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Come on in neighbors


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Love love your writing! Looking forward to the rest. Your just brilliant!😘🙂


Thank you so much for the kind words:)

Coming up next we will take a trip to the hardware store for a few items then drop in and visit the neighbors on the other side...stay tuned...



A Trip To The Hardware Store



I needed my car keys and wallet. Opening the door to the kitchen I could see the mess of broken glass and dishes had been cleaned from the floor. Not seeing my wife I called out,”Hon, I'm going to the hardware store, do you need anything?”. She replied that she didn't and I should be careful.


Starting my old Chevy was always a spectacle, it burned more oil than gas and was more rust than steel. Still, it did the job and got me to where I wanted be no matter how bald the tires were. At this point where I wanted to be was the hardware store in town, about four miles down the road.


I pulled into the hardware store parking lot and walked around to the front door. This was one of those old time hardware places with the rough plank floors that had troughs worn in them from decades of boots being trodden along looking for horse accessories and farm implements.


The first thing that I noticed after walking through the door was the annoying little bell followed by the general musty smell and lack of lighting. The big chain stores definitely had bright open airy spaces and plenty of color going for them however this was really the place to come to if you needed a left handed thumbscrew for the seed removing guard on your eigh*** seventy nine model cotton gin or a bogie adjustment screw for the right track on a WWII Sherman tank If these folks didn't have it nobody did.


The girl sitting at the register uncrossed her legs. She was about twenty seated on barstool type seat. I heard the plastic covering on the seat give a grunt of disapproval as the bare skin of her leg rubbed across it's plastic cover. She shot me a momentary glance and turned the page of the paperback in her hand, “Can I help you?”.

“I need a pair of shears, you know, the type to clip small branches growing through a fence.”

A dismissive wave of her hand and a pointing motion towards the back of the store along with barely audible instructions directed me to aisle seven, bottom right hand side.

After several minutes of wrestling with uncooperative gardening tools residing on a too tightly packed shelf, I returned with my booty to the register. “Anything else, sweetie?”, she mumbled. I was startled by the appearance of a very slender man immediately to my left, he said.”Good morning sir, I hope that you are finding all that you need.” I nodded my approval as the man drifted around me silently, with almost cat like precision navigating the tight space between myself and the counter.

The man's appearance was that of a wild west saloon-keeper, complete with red and white striped long sleeve shirt with armbands ans wire frame spectacles. This guy could have been called down from central casting to play a part of a piano player on a nine***th century Mississippi paddle-wheeler.

He directed to the ier,”Evelyn, when you are done assisting this customer may I impose upon you to stock the shelves with the pet food we received this morning?”, She replied in a mocking tone,”Why yes sir Mr. Braxtley, your wish is my command.”. He evidently found no humor in her banter and headed off to attend to something more important, perhaps an arm wrestling contest with the pretzel man from Mr. Salty.

“The boss, ha ha ha.”, she quipped. “Anyway, what else can I do you for hon?”, she said. “I think I will be needing some of that twine back there.”, I said while pointing to the shelf behind her. Without missing a beat she spun on the seat while grabbing a spool of the twine and returning to her original position after completing the full three hundred sixty degree turn, quite impressive. She handed me the twine and I immediately noticed the dark soft hairs on her forearms. The sunlight from the plate glass window at the front combined with the dim crackling fluorescent overhead caught it in such a way as to resemble a flowing wheat field that a gentle breeze has just passed through. All the hairs moved and shimmered in symmetrical unison, I was mesmerized by it all.

ping her fingers at me she said,”Hey, are you okay?, I recognize you , you live down the street from me.” “I said,”yeah, I'm okay, I was just trying to think if I needed anything else.” “Yeah, I've seen you before, about three blocks down from me, opposite side of the street, right?” “She replied,”Yep, that's me, now can I get you anything else?” “No, I'm good. How much do I owe you?, I asked.

Total of the bill was eight ninety eight, I reached over and gave her a ten. While she was handing me the change I paid particular attention to a leather bracelet that she was wearing on her left hand. I probably wouldn't have noticed it among all the other jewelry and junk she was sporting but for the fact that this was in the shape of a woven bullwhip that was coiled and woven into itself, quite an intricate piece and considering the ordeal I had just underwent it piqued my interest as my fantasy world started to populate.

I spoke up,”That's quite an interesting piece of leather work you have there, may I ask how you came by it?”. She flicked the bracelet and said, “Oh this fucked up thing, I just wear it 'cause its a cool design.”. “My ex boyfriend gave it to me right before I kicked his ass to the curb, he said that if I got out of line the full sized model would be waiting for me in his closet!, can you imagine, I would beat the crap outta his skinny ass if he would've touched me!”.

“Right, well, it was nice meeting you, I have to run now”, I excused myself and headed for my car as fast as I could.

I rounded the back end of the car and fumbled with my pocket to get the key out and unlock the door. Once safely inside the vehicle, I felt my ass on fire from the friction against the pants and seat of the car. My cock was now completely in full hard on mode and my brain was switching back to the Miss Paula fantasy. I dropped my new player, Miss Evelyn right in alongside the other cabal members, sipping wine and mocking me, all of them in their leather miniskirts. From my vantage piont of being a no good slave kneeling at their feet I had an uninterrupted view of gorgeous well shaped thighs and calves straddled by some very intricately laced black and red panties. I don't know where the red ones came from, maybe it was a rank thing among the members, aw, what the hell I didn't give a fuck anyway.

I was so involved in my fantasy world that while making a right hand turn I almost came. Yeah, came about one inch from a mailbox and telephone pole before the abruptness of the drop of the curb shook me back to reality and I regained control of the car. Damn! I got to pay more attention.

On 8/11/2020 at 7:00 AM, fiploss said:


A Trip To The Hardware Store



I needed my car keys and wallet. Opening the door to the kitchen I could see the mess of broken glass and dishes had been cleaned from the floor. Not seeing my wife I called out,”Hon, I'm going to the hardware store, do you need anything?”. She replied that she didn't and I should be careful.


Starting my old Chevy was always a spectacle, it burned more oil than gas and was more rust than steel. Still, it did the job and got me to where I wanted be no matter how bald the tires were. At this point where I wanted to be was the hardware store in town, about four miles down the road.


I pulled into the hardware store parking lot and walked around to the front door. This was one of those old time hardware places with the rough plank floors that had troughs worn in them from decades of boots being trodden along looking for horse accessories and farm implements.


The first thing that I noticed after walking through the door was the annoying little bell followed by the general musty smell and lack of lighting. The big chain stores definitely had bright open airy spaces and plenty of color going for them however this was really the place to come to if you needed a left handed thumbscrew for the seed removing guard on your eigh*** seventy nine model cotton gin or a bogie adjustment screw for the right track on a WWII Sherman tank If these folks didn't have it nobody did.


