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Posted (edited)

Hi all you amazing kinksters. I hope your all well and safe.


Hi i am not sure iv posted this in the right part of the forum but if not i will repost were it needs to be posted.

Also im dyslexic  so sorry for any spelling mistakes. 


Now if you know me from chateing  to me either in pm or the lobby you will know that i support all kinks no matter what and have freinds that are into all sorts of kinks. Iv meet some great people  who  i class as extreamly  good freinds. Who i adore and we chat most days and not just kink.  So people know i dont kink shame normaly. But i fount a kink that makes my *** boil and so angry its unreal.


As some of you know im registerd disabled i have a condition  called fibromyalgia. Iv had a stroke witch left me with slight weakness of my left side and iv also survied cervical  cancer. I bet your wondering  why im telling you this but will be all made clear i promise. 


Im a big fan of documentaries  i watch all sorts on anything  and everything no matter what it is. I was on you tube watching random documentaries on wats the safeword they did a video on being disabled and into kink. Rather a good watch. Well in my list of suggested  videos came up a video called devotess.

So me being me decided not heard of this kink i will watch it so i can learn about a new kink. As education  on kink is always good. What i watched was a documentary  that made me so angry if steam could come out my ears it would of.


Now if you dont know what a devotee is its a person whos kink is disabled people. Yes disabled people have a right to be kinky. But this video was about how people got of on watching disabled people suffer . Not only that but secretly  filming and takeing videos of disabled people. Not just in wheelchairs but with missing body parts. The lady who was hosting the video and doing all the i interviews  at one point was in tears. Shed been called a nice cripple in part of the video.


This is not a kink this is sick and twisted yes disabled people have a right to have a kink and a sex life but to be fetisized over is wrong. Even the people being interviwed said they know its wrong and asked  for there  identification to not be made public.


Im sorry for the rant but im not sorry for kink shameing this kink. Disabled people are not objects there liveing human beings


If any one would like to pm me about this feel free


Stay safe stay kinky





Edited by Charms

Hi Charms 😊
Firstly my brother has cerebal palsy, is deaf, mute and confined to a wheelchair so I have experience with disabled folk.

My view? We can't help the kinks and fetishes within us, you call it "sick and twisted" yet many vanilla folk would call us both sick and twisted wouldn't they.

The secretly filming of disabled folk is completely wrong as what key element of a kinky lifestyle is missing? Consent so no that's the same as upskirting a lass with a camera, without consent then Yes it's a big no no.

You say the people who hold these fetishes admit themselves to feeling wrong about their kink yet I spent almost 30 years feeling I was wrong with my sexual urges bit once I came to terms and understood them I realised I wasn't as wrong as I actually thought.

This is obviously something that's hit home hard as it's a very personal issue but to be turned on by those who are disabled, missing limbs in itself I would not say is a bad thing, again I say we can't help what we feel.

I hope in no way my reply upsets you or offends, that is not my intention 😊😊just my view.


Being careful on how I write things.

I think kinks between two consenting adults is one thing.

But someone secretly filming or using footage out of context is another.

I think there's a difference between kink shaming ("you like that thing, it's wrong") and calling out bad and non-consensual behaviour (which is what I believe you're actually doing - and I fully agree with you)


There is a documentary on you tube witch i watched . Theres a few but this one is done by the bbc. Give it a watch maybe and let me now what you thi k

Yes a kink between to consenting adults is perfectly fine. The most important  rule to me is consent. As a disabled person who strugles with things some days wores than others if some one watching me strugle got of on it it would hurt me. Or filmed me id be mad. Id never give consent.  But other people may give consent. But for me its a hell no. And as for secretly filming people is wrong as donny said is like filming  up some ones skirt or putting a camera in the toilets.


Im all for disabled people and none disabled people haveing a vanila or a kink partnership i was with a none disabled person who like me was a switch for 15 years. I also had a master who was himself  disabled.


Iv also watched documentarys about how able bodied  people help disabled people have a sex life witch is awesome.  Every one as a right to a sex life as long as its between  to consenting adults.


@Charms Absolutely agree. It's not the content particularly, if that's your kink then go for it, it's the fact it's non consensual.

I wonder if it's legal if they didn't give their consent?

You're not kink shaming, you're highlighting something that is essentially *** imo.




35 minutes ago, LazyPiratesBounty said:

@Charms Absolutely agree. It's not the content particularly, if that's your kink then go for it, it's the fact it's non consensual.

