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Somethin somethin about DICKS


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DISCLAIMER: This medical advice and information is not verified or supplied by Fetish.com. Read at your discretion. 

Thick: (coke can), long & skinny: (raw foot-long hot dog), short & stubby: (Vienna sausage), wet-noodle soft/titanium hard, cut/uncut, natural curve/Peyronie’s disease, or…visually hidden, (yes, true). Playgrounds: shaved, buzzed, waxed or Neanderthal bushy. In my business, I’ve seen it all. At least I think I have but I always leave room for newcomers.

For those of you who don’t want to check out my profile which would better explain my comments here, I’ll do a cut and paste from it.

I have a Masters in Psychology with a focused application on male sexuality. I have an insatiable curiosity regarding anything to do with sex. Lol. I provide therapy for men who have issues relative to physical and emotional sexual disharmony. I use sensual massage to raise awareness of intimacy and touch.

What I’m sharing here for anyone’s consumption is merely my observations thus far when I’m working with nude men. I’m fortunate for the most part, to be able to look at naked men and their variety of landscapes but there have been times when I could have lived without the visual exposure. I realize this comment sounds somewhat insensitive but you really need to trust me on this. I have absolutely NO doubt the same can be said about pussies. Both sexes admitting, “I’ve seen it and it scared me.”

Statistics say the average length of a man’s penis is between 5 and 6 inches, with a girth just under 5 inches. Ok. WTF does “average” really mean? Most labels are completely subjective and open to scrutiny. What data source is measuring the integrity of a man’s penis anyway? I’ll tell you in a minute. So, guys, be aware during your next prostate exam because when you’ve got your legs spread or you’re bending over waiting for that KY Jelly laden middle finger, just know there’s more going on than what you think.

You are about to become a statistic for the Universal Penis Assessment Institute. It should come as no surprise that it’s an all-female enterprise. Having served on the Board of Directors, I can tell you confidently these women know what they’re doing. Each and every one of them has selflessly conducted their own research by locating men and chatting with them…..uh..chatting, that’s what they told me, in an effort to distinguish various characteristics of the men’s personal heat-seeking missile. They are a group of very happy women and always come to work with a smile on their faces. Truly a great place for women to work.

Now for some down-to-earth truth. As men age their bodies change, right? It’s inevitable. And as the years pass by a man’s virility will more than likely become an issue of concern for him. Women need to know that a man’s machismo is a very large part of his self-identification. A man’s confidence and self-worth are intricately intertwined with a man’s masculinity. Sadly, our culture has yet to embrace the reality that sex has a fundamental partnership with our physical, mental, and emotional stability as well as our overall well-being.

The little pill that gets you up and going…. Like most women, I am extremely happy this tiny titan pleasure booster is available. There are also pellet implants and injections as alternatives. I have a couple of friends who are quite healthy but do use the pellets just because they say it maintains their erection like….forever…. Good luck finding women who can go for 4 hours…lol If you are healthy both of these alternatives work wonders. If you have health problems, your physician most likely would not recommend it. So get healthy!!

So, a little about ED (erectile dysfunction). Contrary to popular belief, only a small percentage of ED issues are health-related. Conditions like, heart disease, poor circulation, high *** pressure, diabetes, and atherosclerosis are commonplace causes of ED. However, the MOST common origins of ED are lack of exercise, becoming complacent in your lifestyle, along with unhealthy eating habits, and heavy alcohol consumption. All of these will most certainly have negative effects on your health and sex life. Then there’s the major player that adversely affects absolutely everything. STRESS. The silent monster. Stress will not only suck the life out of you, destroy your immune system, but it will also impede normal *** flow to your dick. Holy shit! Who wants that?? And, the more your performance is “off”, the more stressed you become. Then what happens? You got it. You think about it and wonder WTF is wrong. Then naturally your batting average takes a dive and it becomes a cycle of frustration. Say goodbye to your stealth bomber.

There are some great articles online about how stress and the quality of your health impact your sex life. Really good reads. With all that said, if you love sex, consider living a healthier life. You deserve it.


I actually found this very interesting, thankyou


So 9 long and 6 thick isn't average 🤔

Posted (edited)

Interesting that this "institute" doesn't appear to exist

Edited by quietlysure
This not thus

And if USA is like UK you cannot use any personal health information without the person's permission

4 hours ago, pappaman said:

I actually found this very interesting, thankyou


2 hours ago, Chiana said:

Just sounds like a sales pitch

Are we reading the same article?  What products or services am I pitching? Some of what I've said is tongue-in-cheek and the rest is merely informational based on experience, academics, and conversations.  However, everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion.

44 minutes ago, quietlysure said:

Interesting that this "institute" doesn't appear to exist

No it doesn't.  I was trying to use some humor regarding what a fun job it would be to ponder the intricacies of male genitalia.  Also, I am aware personal information is a private matter however, statistics are gathered from us everyday from social media.  That...unfortunately we have no control over unless sites refuse to use personal data or legislation prohibits it. Read about Facebook and their quandary after ing off information from the users of FB.

4 hours ago, Bobbyb1973 said:

So 9 long and 6 thick isn't average 🤔

Funny...the reveal is in the perception of the reciever. Big, little, long or short.  It's all relative to the person observing. 

Personally, for me, I'd say it's beyond what's indicated as "average".  Seriously. I might have to take a few minutes to consider that girth. :$



Interesting points I live in a country where alcohol intake is prevalent and agree it's a big negative factor to sexual health . Proper eating is of paramounce. I find blueberries the key personally, but i'm sure others have their story.


That made me smile PE.

A lot of good information wrapped up in some nice humour. 




Great Post, would be more than happy to contribute to your findings... Feel free to PM me.

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