The girl sitting at the register uncrossed her legs. She was about twenty seated on barstool type seat. I heard the plastic covering on the seat give a grunt of disapproval as the bare skin of her leg rubbed across it's plastic cover. She shot me a momentary glance and turned the page of the paperback in her hand, “Can I help you?”.

“I need a pair of shears, you know, the type to clip small branches growing through a fence.”

A dismissive wave of her hand and a pointing motion towards the back of the store along with barely audible instructions directed me to aisle seven, bottom right hand side.

After several minutes of wrestling with uncooperative gardening tools residing on a too tightly packed shelf, I returned with my booty to the register. “Anything else, sweetie?”, she mumbled. I was startled by the appearance of a very slender man immediately to my left, he said.”Good morning sir, I hope that you are finding all that you need.” I nodded my approval as the man drifted around me silently, with almost cat like precision navigating the tight space between myself and the counter.

The man's appearance was that of a wild west saloon-keeper, complete with red and white striped long sleeve shirt with armbands ans wire frame spectacles. This guy could have been called down from central casting to play a part of a piano player on a nine***th century Mississippi paddle-wheeler.

He directed to the ier,”Evelyn, when you are done assisting this customer may I impose upon you to stock the shelves with the pet food we received this morning?”, She replied in a mocking tone,”Why yes sir Mr. Braxtley, your wish is my command.”. He evidently found no humor in her banter and headed off to attend to something more important, perhaps an arm wrestling contest with the pretzel man from Mr. Salty.

“The boss, ha ha ha.”, she quipped. “Anyway, what else can I do you for hon?”, she said. “I think I will be needing some of that twine back there.”, I said while pointing to the shelf behind her. Without missing a beat she spun on the seat while grabbing a spool of the twine and returning to her original position after completing the full three hundred sixty degree turn, quite impressive. She handed me the twine and I immediately noticed the dark soft hairs on her forearms. The sunlight from the plate glass window at the front combined with the dim crackling fluorescent overhead caught it in such a way as to resemble a flowing wheat field that a gentle breeze has just passed through. All the hairs moved and shimmered in symmetrical unison, I was mesmerized by it all.

ping her fingers at me she said,”Hey, are you okay?, I recognize you , you live down the street from me.” “I said,”yeah, I'm okay, I was just trying to think if I needed anything else.” “Yeah, I've seen you before, about three blocks down from me, opposite side of the street, right?” “She replied,”Yep, that's me, now can I get you anything else?” “No, I'm good. How much do I owe you?, I asked.

Total of the bill was eight ninety eight, I reached over and gave her a ten. While she was handing me the change I paid particular attention to a leather bracelet that she was wearing on her left hand. I probably wouldn't have noticed it among all the other jewelry and junk she was sporting but for the fact that this was in the shape of a woven bullwhip that was coiled and woven into itself, quite an intricate piece and considering the ordeal I had just underwent it piqued my interest as my fantasy world started to populate.

I spoke up,”That's quite an interesting piece of leather work you have there, may I ask how you came by it?”. She flicked the bracelet and said, “Oh this fucked up thing, I just wear it 'cause its a cool design.”. “My ex boyfriend gave it to me right before I kicked his ass to the curb, he said that if I got out of line the full sized model would be waiting for me in his closet!, can you imagine, I would beat the crap outta his skinny ass if he would've touched me!”.

“Right, well, it was nice meeting you, I have to run now”, I excused myself and headed for my car as fast as I could.

I rounded the back end of the car and fumbled with my pocket to get the key out and unlock the door. Once safely inside the vehicle, I felt my ass on fire from the friction against the pants and seat of the car. My cock was now completely in full hard on mode and my brain was switching back to the Miss Paula fantasy. I dropped my new player, Miss Evelyn right in alongside the other cabal members, sipping wine and mocking me, all of them in their leather miniskirts. From my vantage piont of being a no good slave kneeling at their feet I had an uninterrupted view of gorgeous well shaped thighs and calves straddled by some very intricately laced black and red panties. I don't know where the red ones came from, maybe it was a rank thing among the members, aw, what the hell I didn't give a fuck anyway.

I was so involved in my fantasy world that while making a right hand turn I almost came. Yeah, came about one inch from a mailbox and telephone pole before the abruptness of the drop of the curb shook me back to reality and I regained control of the car. Damn! I got to pay more attention.

Great! I look forward to reading more ?😘🙂


I'm with @justcurvysubon this mate.  I am very interested in where and how the dynamic will play out between the husband and wife couple, and who and how others become involved.



Mr. Carl and Miss Sheila.


I rounded the corner and pulled into my driveway, getting out of the car I noticed a figure moving across the street. It was the creepy old dude, Joe. He looked my way and threw me a big toothless smile while waving he yelled”Howdy do, neighbor?”. I returned the favor and gave him the biggest cartoon grin I could muster and yelled back,”Just fine, how 'bout you?, gotta run, yard work you know!”. I held up the shears, incontrivable proof that I was actually engaged in yard work.

Making my way back to my kitchen I opened the door and was greeted by my smiling wife,”what do ya think?” , she inquired while doing a hand flourish about the kitchen. I must say this was a day versus night transformation, everything was in its place, the floor was cleaned of combat detritus and the place just had a generally lighter feeling.


“I'm going to finish clipping those branches coming through the fence and then I will go next door and see about borrowing their mower.”, I said to her. “Good boy, on your way out would you mind grabbing those garbage bags and depositing them in the can, love you!”, she said as she leaned over to kiss my cheek then scurried away to the laundry room. I wondered for a moment, given her new attitude was there something to this new “treatment”?


Outside again, into the blazing heat to complete the intimidating chore of cleaning the yard. I dragged the two bags of garbage and threw them in the can. Grabbing the clippers out of my pocket I started clipping branches and picking up trash, wrappers, pieces of paper and potato chip bags all along the fence line until I was back at the point I started. It ws almost two hours later and I was soaked with sweat. I stepped back to look at the territory I had conquered and didn't really feel any satisfaction as the grass was about two feet high. Resigning myself to the fact that I would have to face another neighbor that may have first hand knowledge of the ordeal my wife and I had just underwent, I slinked around the corner of the yard and reached the driveway of the neighbor on the opposite side from Miss Paula.


Approaching the attached garage from the corner I knew the door was raised from the sound of music flowing down the driveway, some sixties Motown stuff, not a bad beat. The clinking of metal on metal followed by some loud exhalations and a very pronounced grunt gave the impression of somebody struggling with a heavy weight.

I stopped at the edge of the door frame and it was indeed opened. I was out of his line of sight but I had a clear view of the most musclar guy I have ever seen pumping iron on a weight bench at the back of the garage.

There was the normal garage clutter of storage boxes albeit they were neatly stacked along one wall, a couple of ten speed bicycles, a homemade work bench against the far wall along with a refrigerator and a huge U.S. Marines Corps flag adorning the wall.

