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If 42 is the answer what is the question


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Miami Vice---The cops are discussing known crime lords as possible suspects:

"What about (so-and-so)?"

"He's dead."

"Natural causes?"

"Yeah, congenital car-bomb!"

16 hours ago, Charms said:

Vampier women says welcome to slavery


Guy said no thanks iv already been married 



Vampiers dont exsist but my brother as just been turned into one

is that "lost boys"? x

1 hour ago, SirGreen_KittyKuffs said:

is that "lost boys"?

"From Dusk Till Dawn", with George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino, and Salma Hayek.  It was produced and directed by Robert Rodriguez, back in 1996.


On the matter of the elusive "Question", here is a piece that I wrote in my profile, under the "Confessions" section:


Yes, the answer is "42". But, what is the question? Even a mammoth supercomputer could not figure that out. Yet, it seems rather obvious. The question is: "How many people are important in an average person's life?" Does that not seem like an appropriate meaning? Consider the concept of "Six Degrees of Separation". 42 raised to the 6th power was roughly equal to the population of the Earth, when Douglas Adams wrote "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". QED

5 hours ago, phoenyx said:

"From Dusk Till Dawn", with George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino, and Salma Hayek.  It was produced and directed by Robert Rodriguez, back in 1996.

oh i think i know that one, isn't it where they end up hauled up in a bar or something like that?

3 hours ago, SirGreen said:

oh i think i know that one, isn't it where they end up hauled up in a bar or something like that?

That's the one.

11 hours ago, phoenyx said:

"From Dusk Till Dawn", with George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino, and Salma Hayek.  It was produced and directed by Robert Rodriguez, back in 1996.

Yes you got it right. Although theres other quotes on page 1 from the lost boys 

10 hours ago, phoenyx said:

On the matter of the elusive "Question", here is a piece that I wrote in my profile, under the "Confessions" section:


Yes, the answer is "42". But, what is the question? Even a mammoth supercomputer could not figure that out. Yet, it seems rather obvious. The question is: "How many people are important in an average person's life?" Does that not seem like an appropriate meaning? Consider the concept of "Six Degrees of Separation". 42 raised to the 6th power was roughly equal to the population of the Earth, when Douglas Adams wrote "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". QED

Well.done on the answer . I sometimes shock people  because i dont look like a geek but is there a geek look.  They will start of and i will just go the answer is 42 witch shocks them.


Also on page 1 there are quotes from the lost boys.


I will give you a hint. A music player is mentioned in the quote


A line by Patrick McGoohan ("Number 6") in "The Prisoner":

"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered!  My life is my own!"

12 hours ago, Bitofasecret said:

I'm always glad to meet another hitch hiker. Hello!

Hi my freind how are you. Step aboard my ship and lets have a cup of tea. 


I nicked all the towels though.... 2 for the price of 6, bargain.

14 hours ago, smeagol said:

I nicked all the towels though.... 2 for the price of 6, bargain.

Dam i need to new towels in real life


To all you hoopy froods ,who know where ya towel is.....



“Zaphod . . . took out his Peril-Sensitive Sunglasses again. They were completely black.”

Posted (edited)

Zaphod:  “If you don’t open that exit hatch this moment, I shall zap straight-off to your major data banks, and reprogram you with a very large axe---got that?”

Edited by phoenyx

I have my towel ready to go :)

Bit of nerdy trivia for peeps: ASCII is how most computers represent letters and characters as numbers so the machine can understand them. Each character gets a number, and 42 represents * (an asterisk). The asterisk is the 'wildcard character' in computing acting as a stand-in for any other character. The name comes from card games, where a wild card is 'what you make it', meaning you get out what you put in.


I don't know the brain the size of a planet....and what do they ask me to do.  Go fetch some hitchhickers up....god i'm soooooo depressed.

I hate these doors.

Doors "glad to be of service"

They make me so depressed.


How awesone is the depressed robot in the film and the voice of rick mail is it he who played professor    in harry potter


“Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.”

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