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The Scorpion and the Frog


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Why didn't I come to you?  Well, from the behavior that you have displayed so-far, I did not see your word as being worth squat!  So, I relied on my own contacts.  Remember, my people got ***tered to the winds.  A couple ended-up in your area.  And, they now have their own North Florida contacts.  Guess what---no one has ever heard of you!  Nor, does anyone recognize your photo.  How is that possible, if you are such a big name?  Perhaps, you should post some of those "references" here, so that everyone has a chance to check your background.

As for being "a man", let's discuss your childish behavior.  You pitch a fit at the slightest bit of criticism.  Hell, you pitch a fit at the slightest bit of friendly advice.  You can't even take a little friendly ribbing.  Oh, but, you can run your mouth.  Look at what you have done to this list.  Postings are down, and the overall mood has become morose and depressing.  You're about as much fun as my last cancer surgery.  If you would just chill, and quit trying to act like such a bad-ass, I wouldn't be riding you, all the time.

But then, you did say "Stop it!"  So, I should leave you alone, provided that you drop this argument.  After all, Mr "No Limits", "Stop it" is a default safeword.  Especially, if the person utters it more than once, as you did.  Q.E.D.

Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, phoenyx said:

Why didn't I come to you?  Well, from the behavior that you have displayed so-far, I did not see your word as being worth squat!

Opinions vary.

6 hours ago, phoenyx said:

So, I relied on my own contacts.  Remember, my people got ***tered to the winds.  A couple ended-up in your area.  And, they now have their own North Florida contacts.  Guess what---no one has ever heard of you!  Nor, does anyone recognize your photo.

I didn't realize I was going to be teaching geography, please understand it's not my strong suit. Florida is a long state, distance wise, with several regions; loosely, northern, central, and southern. I'm in central Florida, between Tampa and Orlando. For me to participate in northern Florida events, it's would be a six hour drive, one way. Meanwhile, I have a dungeon 45 minutes one way, a hour in the opposite direction. The three regions do mingle at conventions, but this would be once or twice a year northern or southern individuals would see me. I would not be surprised your northern contacts do not know me. I mean, duh.


6 hours ago, phoenyx said:

How is that possible, if you are such a big name?

I never once implied I was a "big name", nor anyone of importance. To the contrary, I've been trying to downplay my background and achievements because it has absolutely nothing to do with these topics of discussion which only you seem oblivious of.


6 hours ago, phoenyx said:

Perhaps, you should post some of those "references" here, so that everyone has a chance to check your background.

THIS is why I can't just drop this discussion. I'm going to use this as a teaching moment, and yes, at your expense. The reason I do not just post my references here should be the same reason no body should feel ***d to. Although I have permission to reference individuals that can validate my statements, it would be incredibly disrespectful and dangerous to post their contact info in a public forum, this is akin to outing people. It's absolutely insane to me that I even need to make that statement in 2020.

6 hours ago, phoenyx said:

As for being "a man", let's discuss your childish behavior. 

Again, opinions vary.

6 hours ago, phoenyx said:

You pitch a fit at the slightest bit of criticism.  Hell, you pitch a fit at the slightest bit of friendly advice.  You can't even take a little friendly ribbing. 

If you mean, I'm not just willing to let you insult and attack me, I guess I am going to "pitch a fit". I will say you and I have very different definitions for "friendly", but that's not really a surprise.

6 hours ago, phoenyx said:

Oh, but, you can run your mouth.

Indeed, I am verbose.

6 hours ago, phoenyx said:

Postings are down, and the overall mood has become morose and depressing.

Really? I've found the forum more enlightening and stimulating than I have since starting on this site. Some absolute great articles by amazing individuals from all lifestyles seem to be posting, I'm seeing far more diversity and real "think" pieces being offered that are inspiring to so many. Some posts I've been so impressed by, all I could respond with was "thank you". But perhaps the recent string of posts just doesn't suit your taste? That sucks for you, I'm sure.

Not my problem. That might sound rude, but it seems like I need to say it.

6 hours ago, phoenyx said:

You're about as much fun as my last cancer surgery. 

Congratulations on making it through. I'm honored to be likened to something that potentially saved your life. Like the frog?

6 hours ago, phoenyx said:

If you would just chill, and quit trying to act like such a bad-ass, I wouldn't be riding you, all the time.

I'm 100% sure I didn't ask for you to "ride" me; you're not my type, I certainly wouldn't consent to that behavior. I will say it's super tough playing the martyr AND acting like a bad-ass. That sounds like some Jesus-level tomfoolery. Haha, just saying.


6 hours ago, phoenyx said:

But then, you did say "Stop it!"  So, I should leave you alone, provided that you drop this argument.  After all, Mr "No Limits", "Stop it" is a default safeword.  Especially, if the person utters it more than once, as you did. 

Yay, another chance to teach at your expense! "Stop it" is less of a safeword and more of just a direct statement. "Red" is a safeword that means "stop", to show the basic concept of safeword use. Not to say "stop it" can't be a safeword, but safewords are usually used because in some play, "no"/"stop"/”quit" are intended to be ignored, consensually. You could read this in BDSM101.

However, if you did think of that as a safeword, than yes, you completely ignored it which really says a lot about you. But, you've really been saying a lot about youself this entire time, maybe not even meaning to.

Perhaps, you've been the toxic scorpion this whole time. Boom, back on topic. Haha.

6 hours ago, phoenyx said:


 "Quod Erat Demonstrandum", or the idea that this has been proven/proof has been demostrated. Not to be forgotten is "argumentum ad ignorantiam", or the concept that your lack of evidence and ignorance to information doesn't prove your point.

Edited by Cade

Oh Phoenyx..... have you really got so little to do in your own life that you feel the need to attempt to troll Cade at every post. I mean I commend you for your dedication but you do realise that not a single person cares about anything you have to cry about. You rant and rave and drop the "I had cancer" comment... do you want sympathy? A medal perhaps? Or maybe you're just lonely and your only way to get any form of attention is to try and make yourself seem like some amazing person. If so I'd like to point out that you're only making yourself look like a brat (and I say that meaning no offence to actual brats). To summarise.... grow up...


Afternoon folks.   I think it's in everyone's best interests to lock this thread at least for the time being.

Whilst disagreements are inevitable in the broad world of kink - it's important to keep the disagreements civil and not resort to personal attacks or insults.

I'd suggest everyone take a little time to calm down

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