I stood hidden behind the stack of boxes in awe of this mahogany skinned man with a body like Adonnis. I was watching the abs contract then relax with each successive lift of the barbell. This guys chest was as huge as a barrel and his arms as thick and sinewy as tree trunks. My eyes wandered down his entire body taking notice of the cut off gray sweatpant shorts he was sporting. His monster sized cock was obviously on a break as it drooped lazily pointing midway down his right thigh. It had me hypnotized, falling to the right on the down stroke then rolling back to the left as he lifted the heavy steel weights back in the air.

My desire to have this man's cock in my mouth right now became completely overwhelming. I had not felt like this since high school. I had urges my whole life but never acted on them until my senior year and that was a total disaster or abomination, yeah I'll stick with abomination, it was that bad.

Joey was my best friend since grade school. A little bit shorter than me and more athletic he was a fun guy to be around. We had went to camp together, had sleepovers at one or another houses and all the usual trappings of a normal wholesome childhood relationship.

One day shy of my twelfth birthday Joey and I were playing in the back yard. He wrestled me to the ground. I responded in kind by flipping him over and sitting on his chest. He struggled to break free and caught me using his ass to sit on my chest, his knees clamping either side of my head. I was truly pinned and couldn't escape.

Something changed in me that instant. I realized I liked the feeling of being restrained by him, I moved my head from side to side and could taste the bare skin of his thighs. He was trying to squeeze the pulp out of my head, while his dick was basically resting on my chin. He grabbed my hands by the wrists and started slapping me in the face taunting,”why are you hitting yourself?”. Then he leaned completely forward engulfing my face with his belly and yelled,”I'm gonna make you suck my dick, queer!” To regain any dignity at that point I had to summon all of my childhood moxie and give him the heave-ho off of me. “Alright you win!”, were the words coming from Joey's mouth after I rolled him off of me and gave him a good solid punch to the gut. Our combat resolved, I was victorious, it was time for lunch as signaled by mother from the back door. From that day on I had the desire for Joey to be back on top of me and for him to follow through and make me “suck his dick”.

In school we turned this into our own private game. Either I would spot him in the hallway or he would spot me, the object was to run up to your opponent knock his books out of his hand grab him in a headlock and yell as loud as possible in his ear,”I'm gonna make you suck my dick!”. We let some other kids join our play from time to time over the years but it didn't have the same pizzazz.

The last week of school in senior year we had our last match, I spotted Joey down the long packed corridor and took off running after him at full gallop. A few feet behind him I targeted his books and gave them a good slap so they disbursed all over the hall. Other kids were laughing and pointing as I grabbed him by the neck in a good tight headlock. Pulling him around by his neck in a full circle I yelled into his ear,”I'm gonna make you suck my dick dweeb!”. He grabbed my wrist puled outward and broke the headlock. Forcing my now immobilized arm behind my back he got his mouth real close to my ear and loudly whispered just enough to be audible over the din of the other kids in the hall and said,”and, I'm gonna let you!”.

I stood there almost in shock wondering if I had heard what he said correctly. I looked back to ask him but he had grabbed his books and fled the scene. I spotted him a few times during the day and tried to flag him down but he made out as if he didn't see me and took off. As a matter of fact, I didn't hear from him for the remainder of the week. By Friday I got a bit worried and called his house. After the obligatory niceties and small talk about me going into the army, his mother yielded the phone to him. Neither of us mentioned the episode that occurred at school, we just agreed to meet the next day and hang out.

It was Saturday and we were hanging out in Joey's basement, it was cool, like our own little clubhouse. There was a bathroom and a pool table along with a refrigerator, television and a Nintendo video game set. We used to entertain ourselves by playing video games for endless hours but now it seemed we were more into smoking a few joints and listening to music on the old boom box.

We fired up a mega joint that we had been hiding away for a special occasion, along with downing some beers that we liberated from his father's personal stock upstairs made for a very pleasant buzz. We busied ourselves with a drawn out game of billiards while listening to some Pink Floyd.

“Ya' know man, you goin' off into the army and me going to State college, we won't be seeing each other that much.”, he led off. “I know man, I'm gonna miss you but we gotta promise to hang out as often as we can.”.

I watched him lean over to try and take the shot and my cock came to attention, his forearms exposed with just a soft coating of hair against his olive toned skin under the pool table's florescent light really did it for me. His dark Mediterranean features seemed to be highlighted in steep relief, I can honestly say that was the most turned on I had ever been in my life. I made up my mind to broach the subject right there and then. I asked as I maneuvered to take my shot putting my backside towards him,”did you mean what you said the other day in school?”.

He was silent for what seemed an eternity until he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face him,”look man, I have always loved you and I don't want us to drift apart.”, he said. Resting both his arms on my shoulders our foreheads came together and I replied,”I love you to dude.” What happened next took me by surprise, he leaned in and gently kissed me on my lips. Instinct or whatever you want to call it kicked in, my arms went around his waist, as my grip tightened I drew our mouths together. He reciprocated then I felt his tongue part my lips and go darting into my mouth.

Game on! A few moments of passionate kissing resulted in me pushing his ass against the pool table and assuming the position on my knees. I nervously fingered the button on his Wrangler jeans and almost broke his zipper. I couldn't get to his cock fast enough, the thought of finally having it stroke the inside of my mouth was overwhelming, I could fel my heart pounding in my chest.

I managed to pull his pants down to mid thigh and fumbled with the waist band on his jockey shorts, pulling them down and extricating his member in a fluid motion was impossible so I had to do it in a four part movement. Having my face tightly pressed against the shaft of his cock didn't help any but I was addicted to it now.

Finally, I had it out and his undies down to a point where I could see the glory of his whole tool, balls, bush and everything else. I was like a kid with a new toy at Christmas, I fumbled around with his dick trying to grab the shaft which wasn't easy as he was all lubed up with pre-cum.

After what seemed like an hour, I had his cock in hand basking in my joy rubbing the shaft up and down my cheek while cupping his balls with my other hand. Now for the big show, I took the shaft and pointed it towards my mouth. Tongue out I gave the engorged purple tip a playful lick.

That lick resulted in a massive groan from him as his cock exploded all its fury, up my nose, in my eyes and hair. A few seconds went by as I kneeled in front of him in full BJ position and it went flaccid in the palm of my hand. I was despondent and covered in cum but hey at least I got it to my mouth.

I kissed and licked the shaft of his cock for a few seconds then proceeded to lick some cum off of his nuts, He was probably ultra sensitive at this point, I worked my way back to suck the cum off the head of his cock but he gave my head a one handed gentle push away. I took the hint and got to my feet saying,”I'm just gonna go wash up.” He gave me a furtive glance and a small hand wave as a gesture of permission. At the bathroom door I turned to look at him, his bare ass cheeks resting on the pool table rail, back turned towards me and I realized I loved him more now then ever.

I came out of the bathroom and he said,”I think you should go now.” I replied,”C'mon dude nothings changed besides we were gonna have a shot of that Southern Comfort you clipped from your old man.” He regained his composure and grabbed the bottle from its hiding spot,”I guess you're right, you are my best friend or so I hear.” “More than you know my friend, more than you know.” , I said.

