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How to find partners into ***? Advice needed

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It seems like it's nearly impossible to find women into this fetish, on most sites. Any suggestions people can give on finding someone with that sort of interest?

I live in Toronto, which makes it even harder (I find way less results on this sort of stuff in Canada than in US, obviously because of population difference).

Thanks in advance for the suggestions!


There's ladies I know into *** to different degrees - quite a few I can think of, actually.

But, I know some of the problems they talk about - often linked to guys who either fantasise about it, but have no real desire to go through - or those who lead fetish first.

Imagine, for example - you get a partner who is really looking forward to doing this with you - and the smell makes you puke before you even begin.  Or you swallow and then end up vomiting everywhere - or you just hate it and don't want to do it again.

And there are a lot of fantasists who talk a good talk.  I am aware of a guy who still to this day, on another site, harps on and on about being a *** and was invited to film and turned up - and basically refused to sign the forms meaning he had to be sent away without filming : I imagine this refusal was him chickening out.

So, ladies generally are used to a lot of fantasists which makes it harder.


So, my advice.  This is definitely a fetish where for a first time, either bring it up with a partner as something to try - or - possibly better still - approach and pay a Pro who offers it to see how the sensation works for you.

In general, any fetish, if you make your approach too much about the fetish it comes over that you care more about the fetish than the person/relationship and that's always a trait to avoid.


100% agree, I'd imagine how annoying it is to deal with someone indecisive. And I also agree that one should experiment on their own/pay a pro first just to explore; to make sure one is into it. I've personally done both of those things, so it certainly isn't an issue for me.

I also agree that you shouldn't make the encounter too much about the fetish, but rather about the person you're interacting with. However, there's nothing wrong with seeking an experience with someone for the singular intent of indulging in a specific activity, like fetish play. As long as it's 100% mutual/consensual. 


When pandemic is over, go to the Toronto Munches. You'll need to ask, but it won't happen online. As a male on this site, you'll get five hellos from fake accounts week.


*** is not without health risks. E coli and Hepatitis.


Well *** is alright if they have good health and healthy diet ( no junk food.) I would do this for you but I live in San Antonio, Texas. I love ***.


I have had some indirect success with a chat response like 'lets chat about the things that you are into..really into... but are afraid to talk to partners about.. because you fesr rejection'

None have made *** a first topic of discussion. But it open the door. Discussing 'primitave desires' did eventually leed to their intrest in *** and watersport


That's a good point, thanks DWM!

On 7/8/2020 at 6:42 PM, Kayak said:

Well *** is alright if they have good health and healthy diet ( no junk food.) I would do this for you but I live in San Antonio, Texas. I love ***.

Hey, uhhh, I'm not far from San Antonio and I'm also into ***....

  • 2 years later...
On 7/6/2020 at 1:12 PM, eyemblacksheep said:

There's ladies I know into *** to different degrees - quite a few I can think of, actually.

But, I know some of the problems they talk about - often linked to guys who either fantasise about it, but have no real desire to go through - or those who lead fetish first.

Imagine, for example - you get a partner who is really looking forward to doing this with you - and the smell makes you puke before you even begin.  Or you swallow and then end up vomiting everywhere - or you just hate it and don't want to do it again.

And there are a lot of fantasists who talk a good talk.  I am aware of a guy who still to this day, on another site, harps on and on about being a *** and was invited to film and turned up - and basically refused to sign the forms meaning he had to be sent away without filming : I imagine this refusal was him chickening out.

So, ladies generally are used to a lot of fantasists which makes it harder.


So, my advice.  This is definitely a fetish where for a first time, either bring it up with a partner as something to try - or - possibly better still - approach and pay a Pro who offers it to see how the sensation works for you.

In general, any fetish, if you make your approach too much about the fetish it comes over that you care more about the fetish than the person/relationship and that's always a trait to avoid.

Where can I find a professional woman to pay her to watch her taking a shit 

  • 4 weeks later...

There are definitely loads of women out there, I spoke to many on twitter one of which I was going to meet up with for a face farting and *** session. But I lost access to my account. 

I fantasise about it every day which is why the girls on there assured me I would enjoy going through with it if i just relax and get used to it. Its also perfectly safe on a healthy diet as stated my a member above.

I still however have not had the honour, well done to those I envy lol.

On 11/22/2022 at 10:18 PM, fetishbob69 said:

Where can I find a professional woman to pay her to watch her taking a shit 

twitter is full of them just search *** lol

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