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36 minutes ago, Honey1121 said:

as someone who just talked to a guy like this for a month as he said he was gonna leave her repeatedly and didn’t but left me instead.

here's the thing

the reason they're looking to cheat in the first place is not usually to leave their wife but instead as extra fun on the side.  Whether this is because of something they just felt they couldn't get from their wife or something else.

If you are dealing with someone is cheating you have to accept you will always be a second role - and not even a good second role like in structured poly relationship.

If he does leave his wife for you then the first thing to remember is he has form of leaving a relationship when a better opportunity comes along and that will always be on your head.

Ultimately people who are looking to cheat generally enjoy the stability of their marriage 


@eyemblacksheep you have hit the nail on head.

Give cheaters a wide berth ladies, at the end of the day, dont be treated like sloppy seconds. They are not worth the hassle nor grief when it happens to us. Been there, done that and never again with one. Had a ex and a mother, both were cheaters. 


@eyemblacksheep. I wish it was as easy as just saying I’m done and dropping it. Sadly I fell fast and my heart was in it and he constantly talked about being with me in the future so I had hope 😞

1 minute ago, Honey1121 said:

he constantly talked about being with me in the future so I had hope

I don't know if he set out to deliberately lie.  But, he was certainly fuelling a fantasy - maybe his own as much as yours.



When I was growing up - my Stepmam always had on the shows like Rikki Lake, Monttel Williams so on - and actually - I was pretty much a young *** at a lot of these times - so there was a lot I potentially learned of the world through guests' experiences (I know one show has a great section on swingers, for example, I learnt all sorts from that - ha)

Anyway - a really common topic that would often coming up was around cheating husbands - and there was one show in particularly focused on the women they cheat with who had different view points.

So there was one who - yeah - was sick of being second best and wanted him to leave his wife.  Ultimately, the guy wouldn't because she was little more than an escape or excitement.

The next - I can't remember if this was one person or two - loved being the Mistress (meant as in who was being cheated on and not a Domme) because while it was frustrating that often plans would be cancelled short notice and it was very much on "his time" - every meeting was like a mini date or event - and he'd often turn up with gifts and try to do special things together so it suited to a tee (I'm not sure if there was once a lady who had multiple guys who she was doing the same with - they were all cheating with her and all of course making a fuss, keeping her kept etc.)

The final one... the guy DID leave his wife for her.  And it was awful.  The gifts. The dates. Everything. Just stopped.  And it became more pedestrian.  And, yep, eventually he started cheating on her with someone else.

So - I think this only really works if you're one of the people in the middle there.


Poly on the other hand is different because you can kinda know how it all slots together and you know there's going to be no angry wife on your case and budget/structure/etc. is easier. 


I'm guessing that the OP is a have your cake and eat it kind of guy. Cowardly. There's so many people who do this. If your sex interests are so different, then you're doomed anyway.

That's not to say that the relationship can't last, but how much happiness is there going to be?

If the OP has deleted their account, in still glad this exists, I'm sure others might find it useful.

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