I wonder if it's legal if they didn't give their consent?

You're not kink shaming, you're highlighting something that is essentially *** imo.




Dont think its legal to recored people secretly but then im more than likely wrong as  people film celebrities  and take there photo with out them knowing. But it should be wrong like takeing pics of under womens skirts or dresses. It is abbues ty for yhe commebt


The thing is you never k ow if your being filmed or photo graphed as phones have all sorts of cameras i know mine as

 So people could be pretending to take a selfie  but in fact takeing pics or recording disabled people


Agreed Charms.

Good point about them not knowing if it's done in secret. In the YouTube vid you saw, is there a comments section? Is the vid still up? I'm wondering if it could be removed. If the people in it didn't know they were being filmed.



I’m sorry but how can this be classed as a kink???? If it’s done without the other persons knowledge it’s a vile past time and people involved in it should be shamed. No wonder they don’t want their identity known. I’ve not seen the documentary and to be honest I think it would upset me to watch it.


It is the takinf and using that is wrong intent highlighted by this very important topic.... As a registered severely disabled old "cripple"(my own self identifing weird coping humour label), i have not thought about this

As one who has many scars,mental & physical, I view "our" damage as a medal in the battle that is life.

To try & expropiate someone's courage in living a life;,for selfish,greed,ego driven self gratification.....well... Not a happy bunny! Thank you ,Charms ,for such a brilliantly crafted flagging of such attitudes ..... Respect,my ***.


Well I for one couldn't believe what I was reading, really, how can they get away with it.


Charms, thank you so much for sharing with us. You're a resilient chick and well-spoken, typos be damned. I'm partially disabled myself as well as a cPTSD patient so obviously I believe there's a place for all, including those who are attracted to disabilities. The key points for me are informed consent and good health [including mental] practices. Two [or more?] adults who seek fulfilling fun and have defined and respected parameters? Rock on. But any time ALL parties cannot/do not consent, well that's crossed over from kink into crime. Like the findom taking her paypig to the ATM at a crowded Wal-Mart. Maybe not an arrestable offense, but super not ok.

8 hours ago, LazyPiratesBounty said:

Agreed Charms.

Good point about them not knowing if it's done in secret. In the YouTube vid you saw, is there a comments section? Is the vid still up? I'm wondering if it could be removed. If the people in it didn't know they were being filmed.


It doesnt show people being filmed.  Just people admitting to filming people and  reinactments. Also people saying they had caught people  filming the.


4 hours ago, Baldbold said:

It is the takinf and using that is wrong intent highlighted by this very important topic.... As a registered severely disabled old "cripple"(my own self identifing weird coping humour label), i have not thought about this

As one who has many scars,mental & physical, I view "our" damage as a medal in the battle that is life.

To try & expropiate someone's courage in living a life;,for selfish,greed,ego driven self gratification.....well... Not a happy bunny! Thank you ,Charms ,for such a brilliantly crafted flagging of such attitudes ..... Respect,my ***.

Ty my brother. Hope your doing ok and i know how ill you are after our many chats.  Yes like you i make jokes of myself but thats only in  certan peoples company who i trust

20 hours ago, Charms said:

Hi all you amazing kinksters. I hope your all well and safe.


Hi i am not sure iv posted this in the right part of the forum but if not i will repost were it needs to be posted.

Also im dyslexic  so sorry for any spelling mistakes. 


Now if you know me from chateing  to me either in pm or the lobby you will know that i support all kinks no matter what and have freinds that are into all sorts of kinks. Iv meet some great people  who  i class as extreamly  good freinds. Who i adore and we chat most days and not just kink.  So people know i dont kink shame normaly. But i fount a kink that makes my *** boil and so angry its unreal.


As some of you know im registerd disabled i have a condition  called fibromyalgia. Iv had a stroke witch left me with slight weakness of my left side and iv also survied cervical  cancer. I bet your wondering  why im telling you this but will be all made clear i promise. 


Im a big fan of documentaries  i watch all sorts on anything  and everything no matter what it is. I was on you tube watching random documentaries on wats the safeword they did a video on being disabled and into kink. Rather a good watch. Well in my list of suggested  videos came up a video called devotess.

So me being me decided not heard of this kink i will watch it so i can learn about a new kink. As education  on kink is always good. What i watched was a documentary  that made me so angry if steam could come out my ears it would of.