Seven or eight shots later, I can't really recall, we were back to laughing and giggling at stupid shit again. Suddenly Joey stopped mid sentence and slurred something out that I couldn't understand. He was slurring his words harshly and the only thing I caught was the word cock.

I asked him”kind sir, woulllldddd yoouu pleazze repeat whad you said?”. He looked me up and down grabbing the edge of the table for stability, by know he was totally shitfaced. “I ammmm redddyy to su cccck yourrr coccckkk....nowww...howww'boutttt ittt ddddorrrkkk?”.

I sized him up and didn't think he would even be able to make it over to me at the far side of the table nevertheless complete that task so I said,”surrrre, bbbbrriiinggg itt onnn!”. He stumbled around the table and got in front of me. “OOOOkkkaaayy, whippp ittt out!”, he demanded I obliged by opening my zipper and letting my dong have its freedom, it was already on hard on mode so there was no problem there. It flopped out and came immediately back to perpendicular parade rest.

Joey kneeled down before me, grabbed the base of my shaft with his left hand opened his mouth and groped around with my cock like a seal seeking a fish from its trainer. Unceremoniously guided into his waiting mouth he released his grip and brought his two hands around to grasp both of my ass cheeks. Either fueled by ambition or misunderstood instruction from too many super eight porn movies he tried to ramrod my cock to the back of his throat. I was about to give him an A for effort when I felt him seize up and his gag reflex kicked in, my logic told me to abandon ship and pull out as fast as I could however my hormones and instinct told me to push deeper.

We won the battle but lost the war as the Steak Umms we had for lunch came barreling up from his stomach and dutifully directed themselves to their new residence which was the crotch of my underwear and jeans. He heaved and wretched and unloaded some more for good measure on the floor, my bush and a bit on the pool table as he tried to pull himself up.

The poor guy was in tears, I felt so bad but couldn't help laughing at the irony of the whole situation. Drunk and stoned as we were we managed to sc the puke off of us and sneak past his mom who was in the kitchen tinkering around with some cooking. We made it to his bedroom and both of us went to the shower at the same time, there we were naked in the shower and he put his arms around me and professed how much he loved me and that I had to be sworn to silence. “Man, you can never leeettt anybody know about this.” “Okay, dude, I won't, promise, I will take it to my grave...and by the way I have always loved you.”, gave back. “Alright, so we're still cool with graduation and the part and all, right?”,he said. “Yeah, yeah, nothing's changed dweeb...you just pick me up after the ceremony and we go like nothing happened...okay.” “Okay dude, I love you.”, he said as he stumbled to get out of the shower and put on clean underwear without falling over.

I bid him goodbye and took off for home. The graduation came and went, we attended the party and never spoke of our misadventure again. He went to college and I shipped off to the army about a month after. We had spoke several times after departing but we seemed to drift apart and I haven't heard from him in over seven years.

A sharp metallic sound and a booming baritone voice shook me out of my daydream. “Hey, neighbor, I didn't see you standing there, c'mon in!”, Carl said in a loud voice. He reset the barbell he was pumping back to its holder and grabbed a well worn towel from the workbench. Mopping the sweat from his face he asked”What can I do for you neighbor?”. I started out with,”well sir, I would like to ask a favor of you.” “Hell, we aren't that formal around here, call me Carl!”, he shot back.

“I am cleaning up my yard and I would like to borrow your lawn mower for a bit Carl.”, I asked meekly. “Why sure thing neighbor, you want a Gatorade or a beer, water?”, he offered as he turned and stretched his torso towards the refrigerator opening the door in one fluid motion. The amount of muscle this guy had was tremendous. He had abs on top of abs I think. I could see the muscles in his chest and arms ripple under that mahogany skin as perfect as ocean waves on a calm day.

I stood there transfixed by the weapon he was carrying under those gray cutoff sweatpants. His cock was definitely silhouetted and ran down to about the middle of his inner thigh. It was amazing and I had one thought in my mind 'how do I get that in my mouth?'. I can say if this man walked naked through a stable the stallions would avert their gazes and hang their collective heads in shame after seeing his equipment.

Carl was cool but I think, no, I knew that he caught me staring at his cock. He was about to say something and was interrupted by a female voice from behind the door which I assume led to their kitchen. “Carl...who are talking to out there?”, came a high pitched voice as the door opened and into the garage stepped a beautiful specimen of female African-American delight. She was decked out in a classy blue one piece bathing suit and topping it off with a blue paisley kimono. She had a pair of oversize sunglasses propped up on the top of her head. She had ample curves in all the right places and proportions, her skin was a coffee with cream color, absolutely magnificent. She had her hair straightened sort of reminiscent of one of those female singing groups from the sixties Motown scene.

My sexual desire for this couple shot to the top of the scale when she pulled a folding chair around and sat crossing one perfectly shaped leg over the other right in my line of sight. She addressed me with a sing song type voice,”Oh hi neighbor, haven't seen much of you, how's everything?” I replied,”just fine ma'am.”. Carl butted in,”You remember my better half , Sheila. Honey, our neighbor stopped by to borrow the lawn mower, is that okay with you?”. “Why of course, anything to help our friend here.”, she replied.

The fantasies crowded and pushed there way to the front of my mind trying to be the first, I was especially enthralled with the one of me being her slave and her husband being my overseer. Brought to answer for being lazy she made no bones about it that Carl would be giving me a good whipping but not until I groveled in front of her and sucked his huge member in front of her and the whole staff.

Carl must have thought I was epileptic or something as he ped his fingers to stir me from my trance. “Hey bud, are you alright? You sort of zoned out there.”, he said. “Yeah, I'm okay, sorry, I was just thinking about all the stuff I have left to do today.”, I replied. “No worries my man, let's get you hooked up with that mower so you can get on with it.”, he offered.

He got up from the lifting bench and made his way over to the stacked boxes, pushing them aside he grabbed a silver handle and pulled the mower out into the open. “Here ya go, it's old but it's reliable, we like consistency around these parts if you know what I mean.”, he joked.

Taking the mower handle and navigating it towards the door I thanked him and his lovely wife three or four more times. “No problem man, hey you should bring that cute little wife of yours over and we can get together and do something really fun!”, he said. “Sure, what did you have in mind?”, please be swingers came to mind. “Maybe do a BBQ and go in the pool.”, he replied. “Sure thing, I'll ask her today”, was my answer, anything to get his and her beautiful bodies touching mine was an acceptable outcome, I would work it up to swinging later.

Mower prize in hand I went back down the drive and turned into my yard. I opened the gate and pushed the mower in and got it to a point of relative shadiness under the oak tree. I pulled the rope once and it sputtered. Looking into the fuel tank revealed it had plenty of gas so I pulled it a few more times and got nothing but annoying pops and sputters for my hard expelled efforts.

