where I'm going here, but there's several mistaken beliefs. BDSM is strictly about power exchange dynamics. BDSM is strictly about ***. BDSM is just ***. And more. You've heard it, I've heard it. But I've always been of the mindset that people in a part of that group should be the ones to explain their group; I generally give people a chance to explain things on their side. So, I didn't consider myself to "know what it's about" really, as much as it just "didn't sound like me".

Clearly I've figured some things out though. That mostly happened with my most recent partner. Previous ones have either been definately vanilla, or weren't anywhere near good enough about communicating for me to feel comfortable engaging in BDSM things with them. This one was good about talking things over before hand, and being very clear in the moment. And that was a wonderful thing because it opened up all sorts of experiences. She was into all sorts of things, from being spanked (ass or pussy), to being ***d, to being tied up, to being kept highly aroused, etc. She very much enjoyed me being the one to decide how, and if, she got off. And since I tend to be creative and fantasize a lot, it was a good fit. That relationship didn't work out, but it clearly opened my eyes to something I needed to see. This shit is fun.


You got it in one, a point very much over shadowed by some people over thinking what bdsm and fetish play are actually about.


Being true to one's self.....in the discipline of kinks is exploration in freedom. So lacking in our everyday! Letting your fertile & creative fantasies roam these woods is a trail to relish🐺🐾🐾🙏.....Or i like ya style! Please keep writing......

n Enjoy !

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