Now if you dont know what a devotee is its a person whos kink is disabled people. Yes disabled people have a right to be kinky. But this video was about how people got of on watching disabled people suffer . Not only that but secretly  filming and takeing videos of disabled people. Not just in wheelchairs but with missing body parts. The lady who was hosting the video and doing all the i interviews  at one point was in tears. Shed been called a nice cripple in part of the video.


This is not a kink this is sick and twisted yes disabled people have a right to have a kink and a sex life but to be fetisized over is wrong. Even the people being interviwed said they know its wrong and asked  for there  identification to not be made public.


Im sorry for the rant but im not sorry for kink shameing this kink. Disabled people are not objects there liveing human beings


If any one would like to pm me about this feel free


Stay safe stay kinky





People like that are simply sick and quite frankly are small minded bigots who should simply be ignored but I do understand how this attitude infuriates you as it is simply unacceptable,unbelievable and unwanted verbal diarrhoea.you do not have to justify yourself to anybody and be proud of your kinks and be greatful you are not a shallow vanilla bigot.


Right before I posted a reply to this I actually went and watched the documentary myself so I would have a better understanding of it. 

So the kink or Fetish I should say is not what is wrong here, as long as it is between consenting adults and most of what was shown, was in fact people with disabilities sharing videos of themselves to the devotees.  

What was wrong was where there were some people taking hidden videos of people out shopping without there knowledge, but that doesn't make the fetish wrong but the people doing it wrong. 


A bit like take spanking for instance,  the kink is great but if you have someone grabbing another person and just spanking them without there consent it doesn't make the spanking bad, but the person doing the spanking without consent.

Charms I can understand your disgust hun, I really do but no matter the fetish or kink there is always someone out there that will twist it.  Always someone believing that because they enjoy it that they can do what they want.




11 hours ago, Charms said:

There is a documentary on you tube witch i watched . Theres a few but this one is done by the bbc. Give it a watch maybe and let me now what you thi k

Yes a kink between to consenting adults is perfectly fine. The most important  rule to me is consent. As a disabled person who strugles with things some days wores than others if some one watching me strugle got of on it it would hurt me. Or filmed me id be mad. Id never give consent.  But other people may give consent. But for me its a hell no. And as for secretly filming people is wrong as donny said is like filming  up some ones skirt or putting a camera in the toilets.


Im all for disabled people and none disabled people haveing a vanila or a kink partnership i was with a none disabled person who like me was a switch for 15 years. I also had a master who was himself  disabled.


Iv also watched documentarys about how able bodied  people help disabled people have a sex life witch is awesome.  Every one as a right to a sex life as long as its between  to consenting adults.

You're correct,it's a disability not a denial of a sex life no matter what that sex life involves,what satisfies and pleasures you is entirely your business and you continue to enjoy what you like...

Just now, stuilz said:

You're correct,it's a disability not a denial of a sex life no matter what that sex life involves,what satisfies and pleasures you is entirely your business and you continue to enjoy what you like...



My sub has fibromyalgia as well. A lot of his tasks have to do with physical labor like cleaning the house and such. Some days, he can’t do it. And I know the days he can’t. I feel like it’s my responsibility as a domme to take care of him. I think communication and consent is key. I don’t want him to be hurting, that’s not fun for anyone.

46 minutes ago, EmDomme said:

My sub has fibromyalgia as well. A lot of his tasks have to do with physical labor like cleaning the house and such. Some days, he can’t do it. And I know the days he can’t. I feel like it’s my responsibility as a domme to take care of him. I think communication and consent is key. I don’t want him to be hurting, that’s not fun for anyone.

Its quite ucommon for men to have fibromyalgia  for every 10 people with it 1 is male.

My x master could tell how bad i was and if i lied hed just touch me even gentely and id go ouch and hed be your in *** no kink time for you.


A good dom should know if people  are ill

32 minutes ago, Charms said:

Its quite ucommon for men to have fibromyalgia  for every 10 people with it 1 is male.

My x master could tell how bad i was and if i lied hed just touch me even gentely and id go ouch and hed be your in *** no kink time for you.


A good dom should know if people  are ill

@charms I know, it’s crazy how it’s super rare for men to have fibro. He sometimes feels like it’s a great distraction from the *** at times.

4 hours ago, EmDomme said:

@charms I know, it’s crazy how it’s super rare for men to have fibro. He sometimes feels like it’s a great distraction from the *** at times.

It realy is wierd if you or your sub if you allow him want to talk my pms are open

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