Now the sweat poured off of me and I was about to go back and ask Carl for help when I noticed under the tank there was a petcock and it looked to be in the off position. I chastised myself mentally and had a flash addition to my slave fantasy that Miss Shiela adds extra punishment for being stupid. I gave the cord a pull and it started up. As to mock me the old oak tree spewed a wave of acorns down on me and my freshly swept patio.


Mate another great installment of this story.  You had my mind switching between flashes of wonder and intermittent huge grins with this installment.  Your writing style and scene setting is great. 


MossyBoy, thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement.  I have another installment that should be ready to go in the next day or two.  

Happy reading! :cum::thumbsup:



Love Hurts!


With the mower running and the rest of the yard in pretty clean condition I felt optimistic about my task. Moving in a straight grid line pattern I was able to complete most of the yard in about an hour. Wiping the sweat out of my eyes I was able to lock onto the sight of Sheila boarding the ladder next door to go for a dip. I stopped and stared for what seemed like an hour. She was oblivious to me so I saw no problem taking an extra scoop of this mocha eye candy.

She did two laps in the pool and headed for the ladder. My heart was in my mouth as she gripped the ladder and hoisted her beautiful body out of the water. I couldn't have believe something so mundane as turning around on a pool ladder could become a regal affair but she made it happen.

Her backside was pointed at me in full view, I had all I could do to suppress my cock from erupting in my jeans.

She grabbed the towel on the bench and wrapped it loosely around her. Looking into the direction of the sun's glare she donned her oversize sixties sunglasses. Spotting me, her path redirected towards me.

She meandered on over to the fence where I was parked. Put down her elbows on top of the chain link, crossed one curvy black leg in front of the other and said,”where you been?, baby boy. you and your darling have to come over and take a dip with us!” My mind drew a momentary blank while trying to process all this new scenery.

Beautiful black woman, early to mid forties, curves to go to war for, coffee with cream colored skin that was flawless covered with goosebumps, just the right amount of downy soft hair on all the parts, I had a mental meltdown and was momentarily paralyzed. My dream girl, right here in front of me.

“Look at me when I'm talkin' to you boy...what's your problem?”,she chided me. Nothing,ma'am, I, eerr mean Sheila.”, I came back with. She moved a quarter of a turn to readjust her weight and I could see peeking from the bottom of her bathing suit was her left ass cheek with what looked like stretch marks. I didn't want her to think I was staring so I averted my gaze.

“What you lookin' at baby?”, she laughingly prodded. “Oh. I wasn't lookin' at nothin' ma'am. I, errr mean Sheila.”

With that remark she turned one ass cheek towards the fence, put two fingers in the elastic snugged to her thigh and pulled back the cloth to reveal a gorgeous black butt cheek stippled with the fine lines of whip scars.

Nothing more than a work of art is all that I can say. She held the pose for me to take in a long thoughtful look. “Oh, that ain't nothin' honey baby. We had Miss Paula help us out years ago, if you know what I mean!, I was a wild child and needed to learn my place.”, Sheila said.

I think my response to her was,”well, that's pretty impressive, I hope that doesn't happen to me, and goodbye, I gotta go!”. Making the quick-way exit, I grabbed my cock and grabbed it like a shifter to bring it back to neutral.

Getting through the door the wife kissed me and said,”I'm so proud of my big boy, lookie, lookie, he cleaned up the whole yard.” “you were talking to Miss Sheila weren't you?”, she asked. “So what if I was?”I said. “Nothing, I just think you got the hots for her.”, I responded. “Looking at your dick, you can not convince me! Sorry dork....nah nah nah nah nah...you like the black girl next door!”,she touted. On her way out of the kitchen she lowered her shorts and exposed her cute ass that was now decorated with black and blue stripes and yelled...”come get a piece of this if you can!”, and ran off to the bedroom.

Reaching the bedroom she bounded onto the bed and tore her shorts off in one fluid motion. Tossing them to the floor she quipped,”Come on and fuck me big boy, pretend I'm your black girlfriend!”. She giggled and fussed as she tried to push me away, the mood was playful and I saw her in a different light than has been th case for the past few weeks. This was the fun loving nympho-sprite that I fell in love with.

Out of genuine concern, I rolled her over and caressed her butt gently and asked in a whisper,”doesn't it hurt?”. She rolled over and said,”It hurt like hell yesterday but its not too bad today, besides I deserved it, I've been a shitty wife to you and a bad neighbor to everyone around.” Knowing a missionary mount would be ***ful for both of us I rolled her up on her knees and went at her full doggy style. I wanted a better view of the stripes on her ass and I got it. I had to temper my lust to make the act last but I was in full on *** mode. Her, Sheila, the girl at the hardware store, god knows who else watching I was surprised that I was able to keep it pumping for as long as I did. She let out a deep monotonous groan almost as if she were a giant whoopee cushion being deflated. Her pussy tightened around the shaft of my dick. I could see her juices flowing out from around her lips enough to form droplets on the underside of my cock and wet my balls.

Exhausted, we both plopped down on our backs next to each other, she started with,”So, what were you and your girlfriend talkin' 'bout, huh?”. “It was a strange but enlightening exchange.”, I replied. “How so?, did she wanna have sex with you?, I saw her showin' you her butt. You should do her, I know I would...she's really hot!”, came the barb from her. Not mean but playful yet stinging.

“For your information, miss smart ass, she was showing me her whip scars on her ass cheek and telling me that Paula next door helped them out a few years ago.”, I told her. “Well, what the hell is that supposed to mean, was it her that beat her? Was the husband there? Did she ask for it?”,came the stream of questions from her. “Wait up, I don't know, I'm as new to this as you are. I guess we will find out in two weeks, six days and nine hours.”, I laughed as I turned over to grab a nap.

I was awakened by the sound of thee kitchen door being slammed shut. I gathered myself and headed towards the kitchen. Calling out yielded no response, it appeared I was alone. Grabbing a sandwich I headed outside to admire my yard work and ready the mower for return to Carl next door.

It was still hot as hell so I grabbed the hose and sprayed the mower off and in the process managed to get myself soaking wet which came as a relief. I stepped back and looked at the yard, not half bad I thought 'why didn't I do this before?'. I finished my sandwich and pushed the mower down the path to the front f the house and through the gate. Parking it in front of the now closed overhead garage door I bounded up their front steps and rang the doorbell. Carl answered the door still dressed in his work out clothes and told me that I just caught him in time as he was headed to the shower then going out into town. He went back in to the house and a few seconds later I heard the overhead door motor cranking it open.

Scooting back down the porch stairs I rounded the rail and was able to grab the mower by the handle before he could reach it. I pushed it into the garage and mad a space to push it back into, I was also formulating a strategy to get him to open up about the scars on his wife's butt cheeks.

