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Good morning Demon


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He awakes , never truly rested,  not since the creation of his creature . It feels seams as if that day was yesterday,  but it's been a decade .
A decade since that moment in time .

He moves towards the washroom for his first indignanton of the morning  , its not even 5 am , but the sun is rising and the demon hates the beauty of the day. 

He  glances at his instruments,  
And he then stares at his reflection,  disgusted at this lower than life human starring back at himself. 

Tears open the package and looks with disgust at himself. 
The demon inside giggles 
He pops the cap on some surplus government  lube , and glides the instrument inside .

The demon giggles uncontrollably inside , week human  he says lisping with envy as he licks his lips .
This is the best part  now  he screams inside of you .
Roaring uncontrollably. 

You lips are  placed around the Instrument between your lips insuring not to drop the instrument,  as demon will laugh and this will still have to be done. 

You grasp your cock in your left hand , still after all this time you cant get over it .

You gently grab the slippery lubed instrument,  and sigh.
The top of the instrument drips with lube  
And my urethra needs this.
The tiny hole grasps the instrument,  I push forward 
3 inches 
Then 6

Up to 8
 my cock grasps at the insertion 

12 inches inside me , the demon screams uncontrollably. 
Real man use cocks  , you use straw. 
No man you are demon spits and rattles the cage he's in.

The release of urine flows from the dead fleshy cock in your hands. 

Demon screams  real man feels cock , you feel nothing. 
Demon giggles uncontrollably. 

You slowly pull the instrument from you,  hopefully you will feel some,  but probably not.
You know how many times a day you do this task 
You look at yourself again with disgust,  demon giggles. 

You count the inches,  you know them so well 

12 inches inside of you  , the instrument  needs to be discard. 

The demon screams , use as whip on some unsuspecting bitch. 

Discarded it to the garbage   
Demon giggles 

Its 5.01 am

You slap the cock and scream 
You feel nothing. 

Demon laughs uncle 

Its 5.02 am.

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