I blurted out to him,”Carl, while I was outside I saw Sheila coming out of the pool and..”. He held up his hand to cut me off and said,”I already know, she told me that she showed you some of her 'Love Scars'”. I said”What the hell are love scars?”. He took a seat on the workout bench and motioned for me to have a seat in the chair formerly occupied by his wife. He began,”I'll tell you this because it seems that you may be going through something similar in your house, we want you to be okay and to give you any help you two may need.”. I went to interrupt and he cut me off with “Let me finish and you can ask questions later.”

“First of all.”, he led off. “I didn't do any of that to her, she has quite a collection on her back also, looks like a railroad track if you ask me.”

“About five years ago, Sheila fell in with a bad crowd in town.”. “At first, harmless enough, a couple of nights a month they would get together and party. Then it became more frequent, eventually she was staying out all night sometimes not coming home for days at a time. She picked up a cocaine habit from them and that put a big drain on our finances, we were just about to lose our house when Miss Paula approached me. She had told me that she was a 'life coach' but truth be told I had no idea what that was.”

“She went on to tell me that she was a sort of therapist and had ways that could change Sheila and bring her back to being a respectable wife and partner for me. She added that her methods were a bit unorthodox and expensive but they worked. If Sheila and I agreed she would have to see the program through to it's end and I could not interfere.”

“I was at my last straw with her, I found out that she had been sleeping with her friends husbands and whoever else to secure her coke habit and that hurt the most. I agreed and if she could do it then good luck and I would not interfere. I didn't know how, at that point in my life I didn't care either.”

“I came home from work the next day and Sheila was sitting on the floor in the living room writing something on a big piece of cardboard. She had several typewritten pages in a pile near her and she was humming a tune. I spoke up and asked her what was going on. Looking up from her sitting position at the coffee table she relayed the story of how Miss Paula had come to see her in the morning after I left for work. They had a talking session for about three hours and she realized how bad she had been acting and agreed with Paula that she needed to do something now. She explained further that while she was reluctant to go the route Paula had recommended she would keep an open mind.”

“When Miss Paula was done she told Sheila she would drop off some paperwork if she changed her mind. Sheila told me she had a while to think about and when Paula came ringing the doorbell again she told her she would do it.”

“Now I was curious as to what had Paula told her to get her to agree. Sheila told me to read the agreement that she had to sign and give back to Paula that evening. I read through it and couldn't believe my eyes, it was a contract that basically turned Sheila into Paula's slave for three months. I asked her if she knew what this meant. I gave my word that I wouldn't interfere but I was concerned for her that she was in over her head. Sheila told me that she understood and needed to have it done to better herself. That said and done she signed the papers and pushed them aside. I asked her what the sign was for and she just told me it was a homework assignment Paula had given her. She had to go to Paula's house later on to deliver the papers have the sign looked at and be given an orientation session!”

“Orientation session, what the hell?”, I murmured. Carl shot me a glance and said,”questions later, have you seen those two poles in her front yard?”. “The ten foot high iron poles about ten feet apart with those clips on them?”,I asked. “Yeah, those. That's what the orientation session was for, to learn how they get used in her program!”.

I could see Carl was visibly conflicted while relaying this twisted tale to me. I half-hearted raised my hand like a shy youngster in school that wasn't sure if he had the right answer to the teacher's question. Carl sort of winced and snipped,”What is it now?”. “Where is Sheila, now?”, I asked him.

“She went into town with your wife to go look at swimsuits, she didn't tell you?” “No, maybe I wasn't paying attention or something when she said it.”, I replied.

“Don't worry, when they get back I will have Sheila come out here and strip naked in front of you and your wife so you can get an eyeful of what Paula does.”, he said, I wasn't sure if he was joking or not. I gently protested and told him that would not be necessary. “No, we might as well get it out of the way, I mean eventually you will see them and I don't want it to be awkward.”, he insisted.

How much more awkward can you make it by ordering your old lady to strip in front of complete strangers to show off scars....oh well...it takes all types and I wasn't complaining. I wanted desperately to see them anyway.

He continued his story but I noticed a change in his demeanor as he went on, he sat up a little taller on the bench spoke a little more vibrantly and above all was the thing I had my eye on since sitting down. His cock was getting harder by the moment. The more of this tale of his wife's ultimate *** came to breath the harder and stiffer his cock became.

After he explained the first session his cock was creeping down his right thigh in those cutoff sweats. I mentally made a bet with myself on the odds of the head poking out of the leg when he was fully erect....ohh I was so hoping it did!

He told me that Paula instructed her to strip naked and walk to her front door with the sign and the contract papers at sundown. She was to knock on the front door three times and wait for her to answer the door. She was further told to stand there rigidly still no matter how long it took or who came by looking. She wasn't to speak or address anybody. He acted out how he stood by the window looking through the blinds for the next half hour. Finally somebody opened the door and yanked her inside.

Carl said he waited until midnight or so and she didn't come home. Figuring that she wasn't serious and called her city friends to go partying and write off a kinky episode with a somewhat bizarre neighbor he'd had enough and went to bed.

The next morning he looked for Sheila and she was nowhere to be found. He went through his morning routine and prepared to go to work. When he described what he saw next I almost fell off of the fucking chair. His eyes got real big as he said he walked outside and saw something on Paula's front lawn. Not paying it too much attention he started his car and got in, as he pulled past Paula's house he could see the figure was Sheila. Naked and spread eagle tied wrist and ankles between the two iron poles and tightly blindfolded. The sign she hand lettered was hung on the railing directly across from the poles in full view of the street. He couldn't believe it as he read the sign:









Carl had seen enough and went to free Sheila from her restraints. When she found it was him she begged him to leave her there that she wanted this to happen.

He finished up the story by telling me she came back home, bruised welted and disoriented, covered in all types of what not. She was on the straight and narrow for a while until she was bitten by the bug again and stayed away all weekend. At this point, she was so ashamed that she went to Miss Paula voluntarily to confess herself and ask for atonement and to be harshly dealt with.

She got her wish. The next morning before sunrise Paula went into their house got her out of bed, stripped her naked and dragged her up the street by her hair. There she tied Sheila tightly between the two iron poles in the spread eagle position. Letting her stay that way for about an hour until the sun came up added to the chance that people would witness her punishment. At first light she laid into Sheila's bare mocha back with a cat o' nine tails, she flogged her with extreme prejudice. When her back was good and ***ied she switched implements to a snake whip and beat her behind until she was nothing more than a quivering mound of flesh.

Carl abruptly stood up and the sound of the overhead door coming down to the closed position startled me. He looked at me and smiled and said,”easy there, you want a beer? I'm just closing it so if she comes home she can undress without the whole neighborhood seeing what's going on.”. He reached back into the fridge and came out with two ice cold beers. I gladly accepted the frosty looking bottle and rubbed it over my forehead to cool down a little. The garage was sweltering hot, I was also overheating from looking at Carl's huge erect boner popping through those flimsy sweats. As he moved about the garage I caught a peek at the tip of his dick, it actually worked its way down to the opening. I wanted to have that massive anaconda in my mouth. I quickly derived a plan but it would need lightning fast execution. I have found out that gay, straight or whatever....once a cock is in somebody's mouth: the four words you will never hear the owner of said cock mutter are”stop sucking my dick”. Just won't happen, sort of like flipping a shark on its back, it was this involuntary response that my plan relied.

I spoke up,”Carl, there is one thing I wanted to show you on the mower before I forget or the girls get here.” He looked at me inquisitively and said,”Oh, what's up with it?” “Oh, nothing really, I just had a question about something, maybe I wasn't doing it right?” With that I went over to the mower and got on my knees beside it. Feigning some mechanical perplexity I leaned over it knowing full well he would investigate and lean over my shoulder to see what it was. When I felt his body, his bristling leg hair rub against the back of my arm I sprung like a rabid mongoose for that delicious black cobra.

I turned my head and his cock was even with my mouth. No words were exchanged, I just slipped my hot, moist and most importantly instantly available tongue up the leg hole of his sweat pant shorts. Touch down, my tongue collided with the head of his cock and he gave a subtle little gasp of surprise.

The next few minutes were glorious, he attempted some token resistance but I was having none of that. Now I was the cock ninja and he was my prey. I had his shorts and boxers down and the sight that I beheld fucking awestruck me. No other way to say it but pure bliss. Mahogany colored except for the tip which was pulsating and bright purple. Every vein throbbed, this was better than I imagined. His bush was nicely trimmed and I could just barely make out two huge ball sacks from this angle. They would have to wait for now but I would get to them too. I was playing for keeps here and I didn't care if the woman walked in on us that very second.

I grabbed his cock shaft just below the head and gave it a squeeze as if I were strangling the pope. I put my mouth over the head and swirled my tongue around it lapping up his precum. Releasing my grip I slid my mouth farther and farther over his member until he was at the back of my throat.

I had mastered the gag reflex years ago in anticipation of my eventually sucking Joey's cock. It was touch and go for a while, of course I had no idea of what the fuck I was doing. Drawing references from old issues of penthouse and rumors from ***age friends were the only research sources I had at the time. I wish they had a book called Cock Sucking for Dummies back then because I really needed it! My first attempt was downright dangerous. I impatiently awaited the departure of my parents for their daily routines. Sneaking down to the kitchen I commandeered a banana for my project. Back upstairs in the safety of my secret lair, I locked the door to my room and prepared to fellate a piece of fruit.

I gathered up all the items needed for my little exercise and laid them on my bed. There was my prized masturbation tee shirt, it had so much of my DNA on it that it could have showed up in my place at school and everybody would have thought it was me, hand cream swiped from my ***'s room and finally the copy of Penthouse with the op-ed piece about the girl who wanted to deep throat her boyfriend but didn't know how. A fine and informative tutorial, I only get the magazine for the articles you understand.

I read through the article one last time and decided to give it a go. I laid down on the bed, pulled down my shorts and underwear anticipating a positive outcome. Peeled the banana and put it in my mouth. I pushed the fruit gently to the back of my tongue and began to gag. I had read that patience was the key and to relax, progressively sliding it back further. So far it was going good, then I coughed.

Something was definitely wrong, the back end of the banana broke off and was lodged in my throat. I couldn't breathe, panicked I rolled out of bed and face planted on the floor. This didn't help as the banana fragment just strengthened it's resolve to make my pulsating throat it's permanent home. By now I was three shades of purple and my life was passing before my eyes.

I imagined my mom finding me on the floor dead with a banana hanging out of my mouth, shorts down around my knees laying in a puddle of my own piss and shit. She would have screamed for my dad and I could imagine his response, walking up to my lifeless body in his usual nonchalant manner. He would look me over give a hrrrummpph and say something warm like”I always knew he was a dumb cocksucker, there, this proves it!”

I was losing consciousness and barely remembered some Hindlick maneuver or something along that line. I had to make a fist and punch myself in the stomach I thought. I tried to stand up but by now my shorts and underwear were all twisted around my ankles. I turned to steady myself but wound up going ass over tea kettle towards my desk opposite my bed. I was abruptly stopped by my desk chair ramming its back under my rib cage therefore expelling what little air was left in me shooting the banana slug across the room to come to rest smeared on the window pane.

I sat there on the floor of my room trying to catch my breath and crying at the same time. Maybe my dad was right and I couldn't do anything right. If not for anything at all I was ambitious in those days. Within two hours I was okay and was determined to find out where I fucked up.

I reread the article and when I finished I slapped myself in the forehead and muttered,”you dumbass, she never said she peeled the banana!”. Back down the to the kitchen I went to make off with another yellow candidate!

Bobbing my head up and down on his dong with long thoughtful strokes I wanted to hear more about Sheila's last meeting with Paula. I took my mouth off his cock for a moment and asked,”Were you there?”. He winced when I came off and said,”What? Where, what the fuck you talkin' about?”

“You know, when Sheila got her last whippin'?”. “Oh yeah, I was there!”, he said. I asked before going back to slobbering his knob,”Tell me about it please, it turns me on!”. “Okay, it turned me on too!”, he grunted as his huge hand cupped the back of my head and pushed his cock deeper into my throat. My ass was tingling from my own whooping that I took so I readjusted my weight onto my knees. My hands slid to his backside and each grabbed a tightly flexed ass cheek. He was using his hips to buck in and out in a nice easy rhythm, I was in heaven, being face fucked by this guy with a killer body and about to hear him recite a tale of how his beautiful bodied wife was brought into one hundred percent submission of another sexy woman.

“For all my trouble during her first session I was told to keep out of it.”, he started. “Sheila told me that she was Paula's slave and had to take her punishment from whatever Paula decided she needed.” “At that point I resigned to not get involved, by the time Paula came looking for her that night I was so disgusted with her and hoped she would beat the shit out of her.”

“I was sleeping and heard the front door slam, next thing I know the light is on in the bedroom and Paula is standing over her with a folded strap.” He sucked some air in as he slid his cock in and out of my mouth and made a sighing exhale sound. “She poked at her and demanded that she get out of bed and strip her clothes off.” “I guess Sheila wasn't moving fast enough for Paula's taste, no sooner was she out of bed and unbuttoning her nightie Paula started hitting her with the strap.” “Sheila fell to the floor and tried to cover up, fending of the lashes by covering herself with her arms.” “Paula was really mad, standing over her, legs spread apart taking full swings at Sheila's back.” “Finally, she ran out of steam. On her way ot she yelled at her to meet her outside on the sidewalk, naked, in thirty seconds.” “Sheila got up finished undressing and with tears streaming down her cheeks went downstairs to meet her fate.”

His strokes were coming faster now, punctuating his syllables with a thrust to the back of my throat. A puddle was forming on the concrete floor, an amalgam of his sweat, my sweat and drool. My jaw was numb and my tongue was now feeling like sandpaper. He continued,”I heard her scream when Paula dragged her by the hair pulling her up the sidewalk.” “I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, I laid there for a half an hour but my curiosity got the better of me. I was thinking how does Miss Paula punish disobedient slaves?” “I got up, showered and got ready to go to work, out in the car I started to leave but something in my mind wanted to see what was happening and I can't lie it turned me on a lot.” “I took a u-turn with the car and pulled up to park across the street from Paula's place.”

His humping increased in frequency as he went on describing Sheila's predicament. “Sheila was trussed up between those two iron poles, she looked to be standing on her tip toes with her legs spread really far apart. There were ropes around her wrists and her ankles stretched tightly and secured to the hooks on the poles. First light was breaking and there were a few people milling around...I figured that these were people that were on their way to the train station up the street. A lot of people already knew what was happening due to the incident with the sign so they probably figured this was more of the same thing and stuck around for curiosity, Paula opened the front door and came down the steps sporting a real nasty looking whip with a lot of tails. She made some gestures telling people there to stand aside. She took a stance to Sheila's right and rear and unfurled that whip. I remember I got chills watching that but hey she deserved what she was getting, right! I knew I was supposed to feel sorry or bad for her but I didn't, I was horny as hell if anything so I whipped out my cock and played with it as Paula went to work on Sheila's back with that fucking cruel looking whip! Sheila was screaming and crying, I found out from some other folks later that they could hear her five or six blocks away!”

Carl's ass cheeks tightened to the hardness of steel as he finished up his story he was simultaneously pumping his load into my mouth. This was the first time I had a full load in my mouth and I tried to swallow all of it. It seemed like there was no end to it he kept talking and pumping for what seemed like forever. I almost drowned there was so much cum, I had to pull my face away and stroke his dick with my hand. Cum went everywhere, in my hair, of course in the eyes even in my ear. He finished his story with a loud grunt and then a long graceful sigh.

Before he finished he had told me how Paula picked up the other whip and laid out a symmetrical pattern of lashes across her ass. Then he followed up with how much it turned him on to see her 'get her reward', he came in his car, put his dick away and drove off to work.

He stood before me panting and sweating, I rolled back to a sitting position and looked him over. His cock was now semi flaccid and drooping over to one side, his drawers down around his ankles and his body covered in sweat and glistening. I couldn't help but give out a shy little laugh as I wiped some cum off my cheek.

He said,”What's so funny?”. “Nothing man, just not the sort of thing I expected to happen today!”.

“Yeah, me neither, you want another beer?”. I refused as I still had most of my first one left. He pulled his shit together and walked over to the work bench picked up a towel and threw it to me. “Clean yourself up man, you can use the slop sink over there.”. He pointed over at the far wall. I made my way over and ran my head under the stream of cool water coming out of the tap. I grabbed a roll of paper towels off the bench and went over to clean the puddle on the floor.

He grabbed another beer, uncapped it and sat down on his workout bench. He took a long pull on the bottle then spoke,”You know man, love hurts! It's five years since all that shit happened and now Sheila is the perfect wife. We are back in love and everything is fantastic! It's also expensive as all shit!”. “Why is that?”, I responded. “About month after the whipping Paula put a bill in our mailbox, it was for six thousand dollars of 'Life Coaching' services.”, he said. “It was extreme but we paid it”.

“Wow! Can I ask you a question?”. He responded,”Sure, go for it.”. “Were you and Sheila there for what happened at my house yesterday?” “He said,”Anything but that man, we can't say anything!”. I was about to register my protest when the front door slammed shut.

The door to the garage opened a few seconds after and the girls entered. First was my wife wearing a tennis dress type outfit, all white showing off a lot of sexy tanned leg followed by Miss Sheila wearing ultra white running shoes with fluorescent green running shorts and a yellow tee shirt. They were carrying some bags and had most likely been shopping. “What have you boys been up to?”, Sheila asked. “Nothing much, talking mostly about the neighborhood.”, Carl responded.

They put down their bags and my wife pulled up a plastic chair next to where I was sitting. We were both sitting facing Carl sitting on his workout bench and Sheila was standing in the five or six feet between us when Carl asked,”Sheila honey, I know that you were talking about your...err excuse me...our Love Scars...we had a deep discussion and I want to clear up any confusion...would you mind showing our neighbors here the scars.”

She looked at both of square in the eyes and said,”Not at all Carl, we care about these guys and we'll do anything to help them out...no I don't mind showing them at all, what's done is done.”

Sheila put both hands in front of her at midsection level, grasped her tee shirt and began to pull it up over her head. Like she was doing a professional strip tease act, when the shirt was removed she gave it a flip and it landed on the work bench. She had a perfectly flat and toned stomach, beautiful coffee with cream coloring and just a trace of soft black hairs running in a trail from down in her pubic region up to her bellybutton. From the top of the bellybutton the trail continued and tapered away to a fading vee pattern right below her ample and still perky breasts. Reaching behind her it was a millisecond later and her bra was off and her tits were front and center for a good long public viewing. We were graced with the sight of two perfect nipples in the color of dark chocolate and areolas that were perfectly shaped and a tone or two darker than her skin with a hint of a red hue. There were a few wispy scars that obviously came from behind and around her right breast. They were not very big but still noticeable due to the lighter coloration of the tissue contrasting against her darker skin.

Reaching down to her waist she put her two thumbs in the waist band of her shorts and pulled them down to mid thigh. Raising and folding one perfectly shaped leg after another she was able to liberate herself from them. The same routine followed for the black undies that she was wearing. This left her standing naked in the garage in just her ultra white sneakers that contrasted so nicely with her dark skin tone. She put her hands on the top of her head lacing her fingers together and then as if she were doing some type of a cabaret act slowly pivoted on one foot to bring her full backside into our field of view. We both looked upon her magnificent body and gasped at what we saw.

Her back had a criss-cross pattern of scar tissue, her upper right shoulder had obviously bore the brunt of the beating. It was spread all the way to her lower back. Her ass had scars but not in the same manner as her back. These scars were almost perfectly horizontal with the floor and evenly spaced however they did seem like they were deeper and just looked outright more ***ful than the ones on her back.

She said,”I know what you folks must be thinking but please don't feel sorry for me. It happened a long time ago and I got what I needed to get at the time. Go ahead, you can touch them if you want, they don't hurt.” I reached my hand out to feel her ass cheek and my wife slapped it away adding,”No Sheila honey that's okay, we understand.”

Sheila put her arms down and turned around, she took a step towards us and her bush was almost at my face level now. She said,”We want you to know we are looking out for you, that's why we showed you this, we really like you guys.”

At that point Carl stood up and announced, “Hey, how about we throw some burgers on the grill and swim after that, you gals got new suits now right?”. We all agreed and made plans for us to go home get cleaned and changed then come back. Sheila grabbed her clothes off the bench and headed in to the house. Once she was cleared Carl lifted the overhead door and we exited for the short walk back to our place.


Hey mate another great installment.  I don't know how many more posts are set for this story, but I know I will be looking for them.

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